Metrogel-vaginal (metronidazole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Metrogel-vaginal (metronidazole)

On the 3rd night I noticed flakes of what looked like blood and tissue maybe and then by the next day I started having clots (some were pretty big) and a lot of bleeding after taking the vaginal Metro-gel (short for full name).I was very concerned because it was way more bleeding than I get with my menstrual cycle which I had about a week and a half before I started this medicine so the bleeding shouldn't have been my period. I wasn't having any major pains or issues so I assumed it was some strange reaction to the medication and tried to not get worked up about it, plus it was the weekend and I couldn't get a hold of my doctor.As soon as I stopped the medication the bleeding would stop but started once I tried it again so I stopped taking it. I was already on my 5th day (last day) but my doctor still sent in the pill version for me just in case and I guess wanted me to take that even though my 5 days was up.At the time I still don't know why I bleed so much, other than the medication doing something. The doctor said maybe Fibroids, I've never known that I've had those but I guess that could be why along with some other reasons. Unfortunately I can't say right noe for sure why I started bleeding though, other than it being because of that medication.I don't notice the odor as much that was there before (whi

Day for I start cramping, and noticed when I inserted my 4 dose it had blood on it when I pulled it back out then had cramping then when I used it a bunch of tissue looking stuff came out brown blood like I thought it was a baby lol I skipped day 5 I took a flagyl pill for day 5 still bleeding heavy hopefully it stop soon I feel better seeing everybody have the same symptoms i panicked at first

During the medicine I had only clumpy white discharge. First day off the medicine I am experiencing spotting and bloody discharge almost like I am pregnant!! I am due for my period and still waiting for it. Reached out to doctor waiting to find out. Hopefully this goes away soon !

Helped get rid of infection but weird side effects after medicine is finished

I had cramping and sensitivity on the right ovary as well as red/brown clumpy discharge. I’m two months pregnancy and not sure if that discharge is normal.

It appears to be working but causing a chunky brown aware of this because it isn't listed with the leaflet that came with prescription gel n that is what lead me to this in premenopause.i haven't had a normal period in over a year.others have commented on this here so I'll be glad when the last 3 doses are done n hopefully things go back to normal.i took this in 2016 but I do not remember having any side effects.exact same medicine.

itching went away but i'm experiencing clumpy white discharge with red chunks. it looks like bacon bits or salami bits mixed with the gel and discharge. a huge clump of this discharge came out while i was peeing. definitely scary looking idk if this is normal or not or if i have a yeast infection now? uti? also experienced some stomach cramps. i'm tired of going back to the doctor for this i just want it to be over.

Extreme cramping, no appetite, and clumpy/red/brown discharge.

Postpartum bacterial infection

I went in due to pelvic pain that never went away after prolonged lochia and was told I have developed a bacterial infection. I had been using spermicide. I had no bad smells or odd discharge.The gel is easy, it does not burn or itch at all. The first day or 2 I would get a bout of white discharge but it seemed to be the product. The 3rd day back to clear then the 4th day it was clear again except it looked like someone opened a jar of red glitter in me. 5th day there is more bleeding. I think my tubes were partially full of air so I will be using it one more time. The pelvic pain subsided though.

I would use it again (I am bf)Bloody discharge seems to be normal.

I had Candida and I was Very Itchy

I had a white clumpy discharge after use, apart from that I did not have any other Problem, I have one more day to go

White discharge mixed with the gel, brown hard clumps of vagina tissue, very mild cramping

Only started getting the brown hard clumps of tissue around day 4-5 and they went away the day after my last treatment. The white clumps were very small and unproblematic. The gel worked very fast but always finish your dosage completely to kill all bad bacteria!

No side effects. It Worked on day one. Discharge subsided the very next day. The gel never leaked out. I'm curious as to how it absorbs. Took it at bedtime and the next day I worked standing on my feet all day. No leakage. Wore a pad thinking it would be messy; no leakage no discharge.

Worked immediately. On day 2/5

Slight cramps brown shredded ground beef looking discharge. It scares me I'm at the doctor now.

