Vibramycin (doxycycline) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Vibramycin (doxycycline)

Running diarrhea after the 10 days cycle. I am throwing up. Shaking and trying to pass out.

Intracranial Tension HeadacheBlurred VisionClay StoolsStomach PainFrequent UrinationAnxietyItchy SkinConstipationInsomnia Waking in NightFatiqueAssociated Herxheimer ReactionShaking and NervousnessIncreased Liver Enzyme CountKidney Aches and Pains and Lower Back Aches/PainBloodshot Eyes

Taking a high dosage for Lyme treatment along with Artesunate, Bromelain, Alpha Lipoic Acid and Nattokinese - a proven regime for Lyme Treatment. This medication must be taken with food to avoid severe stomach pains. Do as it says and never take on empty stomach. This medication is effective against Lyme as part of a carefully planned treatment regime, but the side effects are very noticeable and require monitoring. My Lyme symptoms disappeared within 4 days, but I must finish treatment regime to kill every last one. For me, the non-stop intracranial tension is bearable, but I'm only half way into course. I'm taking supplements such as Oral Liposomal Glutathione to help my liver, as my liver enzymes have increases and I have intermittent clay stools and signs my liver is a bit sensitive to this drug. Also, if your on strong antibiotics like these, then it must be balanced with a strong pro-biotic to replace the bacteria being killed in the gut.Taking this medication requires strong willpower as the side effects can interfere with day-to-day life. Many people stop taking it mid-treatment. I'm going to get to the end of the 28 days. I can say that side-effect symptoms do start to decrease as your body gets used to the drug after a week or so. My advice is to have family and friends to reassure you whilst taking this. Increased fear and anxiety are definitely noticeable.

Vomiting if taken on an empty stomach.

nausea/vomiting if taken on any empty stomach

Crippling diarrhea, nausea, severe stomach cramps and vomiting.

I didn't get the nausea but got depressed and stayed in a really black mood. I started on 100 mg once per day and noticed really long, intense, nightmarish dreams. Increasing the does to twice daily was unberable because I felt violent and hated everybody. That scared me enough to drop the dose back to 100 mG once per day.

I was prescribed this antibiotic because an MRI scan showed possible prostate cancer but a biopsy showed nothing. The doctor told me to take the antibiotic for 30 days to see if the scan peculiarity was just due to some kind of infection. Whilst I would like to take the full dose, I cannot as I felt I was going crazy and the rage I felt inside me was too frightening, I am usually pretty laid back. I guess it's better than cipro, the drug the doctor wanted for me to take - but I refused.

Very bad stuff. I have GERD and this stuff and GERD do not mix. It killed my stomach. Felt like someone punched me in the Stomach. I could not eat for the two days I was on it. Started to make me feel depressed.

Good news is once I stopped this drug side effects went away.

I was prescribed this antibiotic because I am allergic to Amoxicillin. I am also taking this with sudafed. After reading the reviews and the uses for this; I wasnt sure if i wanted to try it. But today i am on my second pill and so far i havent had any side effects. I have cut dairy out of my diet for the time im taking vibramycin. It also says to sit up 30 minutes after taking the pill and to take it with with food in your stomach and a big glass of water. It seems to be helping me mend and start feeling like myself again.

I have noticed an occasional rash that only lasts a moment on my finger and arm but nothing that i would need to call the doctor about.

For the particular condition that I was prescribed,(Urethritis), the antibiotic was totally exacerbating. I took it three times for the condition until I finally realized what it was doing as the third time the rash that was a result of the Doxycyline was bodily(Erythema Multiforme-Minor). The rash is caustic and excruciating(unbearable) and massive amounts of Intensive Therapy Cream were mollifying.

I understand now that the rash occurred as the doxycycline is supposed to be used in conjunction with another antibiotic. I found out I was supposed to be using it with the metronidazole for the Urethritis. Three years later I'm still trying to find a doctor to prescribe me a course to eradicate the bacteria which now completely diseases me. I have Balanitis, Uveitis, Generalized Erythema that is Edematous, and a Subluxated T10 or T11. I also almost ruptured a tendon a few years ago. My teeth are pretty well eaten away at the gum line. I persist on cran-max, vitamins/supplements, and have to use joint support.

severe headache, neck stiffness and muscles was a horrible night for me. please doctors do not prescribe this almost made me faint.

