Coumadin (warfarin sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Coumadin (warfarin sodium)

I have neuropathy (unknown cause) and Coumadin definitely makes it worse. So far I have been on 2mg/day which seems to be the right dose to keep my INR around 2.2.

I tried Eliquis and several other blood thinners but too many side effects and having my blood checked every week or so for the Coumadin is not a problem for me. If I could somehow lessen the pain of neuropathy that would be great.

DVT and Factor V Thrombophilia

Bruising more apparent when bumping into things.

Works much better for me than Xarelto which caused anxiety, chest pain, body aches, and mild shortness of breath. Highly advise taking Coumadin over Xarelto.

antiphosfilipid antibodies syndrome

memory issues ,slight confusion, joint pain

I had to watch my diet and do blood tests but the routine became easy. I'm very grateful I could cure my clotting issues. I switched to Xarelto for ease and it's been very easy. No side effects from either.

I drink alcohol on weekends. Concerns me.

Headaches, tiredness and abdomen pain

I took Xarelto for 3 1/2 months felt better but the blood clots remained. Doc changed me to Heparin and Coumadin. I am having trouble with the side effects. My holiday break is almost over. I am not sure if I can do my job effectively when I return tomorrow.

prolonged bleeding. Fear of bleeding after reading SE

Was in a car wreck, got 3 bad blood clots

Had to be take off of Coumadin, put on heprin to therupedic level. Then drs ended up putting me on Eliquis.

From what I can tell I am not suffering any side effects. But switched from Xarelto. And Xarelto has many horrible side effects.

I gained 25 pounds in 3 months on Xarelto and was having many bad side effects. So far Coumadin has been amazing. And i'm losing the weight I gained. I think it was all water retention. I feel so much better on Coumadin.

Black n blue easy bleed longer

Black n blue easy bleed longer

Lower leg and ankle tingling skin dryness, numb toes hot and cold feet, bumps on skin, weight gain nothing good happening on this drug. Thinking about stopping. Not having a good life lethargic. Wondering if worth it.

This is my 3rd blood thinner! They've all been horrible sore muscles sore joints and even my skin hurts, it is been HELL! Never had a blood clot till I was 68 I'm going off of this tomorrow, can hardly get out of bed in the morning!does anybody know of any natural remedies, please tell me!

The first medicine I took was Eliquis thought I was going to die but I think it's on the get rid of the blood clots, then I took Pradaxa it was horrible now each day the Coumadin is making me worse

Reason as to why l was taking comad

Bloat up when waking up stomach irritations l hate having to go 2 times per/ week to get my levels to the correct amount for the pass weeks my levels were 1.9 and 1.4 so doctors put me on a 10mg for a few days and have me go back to recheck my levels until they can get it where they exactly want it to now doctors have me on 10mg on one day and 7.5 the next day l have to altenate until doctors feel satified my lnr levels is 2.4 but my doctor wants me to continuel altenating one day 10mg and next day 7.5mg

Is any one out their have to altenate their meds

Reason as to why l was taking comad

Bloat up when waking up stomach irritations l hate having to go 2 times per/ week to get my levels to the correct amount for the pass weeks my levels were 1.9 and 1.4 so doctors put me on a 10mg for a few days and have me go back to recheck my levels until they can get it where they exactly want it to now doctors have me on 10mg on one day and 7.5 the next day l have to altenate until doctors feel satified my lnr levels is 2.4 but my doctor wants me to continuel altenating one day 10mg and next day 7.5mg

Is any one out there have to altenate their meds

With 6 total DVT's my check valve in my arteries are shot it is very hard to circulate blood makes walking difficult standing impossible. But it's ruining my tendons like my Achilles' tendon I can barely walk.

I don't take blood so other alternative will not work. Is a serious injury you would need blood I stand by Acts 15:20 with Coumadin a shot of vitamin k can reverse the bleeding that's why we stay off a dark leafy green meal.

Hairloss, extremely tired, dizzy, blood pressure has been dropping for years knowing average is 90/54. I am so cold.My hands and feet never get warm. I used to be so active now can barely get out of bed! I have to take high dosage 10 mg a day. I've had to have 12 inches of my large intestine removed from bleeding from ulcerative colitis. Had to have stomach surgery last year. I don't know anyone else who has had to have this high lifetime dosage. My dr says it should in be causing symptoms but I have them!!

Please email me if you have similar side effects. I hope to learn all I can to help my quality of life!

Out of range sometimes, but no real side effects. Learned to avoid cranberry juice. That's about it.

I've been taking warfarin for 26 of my 44 years on earth. No real issues. I test weekly with a home monitor and adjust dose as appropriate.