DONT USE THIS IF PREGNANT.It creates a white, yeast infection like discharge, with tiny dark brown specks. It is blood tissue. Scary if you're pregnant because it might look like a miscarriage. Wait until early 2nd trimester if you want to use it.

White clumpy discharge. Tuned pink then full on bleeding. Severe stomach cramps. Still coming out pink discharge after 1 week.

Took a 5 day course and then bleed full on period. 2 months later had dark brown turn black clumpy stuff coming out every time i wiped. Even during sex took forever to go away. Got put back on for bv 5 day course bleed again. After period still had bv took 1 day dose and its been almost 2 weeks its still coming out pink and clumpy when wipe vagina really dry and itchy. I cant take the pill it makes my head hurt really bad and gives a really stiff neck that last for months. I dont get it why if I use this like im told and even go through all these side effects and i still have bv

I started taking metronidazole gel I was prescribed a 10 day treatment. I'm on day 5 and having awful back pains and ovary cramps. Yesterday I was spotting a bit with brown discharge and a bit of red. I guess it's working

I had pretty bad cramping all throughout the treatment but got worse towards day 3, on about day 2 or 3 I started having very weird chunky cottage cheese discharge like you would in a yeast infection then it turned out to have chunks of dark brown/red and now today on day 5 it's huge chunks of red chunky discharge and I was severely freaked out because it doesn't say that as a side effect on the box or anywhere! Still having bad cramps and I'm not supposed to have my period for 2.5 more weeks

On the first day I had clumpy white discharge when I peed now on the 2nd day I have cooked ground beef looking discharge. When I wipe its like a scoop full of ground beef. It's rancid and alarming.. Is this normal?

White clumpy (cottage cheese like) discharge with no Odor and the last 2 days experienced dark brown particles discharge that looks like stool coming out of vagina, also no odor

It works but the side effects are DISGUSTING and EMBARRASSING

Thick white clumpy discharge, fleshy colored tissue like discharge accompanied by a small amount of pink discharge.

The specks of tissue looking discharge terrified me because I am 5 weeks pregnant and non of the sites for the medication list this as a side effect but all the pregnancy blogs tell you that's a symptom of miscarriage. So so happy I found this thread.

I have had bv in the past and I didn't do too well with the metronidazole pills so I switched to the gel for 5 days before bed. the first 2 days white clumpy discharge, frequent urination. on day 5 I noticed burning sensation and sharp pain in lower stomach I've also had clumps of like rubbery clots come out of me.

The gel was more convenient for me because it didn't cause the side effects the pill did but I'm second guessing the gel now as well.

METROGEL-VAGINAL (METRONIDAZOLE): This medication is used to treat certain types of bacterial infections in the vagina. Metronidazole is an antibiotic that works by stopping the growth of bacteria. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I suddenly developed allergies this year...great. I've taken everything from Alavert, Sudafed, Claritin, Flonase, Nasacort, and Nasonex. I was so tired of spending money on drugs that had minimal effectiveness with, what seemed to me, maximum adverse side-effects that I decided there HAD to be another way to combat seasonal allergies, effectively. NOTE: since I took myself off of all the allergy medications and nasal sprays (almost 2 weeks ago) and started doing the following, I have had no allergy symptoms, no trouble breathing, sleeping, or smelling. Here's what I do: buy Ginger root, cut off a 1-inch piece, peel and crush (don't puree), place crushed root in tea ball & steep in 8 oz hot water for 10 min's. Drink it. I do this once a day (everyday) after dinner about an hour before bed. I wake up in the morning, drink my coffee, blow my nose and I'm great the rest of the day. Absolutely NO SIDE EFFECTS! It might take a couple of cups / days before you notice a difference,

update from first rating......I went through a mental meltdown....I back BACK on my Premarin....I would rather live a shorter time....and be me...thank you Premarin...chronic sweats too much for me and then the meltdown too much.

The bedtime snack and aspirin did not make a significant difference. Taking a benedryl over the past 2 weeks seems to have made the drug more tolerable. I agree with others, too, that highly spiced foods at the evening meal, especially if the meal is within 3 hours of the niaspan, does increase the side effect.

Intially dry mouth and Constipation and sedating but that adjusts but the lasting side effect is the worst insomnia