Eliquis (apixaban) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Eliquis (apixaban)

Coughing blood often, chest pain often, generally feeling bad, brain fog, lack of concentration, sleeping issues back and shoulder pain.. Very very bad for me

I used fraxiparune 2 years during pregnancy and all was ok - I will ask to change medicine eliquis asap

I'm no longer taking this medication.

I'm very sensitive to all medicines, but the amount of pain and suffering that this drug caused me is unreal.First got injections, heparin, started to get pain in my thighs, the needles triggered my pain system tremendously. I was bruised and got huge lumps under my skin. Then got put on Eliquis... The drug is fairly new in Sweden, so few side effects are documented. So according to the doctors the SE I got "wasn't possible". But the severe pain in my thighs got worse, had trouble walking, getting up, bending and sleeping. I got the DVT in the gym (ironic, yeah..) provoked by a too heavy bench press. So fit before. Eliquis turned me into a fragile old woman in her 90s, my quality of life rapidly fell straight down. My whole legs and feet, groin and buttocks was burning of pain. Couldn't hold them still, they hurt like nothing I have ever experienced. Pins and needles, numbed feeling, an amplified restless legs feeling.VERY heavy legs, the circulation got affected so my skin turned dark red often if I stood still for a minute.My skin was undescribable sensitive to tough, my clothes hurt, my sheets, a soft touch.Then the joints started to hurt like hell and they sounded like no fluid was produced. From my fingers to my ankles. Couldn't clinch my fists.My neck and shoulders got stiff and very painful.I was terrible fatigued, my eyes got crossed in a strange way and I could fall asleep all the time. Blurred vision, my eyesight got worse.

My first review was shortened, too many words.So the end comes here:"My gum bled, my eyes bled, my stool was black.I got crazy sweats but felt cold at the same time.Headache every day, no doctors cared/help/took it serious with any SE.Then my hair started to fall out, I wanted to disappear from my life at that point. This had become a non-living situation, I rather died from another cloth.Libido issues.Could not exercise, my muscles was too weak and sore.Red flushes to my face, with broken blood vessels as a result. Thin skin, a little scratch made holes and got skin to come off.Stomach ache was the final SE when I begged to be switched to Lixiana (SAVAYSA, edoxaban) but these drugs are so similar, so all the torture amplified with every new one. Lastly the doctor wanted me to try Warfarin but I said I couldn't take any of it any longer.I have reported all this to the Swedish Medicines Agency.All you other poor people that was forced to take these horrendous drug (s), REPORT the side effects also! Don't just write a review online or keep it to yourself! These drugs destroys peoples bodies and lives! My dvt was cleared finally but I still suffer tremendously of most of the SE. Scared to death that they will not subside. NIGHTMARE DRUGS.

Shortness of breath, brain fog, concentration and cognitive deficits, loss of appetite, hair loss, severe fatigue,

I was told I would have to take this poison for the rest of my life, but there is no chance of that happening! I have been weaning off as quickly as I can (but it has to be a very slow process) because I did not have any quality of life at the full dose. Things are improving a little now that I've gotten down to taking only 1/4 of the prescribed dose. Soon I will take baby aspirin instead, as I would rather take my chances for an early death than continue consuming what felt like poison to me! Being on Eliquis is not the way I want to live - it feels like pure torture for me.

Just wondering if it has affected my sense of taste. Sweet foods taste a little off recently.

I'm still taking this medication. Side Effects: Indigestion

Am taking now 5mg a day and side effects which was acid reflux and indigestion have greatly improved. I have no other side effects

I'm no longer taking this medication. I am now taking baby aspirin and have no side effects on the baby aspirin.

Pulmonary embolism,Lft leg DVT

10 mg 2 X's/ Day then 5 mg 2 X's/ DayGot of Eliquis after 30 day due to side effects

Brain Fog, Weakness, Dizziness about 3 weeks in (Oddly when lying down and turning head to the right), Low tolerance to heat (Never a problem before).

DVT's which led to blood clots in l

Lethargy, significant weight loss, involuntary urination especially at night, gastric and intestinal distress. Irregular and difficult bowel movement.

The pulmonary blood clots were mechanically removed on June 1, 2023. After a three week improvement after my hospital procedure, the ELIQUIS prescription after the procedure significantly and progressively reduced my quality of life. During the 100 day course of my ELIQUIS experience, my weight dropped from 191# to 167#.

Extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, low blood pressure (It’s always been around 115/70 and it’s now been as low as 95/68 at times) light-headed, tingling in my hands, indigestion, brain fog, overall feeling unwell.

I was originally taking Xarelto and my dr switched me to Eliquis. I had no side effects with Xarelto and will be asking my dr this week at my follow up appointment to switch me back to Xarelto.

Tiredness, fatigue, occasional headache, occasional pink drops of urine after sex. Simply often not "feeling like myself".

I'm obviously not happy with these side effects. However I understand that my condition was life threatening and that's there's a trade off.

No energy, depressed, can't remember anything brain fog, pain in knees & back, hair loss, blurred vision..

I was an extremely active person for an 80 plus person. No cane, no walker, no wheelchair & worked out on treadmill everyday. Have no energy now..going to talk to Dr about putting me on something else..