Severe uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhea!

Horrible Psychosis and Nyrological effects that maifested back and forth from pain to pyschotic esposidoes that lasted for hours that then would subside, and give way to massive headaches and stomach pains. Also expeineced hallucinations and Detoxifacation "Hex" Reaction was like a hell trip worst substance that I ever put in my body! Even Days After AntiBiotics was Gone Vibramycin would return at same time of the day that I had been taking it; even though I hadn't taken it, like it had memory recall on my psychosis, and it would take control of me like the Matrik SCARRY STUFF!! TRUE STORY!!!!!!



light headed, exhausted, extreme diarrhea. Will never take again, not worth it!

Has somewhat cleared up my skin in combination with three topical lotions i am using...however, if i don't take it as it was prescribed, i will get the breakouts. as far as the nausea and vomiting, they were awful. doctor told me to take it with food, although the directions from the meds itself said not to take it with food...but since taking it with food, i don't feel the nausea.

increased sun/heat sensitivity, some fatigue, some night sweats. Nothing I can't handle.

completely removes all rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, complete return to normal joint sizes and flexibility. Now taking 5 days per week, off on weekends. Alternate months with same dose of minocycline.

felt like someone shot me in the belly with a 357 - very excruciating stomach pain

I will never take it again - doctor warned me but I thought I would try it. I would rather cut the sty out than take this medicine.

I was switched from Biaxin to Doxcycline, as the Biaxin caused me to have terrible insomnia for two months. Doxcycline helped me to sleep, but made me extremely dizzy, especially in the morning.

Euphoria, 'swelling of the head' (head felt swollen), weakness/fatigue

I took Doxycycline for a suspected UTI. I will not take it again. I did not experience nausea or sunlight sensitivity, but I did experience psychiatric effects (mostly euphoria) which was a bit strange, and my head constantly felt swollen / my blood felt like molasses. I also had a general feeling of being 'sick' that didn't wear off until I the medication was stopped.

VIBRAMYCIN (DOXYCYCLINE): This medication is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections, including those that cause acne. This medication is also used to prevent malaria. This medication is known as a tetracycline antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Agree with other user... the taste is pretty terrible. I've never realized just how connected my eyes are with my mouth until these drops!

Started with 60mg/day, wow, too much, went to 30mg/day,not as bad, but after I have read about withdrawl try to stop taking it I'm thinking of stopping now. Since the prescription cost $232.00 though I don't want to waste it. All in all it sounds like a pretty scary way to trade-in depression.

Please do not take this drug, I started taking it for depression and after just 5 days my hair has fallen out at the front I now have a huge bald patch. It should be banned. One of the side effects is Alopecia. I have thick long dark hair and am devastated.

For four years I was happily on metoptolol generic succinate (made by Sandoz, first 100mg, then two years ago reduced to 25mg). All fine until last November, when I was given a different metoprolol generic, made by Par. Sore, pulsating throat and palpitations started within 3 days, and ten days later came the dizziness and cold extremeties and breathing problems. Went to brand-name Toprol XL and then Lopressor, no relief. After 3 months of hell have stopped it now completely, ben off for three days. But the side effects are still there. Anyone know how long it takes for this drug to leave your system?

None. Just a little tired. And can't drive on it. This is the best benzo I have used. Took all anxiety away and calmed my racing thoughts of worry and paranoia. Am looking into getting back on it

Prevent Pregancy, regulate period

DO NOT TAKE IT unless you really really really need to, or you're dying. I don't know what would happen to me if I continue to take this antibiotics for 7 days as prescribed by the doctor. Ask for a substitute antibiotics. Wishing that everyone who has been floxed, a speedy recovery.

has anyone had improvement of symptoms after stopping drug have been off 1 month and wondering if anything will get better

Mild weight gain, some hyperactivity

Unfortunately, those symptoms are listed as an severe allergic reaction.