Zithromax (azithromycin dihydrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zithromax (azithromycin dihydrate)

Took azithromycin/zithromax for 3 days and was fine until I stopped. Then had diarrhea, feeling sick, but mostly the biggest anxiety I have ever felt in my life alongside heart palpitations 24/7.Woke up in cold sweat and panic attacks for weeks, had to get anxiolytics to help. Can't barely eat.It's been 3 weeks and it's still going on. Feels like hell

On day 2 of the medication I developed a loud ringing in my ears. I finished the medicine today (day 3). I'm hoping it goes away. I wanted to write a review because after some research, it seems like many people have this side effect. The general public should be aware before taking this medication.

I am absolutely devastated that I took this drug. I took it for ONE day, listened to my inner self and made a ENT only to be told I was MISDIAGNOSED at urgent care. An hour after I took it, the cramps hit bad and I had diarrhea. Fine. Expected. It wasn't until hours later that it really hit me. The anxiety is out of the world, the insomnia… I threw up for hours. Two days off it and I feel like I can’t even walk without feeling like I’m about to fall over. I am unsure if that’s my period or anxiety, but I suspect this stupid pill. I pray to god that being I only took one 500 mg dose, it rids out my system sooner than 15 days.

F this drug, f antibiotics in general. They're so over prescribed and the side effects are horrendous.

Dry mouth, sleeplessness, stopped up, stomach cramps, hard swallowing, heart feel like beating out my chest at times, extreme tiredness, belching and gastric issues.

I also was taking prednisone with it and couldn't figure out which one was causing me to feel, light headed, jittery, numbness in mouth, hands and feet, just over all awful. Never again

Terrible side effects. Racing heartbeat, almost passed out, terrible anxiety for days...

horrible anxiety, fatigue, heart palpitations, brain zaps.

i hope this goes away soon i really wanted to stop taking it mid way

First 2 days feeling fine it was helping with asthma, been anxiety /panic attacks free for 9 months. Third day severe anxiety dizziness blurry vision. I finished zpack 2 days ago anxiety and other side effects still going

I took zpack last year and had no problems this is antibiotic I trusted but no more !!! Did anything been changed??

Heart racing. Irregular hear beat. Stopped taking it.

I have taken this drug before with minor problem - went to doc for a sinus infection .. received a rocephin shot and a z pack - took on pill 2 days ago and have been so nauseated for two days that i can barely eat - maybe damage to my esophagus? It's miserable. Feel like I'm going to throw up all day long !

Smell and taste loss, imapired hearing, anxiety, depression, dry mouth, night sweats, insomnia and many more...

Still feeling the side effects of this drug more than a month later. Maybe its still in my system. Completely ruined my life. Never ever take this drug !!!

Lost sense of smell and taste, impaired hearing, weight loss, severe depression and a lot more

Its been more than a month, and still feeling the side effects of this nasty drug. Maybe its still in my system. It ruined my life. The damage it made me is beyond the imaginable. Never ever take this !!!

About 3 hrs after first dose (2 tablets) of generic version it set off a severe panic attack (my body is super sensitive to meds and has this reaction occasionally. Had the same reaction to first Covid vaccine). Also had some mild abdominal pain. The panic attack and elevated heart rate was followed by severe diarrhea- my first trip to the bathroom I couldn't make it to the toilet before some came out. So far the 2nd and 3rd trips I have made it in time and it seems to be easing up. I will NOT continue thos drug! Yikes!

Severe anxiety depression insomnia stomach pain diarrhea headache

My symptoms kicked in on day 5 and I am now 10Days since last dose and am still experiencing symptoms

Shooting face, mouth, jaw pain, headache for about 15min then it just goes aways.

I hope this gets rid of the infection as this is hell to see my child wake up in so much pain. Happened once we weren't sure what was going on but then it happened again the next day same approx. time after taking the dose. It has to be a side effect of the zithromax.

Extreme stomach cramps and diarrhea within two hours of taking first (double) dose. Unable to sleep, horrible headache all day today, nauseated, very irritable (who wouldn't be?).

Side effects are worse than the sinus infection. I'm not taking any more doses, I'd rather take my chances with a recurrence of the infection.

Horrible Anxiety, palpitations (but when i check pretty normal heart rate), cant sleep, horrible stomach pain, constantly in the restroom.. feeling like im going to puke. Body is super jittery and shaky.

Taken this multiple times. 2 other times i felt close to the same way. But never realized it was the medicine. Just figured it was my sickness. Took it for my other ear. Was perfectly fine. Took it for this ear and past 2 days have been horrible. Seems like when i eat greasy food right after taking it, it causes these horrible symptoms. Think easy meals is definitely the way to go while on this. Cannot sleep at all so im on here writing this to help the anxiety part. Lol good luck everyone. Helped my sinus infection and 1st ear infection. My now infected ear has been feeling better also. Just weird one dose i feel fine. The next one i feel like shit lol

Stomache pains, very dizzy, felt like I was gonna pass out. I feel out of it. Sleep all day long. I will not take the last two pills and I wrote my Doctor.

Extreme anxiety, very fast heartrate, unable to sleep all night. Very dry mouth. This is awful. I only took the first dose, I will not take it again.

Side Effects forzithromax (azithromycin dihydrate) - User Comments


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misdiagnosed pelvic inflammatory

It's a steroid so my appetite is increased. I just ignore the 'call to eat'. I'm also on a betablocker (Metoprolol for slight hypertension) and I think it's affecting the efficacy of the Metoprolol. ?

I'm probably going to have to take this for 6 months. My infectious disease specialist says there are 2 other -azole meds that are stronger and have a better chance of keeping the cocci (Valley Fever) from returning in the future but the side effects are worse (like blurred vision). At least I don't have to take it forever. The tiredness is the worst part.

Never experienced such terrible side effects from any drug. Indescribable pain as if a pipe rammed down my throat, muscle tightness and pain in chest near heart, congestion and trouble pulling a deep breath, swelling of fingers and puffiness in face, and STILL had occasional arrythmias. Off drug for two days and still in pain. If you get any of this with first dose, don't continue. Disastrous for me. Poison.

I had horrible side effects: unbelievable constipation and inability to urinate; stomach pain; headaches and depression. I don't know why anyone would ever take this.

Sacroilitis, Ruptured Disks, TMJ

nervousness, irritation, hunger, diarrhea

went to my pcp sent to specialist, had a medical procedure, added other meds... out of frustration i looked up invega on wed md... stopped it other problems went away but got jaw clenching and the yawning, i just feel like crap i wonder why i'm still alive... feeling like this is not living

Extreme gum/tooth/jaw pain, ear ache, headache, face itching post sedation. It has been almost 24 hours since sedation and I'm still experiencing these issues.

I did a review three months ago when I took these. I have never experienced side effects on the scale of these. Mentally I was convinced I was being poisoned. I stopped eating,took food back to shops,rang my daughters to come and test my food and completely lost my appetite. I lost 5 kilos which I have never regained. I was depressed,nervy, scared of everything,totally miserable. I was exhausted, my tongue was disgusting it had a thick white coating which made me feel sick.So scared of them was I that I didn't try any alcohol for two weeks after the last one.