Depression, lethargy, fatigue, brain fog, crying, weak, hair thinning, increased appetite, body aches, joint pain

At first I felt fine but 3 weeks into it I progressively starting feeling terrible side effects. The Dr. told me she did not think the effects were from Eliquis. But when I read the reviews on this site I realized all these symptoms were felt by numerous others!I have been on Eliquis for 2 1/2 months and at first my Doctor said I would need to be on Eliquis for 6 months. But when the awful side effects began I knew I would not last much longer. I read from pubmed and other medical sites that for someone with a provoked DVT with a first time experience, the recommendation was revised to 3 months (I had hip replacement surgery the month before the DVT). THANK THE LORD she agreed to 3 months provided my test showed the DVT is gone. I have 14 days left to go before my test. I pray the blod clot is gone. I can not wait to be off Eliquis!!

Nose bleeds, often. Goes down throat, cough up blood with clots, all from one side nose. Out of the blue, bright red, little dark places with clots. Lasted all day more than once. Not everyday, but I don't trust. Scary.

Fear another HA & needing another stent while on Eliquis; Doctor said now have antidote but our hosp not have antidote, hosp over hour away has. Doc said "oh we deal with that all time) :-( Took myself off Eliquis, doc took me off 82 ASA after scary nose bleeds AND Eliquis. I on none of it now. No afib but chads score high (female, 79, prior HAs, CABG raises score. To take or not to take? That is the ques. I don't trust Eliquis. Anxiety either way, on it or off. $ no prob on Tricare so reasonable. May try warfarin & that can be measured & adjusted. May cause nose bleeds also. ?? Also gum bleeds sometimes. Most good reviews are from drug maker. :-(

The first thing I noticed is a terrible exacerbation of arthritic joint pain in the knees. Then, hair thinning/loss got worse. Most recently, depression - within about an hour of taking it I am bawling!

I know I need it as I had a stroke years ago, which, when coupled with my blood condition makes me high risk for another. So I am still taking it, but I tell ya, cardiac meds are the WORST

Terrible neck pain,bloating,boil like knots under skin that would finally burst and did not want to heal

Eliquis makes me feel icky roughly about an hour after taking it. I get a horrible case of restless leg syndrome combined with an itch sensation around my tail bone. It's as if all nerve endings are firing full blast. It's horrible and usually much worse at night than after the morning dose. Sometimes I'm so tired that I'm circling the living room with my eyes closed half asleep. I've tried taking it apart from my other meds - no luck. I've tried Vicodin - initially I thought it helped but false alarm. It is better than dying but sometimes the effects can last for hours. It's so uncomfortable to be twitchy!!! This reaction doesn't seem to be listed anywhere...has anyone else experienced this????

Dr. asked me if I wanted to be on Eliquis after finding out I had a rare blood disorder. Had I known that it would make me feel so bad I would have never agreed to take it. Was relieved to see the other reviews, knowing that the side effects were not all in my head. I have always had arthritis, but the Eliquist made my arthritis 10 times worse, plus the stomach pain. It has changed my quality of life, and I am slowly weaning myself off the medication. Why don't doctors listen when you try to tell them about the terrible side effects?

Headaches...several severe in the beginning. Loss of appetite. Loss of weight 25 lbs and still dropping. Chills. Fatigue. Acid reflux. Major anxiety. Sleeping 9-10 hours a night. Depression. Chest pain.

Feel like I have no quality of life anymore. Drs. don't seem to want to hear it... that's if you can get in to see them. Especially the specialists. Hate taking this and Metoprolol.

ELIQUIS (APIXABAN): Apixaban is used to prevent serious blood clots from forming due to a certain irregular heartbeat (atrial fibrillation) or after hip/knee replacement surgery. With atrial fibrillation, part of the heart does not beat the way it should. This can lead to blood clots forming, which can travel to other parts of your body (such as the lungs or legs) or increase your risk for stroke. In the United States, apixaban is also approved to treat certain types of blood clots (deep vein thrombosis-DVT, pulmonary embolus-PE) and to prevent them from forming again. Apixaban is an anticoagulant that works by blocking certain clotting proteins in your blood. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Over 5 years this drug did not move my cholesterol levels much at all...just a 20 point swing either way on each appt. Even after the dosage went up to 40 mg from 10 mg. I developed the toe pain right away and the joint pain gradually but never put it together with this drug...I got diagnosed with reactive arthritis after 2 years and went on humira which calmed things but when Dr raised my dosage of lovastatin to 40 mg the joint pains came back...that's when I discovered that statin drugs have many side effects...I have a good diet and plan on doing all I can NATURALLY to get my body back!

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Withdrawals, abdominal pain, lethargy, didn't know if it was all from the medicine at first. It also says it's not a laxative. But it. Acts quickly like one. I think if you're going to try it. I would use a very low dosage to start. I tried half 12.5 mg still too much. Then a 3rd about 8 mg. Again acted quick and caused cramping pain. So I may try 1/4 dose 6 mg because its so quick. And monitor when you take your pain med. It draws it from your body. Causing withdrawal.

At first my doctor put me on .05 mg 2 times a day. I have to tell you it made me feel better and free of panic attacks. Life was good!After a year. I told my doctor, I didn’t want to depend on this the rest of my life. So I went down to 1 tablet a day. Than 6 months after that, I went to ½ of .05 mg a day. Than I went to 1/4 of the tablet.It took me 2 years of 1/4 of a day to taper off. During this time frame, I experience these systems. Tired, dizziness, fatigue, blurred vision, memory loss at times, lower leg cramps and lower body sweats at night.

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Racing heart, sweating, muscle rigidity/twitching, loud ringing in the ears, blurry vision, headaches, all physical symptoms, no amnesia or blackouts, just nasty physical side effects which have made me decide to quite using ambien and never use it again. Ambien actually keeps me awake as well, not for me.