Zmax (azithromycin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zmax (azithromycin)

Stopped the first day I used it I stopped after the first pill. NEVER again! Should be taken off the market. Jaw pain ear ache loss of appetite sleepiness upset stomach constant bowel moments depression

Should be taken off the market and off the shelves.. Horrid drug I feel worse not better. I can’t believe how not myself I’m feeling. DO NOT TAKE!

Weakness, dizzyness, upset stomach, diarrhea, in ability to eat, anxiety, shaky, completely out of it.

I thought this medication would be great. You take just one dose and it works for 10 days. However soon after I took it I felt 100 times worse then I had before and had added symptoms. I couldn't get out of bed or eat anything for 3 days. I was shaking when I would walk and felt like I was going to pass out. Everything was spinning on me and my muscles were all sore. After the frist 3 days I slowly started to get better but I didn't feel completely normal untill day 12. I would rather deal with a sinus infection than go through the absolutely hell this medication put me through EVER again. I have NEVER had a problem with any medication untill now.

ZMAX (AZITHROMYCIN): Azithromycin is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. It is a macrolide-type antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This medication will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Unnecessary use or misuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I have never took Birth Control in my life up until a good 7 months ago. For ANYONE who reads this I would highly advise you to never take Ortho Tri-Cyclen. The reason for me saying this is because I am a very active, fun, outgoing person and nothing could ever bring me down. Within the last 7 months I have been put in a deep depression and I wasn't sure why I was feeling this way. I have cried about everyday for no reason at all, all I want to do is sleep,I cant seem to get out of bed. Just getting ready or going to the store is a hassle for me. The pill has given me a kidney infection and Tons of headaches. I feel sorry for anyone who has had to go threw such pain with this pill. I would rather be extremely sick in the hospital for a month than what I have felt with this pill for the past horrible 7 months. Thanks for reading and please don't make the same mistake as I have.

heavy bleeding with large clotting

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My Cholesterol is 166 I started out it was 267

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Never advised or warned ANYTHING about drug. NO instructions on use. Been taking for over 3 years (prescribed and refilled by 2 doctors). Recently went without for 2 weeks due to uncontrollable circumstances. Began taking again. I couldn't think or concentrate. I couldn't speak. I was struggling for common words. I would write things on my hand because I couldn't remember one minute to the next. First time EVER feeling suicidal. I slept for days. Stopped taking for 3 weeks. Didn't know what the cause was. Started taking again. Freaked out and totalled my car in a cloudy brain fog. Couldn't see clearly for days. Eyes just wouldn't focus. One of the scariest experiences of my life. I'm lucky I'm alive. I had to figure this out for myself since the pharmaceutical industry claims that this drug is safe. I'll take the heartburn and a tums. I have serious relationship and legal issues as a result of this poison.

BadLoss of appetite'dull' personalityFrequent bowl momentsMade my insomnia worseAnxietyGoodIncreased focusControlled hyperactivityFelt calm

Husband had it after dental surgery same dose and all but he's 179lbs and I'm 114lbs....He was fineI feel like I'm floating sideways as I type this... I'm laying down... After a nap... Fully not impressed.Who the hell approved this shite ???

Took my first pill on July 19, 2008 and felt fine until the following morning. I awoke with stomach cramps and diarrhea, and fever-like symptoms. In and out of bed most of the day---too much effort to move around. I reread the package insert and figured it was a first time problem. The symptoms wore off within five days.Second time: August 19, 2008, I took exactly as directed. Felt fine for first 12 hours, then horrible flu like symptoms set in (I have had to take off from work). Absolutely no appetite. Intense aching muscles in back, ribs and shoulders, particularly the right shoulder blade and to the front of my chest...breathing is difficult at times….. Jaw pain… unable to sleep at nights, and difficulty getting out of bed…..chills, sweating, and numbing headache (headache is something new for me). That was 9 days ago and I still feel achy and out of sorts. I hurt all over, can't breathe well, and walk very slowly with stiff movements. Feels like I am 30 year

At first it was a little speedy and I had very vivid, colorful dreams. Today, I have no side effects at all... and it has helped me to recover from the depression that occurs as a result of getting clean from addiction!