Trimethoprim (trimethoprim) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Trimethoprim (trimethoprim)

Only took one and within an hour I was feeling so ill. Couldn't get off the toilet for 2 hours and constantly felt on the verge of passing out. Feels like I have the flu,my body is aching so bad. I can't even walk sometimes. Kept getting a fever too….all this from one!!! 24 hours later and I still feel Ill

Ban this poison! It's seems most people would agree.

Horrible drug. From day 2 stomach cramps, anxiety, shakes dizziness and nausea tiredness. The side effects were worse than the uti. Stopped taking them 2 days ago, still getting a few side effects, never again.

People should be warned how often people get the side effects.

Sickness, diarrhoea, nausea, dizziness, stomach pain,headache,shaking hands,loss of appetite, feeling stressed,fatigue

I would avoid in the future.The cure was as bad as the infection

After 2 days. Dizzy, sweaty, Anxious and depressed. Stopped taking this poison, Never again....

Took 3 days to get back to normal.

Awful, awful nausea, sickness, stomach cramps, headache, dizziness, weak and shaky. Felt like I had a bad flu. Cleared the uti though

Worsening mental side effects day by day including anxiety, depression, weird racing intrusive thoughts, and panic. Culminated in having a massive panic attack on day 5 and stopped taking them.

It seems to be working without side effects

very bad ive stopped taking it stomach cramp really bad headache. really bad flu thought i was dying my heart beat goin so fast horrible tablets

I had no side effects but I also made sure to take it with a full meal.

This is the second time I have been prescribed this medication for a UTI and it hasn't worked so I have had to go back and change to Cephalexin which always works instantly. Trimethoprim stops the spread of bacteria where as Cephalexin kills the bacteria which is probably why it is more effective for me.

I have had an awful tummyache,headache an light headed feeling.2 times i have felt so very sick and as if.i could burst into tears.

It works.i noticed the uti symptoms getting better within 24 hrs.side effects are unpleasant.though

Swollen tongue, swollen eyes, painful swollen jaw, neck lymph nodes swollen, dizzy, nauseous, weak, fatigued, diarrhea, feel like passing out, racing heart, shaky hands

This is THE WORST MEDICATION ever! Don't take it!!!!

Loss of appetite, slightly disrupted sleep cycle/ insomnia.

I have used this on a number of occasions for UTIs. It is brilliantly fast acting for me. Side effects minimal for the good it does.

I took the first tablet and didn't notice anything adverse then I took the second tablet. Twenty minutes later my eyelids started to puff up, then a blistering stinging rash started to develop on my legs and arms and was shortly followed by a swollen tongue and blistering on my lips. I think my body recognised this as the toxic poison that it actually is. I realised this is not a side effect. It was the effect of digesting toxic chemicals, namely trimethoprim.

I think my body recognised this as the toxic poison that it actually is. I realised this is not a side effect. It was the effect of digesting toxic chemicals, namely trimethoprim. I'm now trying natural remedies as they don't act like toxins in the body, This does require self discipline and time as natural healing takes a bit longer.

When I first to this made me very feveresh and I came down with flu, after feeling so worried that I was dying went to hospital the did full check up told me to carry on taking them, so I have on day 5 at night I was I a dream then I woke up and it felt like something was on top of me trying to get in the bed scared me a bit I must say....2 more days left I hope it clears infection as I wouldn't like to have to take anything like this again causing a stinging sensation also in the groin area

The main problem that I have had with this medicine is that it only has had a very weak effect against the infection. Feeling very unwell, I get the medical appointment and start on the medicine only to find it does not really work. Maybe it slows the infection, I am not sure. I have then suffered a very unpleasant 3 days, before getting a further medical appointment to be put on a different antibiotic

some stomach upset at the beginning made sure had with full meal. settled down after few days. worked well on uti

Very good and easy to deal with side effect.

TRIMETHOPRIM (TRIMETHOPRIM): Trimethoprim is an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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This injection I had as one single to help shrink my womb, to prepare myself for a full hysterectomy.Immediately the site of the injection rose into a large lump on my arm. Was told not worry about it. About 2 weeks later things started creeping on me. Weakness in legs, severe lumbar back pain, painful soles of the feet, fatigue. Five years on I've ended up in a wheelchair, pain and weakness and depression has destroyed my life. I worked as a care assistant for years. I miss my job and this has turned not just my life upside down, but my families also. Really think and get every last bit of information before having this injection.

I noticed a decrese in my migraines, but eventually went on continuos cycle birth control which practically wiped out all my migraines, went from 3 or 4 a month on preventative meds to 1 every couple months on continous birth control

Depression, mood and behavioral changes

Both my boyfriend and I were taking Effexor XR and were experiencing very similar side effects but had no idea until we finally started talking about what was happening to us. We each thought it was "just me". After reading the comments from others we felt a relief to know we were not alone. Neither of us were told of the side effects while taking the drug nor WARNED of how SEVERE the withdrawl would be when trying to slowly cut back. The past few days have been an absolute HELL!!! I have been experiencing brain shivers to the point of feeling like I'm going to seizure. Bouts of weepng,overwhelming rush of mixed emotions and SERIOUS paranoia. Last night I felt like I has electric shock going through my entire body,especially my extremities. Uncontrollable muscle spasms and blurting out of random thoughts today. THIS IS THE WORST MEDICATION I HAVE EVER TAKEN IN MY LIFE!!!!! Patients need to be warned and given the opportunity to consider other options for depression reli