I self-test my blood INR using a CoaguChek XS machine at home every week, and adjust dose if needed to stay in range.

DVT and now 2 years later for PE

Thinning hair, weak nails, depression, emotionally all over the place, 1-second stabbing sensations in stomach, nausea, numbness of left arm and left leg, extreme heat to extreme cold feeling, fatigue, terrible bruising, no energy, just plain sad all the time

It didn't work when I took it 2 years ago for a DVT in left calf. Kept getting pain in my left leg back then while on warfarin and did Doppler which never showed anything, then after 6 months it was gone. Recently, my leg stopped hurting but I felt as though I was having a heart attack. Ended up having to go to emergency and had CT Scan that revealed it to be bilateral PE. Now being told to go on warfarin again(???) and for LIFE since I now have clots in my lungs...think I'm gonna go the natural route this time, don't want to get violent with these ill-informed doctors...don't trust the pharmaceutical industry AT ALL ANYMORE.

COUMADIN (WARFARIN SODIUM): This medication is used to treat blood clots (such as in deep vein thrombosis-DVT or pulmonary embolus-PE) and/or to prevent new clots from forming in your body. Preventing harmful blood clots helps to reduce the risk of a stroke or heart attack. Conditions that increase your risk of developing blood clots include a certain type of irregular heart rhythm (atrial fibrillation), heart valve replacement, recent heart attack, and certain surgeries (such as hip/knee replacement). Warfarin is commonly called a "blood thinner," but the more correct term is "anticoagulant." It helps to keep blood flowing smoothly in your body by decreasing the amount of certain substances (clotting proteins) in your blood. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Extreme weight gain, sweating, craving sweets, thirst. Extreme ignorance.

I strongly favor the medicine. Without it, I have crippling pain and nausea/vomitting. If you are worried about shakes - don't take it with caffeine and take ONE at first. If you have stomach issues - take with crackers/bread as with other pain medicine.

teeth grinding, aggression, not listening, mood swings, tantrums, complete melt downs and unable to calm down for up to 20 mins. hitting, biting

Nortriptyline worked great for my depression and anxiety. Even gave me motivation to start doing things again; however, I had to quit taking it due to the side affects. The racing heart and lump in my throat were the worst and have not gone away yet as of 5 days off the drug. Felt like I had too much caffine, but this made me motivated. Never had any anxiety or depression, even during a difficult family crisis. I had some blurry vision and loss of appetite. I actually lost 9 pounds while on this only 3 weeks. Achieving an orgasm took way too long.Also had 1 migraine after 2 weeks of treatment. I was taking 10 mg and had too many side affects for such a low dose. I can see how Nortrptyline can be effective for someone who is not as senitive as I am. Shame I had to quit.

Arm and shoulder and chest pain. Thought I was having a heart attack until I looked the side effects up. Tingling legs and feet. Anxiety.

For 2 nights I had such severe leg cramps I thought I'd never walk again; also my bp bottomed out; scary. No drug is worth this. As I sit here now, my calf muscles are still sore. I'm sticking with diet and exercise - cheap and effective.

Blood in my urine bitter taste headache and slight weight gain.

I've been taking Repatha for some time now and have told my cardiologist about my muscle and joint pain along with the other symptoms. He said he did not think it was the Repatha. none of the other drugs I take have these side effects. I missed two doses because of travel and noticed I was feeling a little better. As soon as I started it up again the side effects hit me even harder. It started out okay but as time went by it got worse. I am unable to do most physical activities.I've stopped taking it again but I will not know for sure for at 3 to 6 months according to what I've read about the drugs half life. One last thing my recent blood test showed showed signs of possible muscle damage.

paranoia, hallucinations, vivid dreams, nightmares, severe anxiety leading to panic attacks and social anxiety, short term memory loss, confusion

If it were just ringing ears, and dry mouth I could stand it, but the back pain is just to much. After getting a clean x-ray, and a clean MRI, and trying everything from drugs, inversion, chiropractor, accupuncture, and on and on and on - you reach a point where you've exhausted the idea that its something physical. I never put two and two together till just recently, I had an injured back when I began using this drug, so if my back improved, I had no way of knowing - the effects of the drug would have masked any natural improvement. I just accepted it as a fact of getting older - my Doc would give me muscle relaxant to help my muscle pains, but it would never go away. Then I found this site, and realized that the only common denominator during all these years was my daily dose of diovan - its only been about a week since I've been diovan free, and am feeling some muscle improvements already - though I still feel some muscle fatigue (probably from not being to exercise for 3.5 year