Metrogel (metronidazole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Metrogel (metronidazole)

Made my cheeks more red and burning feeling.

I have been using Metrogel for rosacea for the past 4 days, apply once a day. I have not seen any improvement and it has worsened now. More pimples and my cheeks are very red, when I get a little hot I can feel it burning. I’m ganna keep using it for couple more days to see if there’s any changes to my redness.

Makes my face dry up so bad that it looks like when sunburnt skin peels... some days looks better, some days looks worse... back to the doctors to ask for Tetracycline antibiotic as research shows this may help me!

rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis

Very dry skin. Good moisturizer solved that problem.

My worst trigger is heat. If I just remember to apply it twice a day (only during the summer) the redness is completely controlled. During the winter once a day is enough.

Dry skin and my eyes have puffy bags underneath them. I look like I've been on a bender! Skin feels like plastic. Rash still present, unchanged.

My dermatologist "thinks" I have Rosacea so she prescribed this, but I'm not really sure what I have. About 2 months ago, I just started having red raised bumps on forehead and scattered on cheeks, a few on chin. It is NOT acne since I have had acne when I was younger and this has no resemblance to it. It also itches slightly. I'm feeling very helpless.By the way, posts here should only be for the topical gel. NOT any other form!

Metrogel VAGINAL reviews should NOT be posted here and should be ignored because this is NOT the site for Metrogel VAGINAL.

Metrogel is applied to the face to control redness. Metrogel VAGINAL is inserted into the vagina. Do NOT confuse the two. This is the site for Metrogel. This is NOT the site for Metrogel VAGINAL.

moderate acne/very mild rosacea

I think some reviewers must be confusing this with a different forumulation of Metrogel. My review is for the topical formula. I used it on my face 2 x's per day at my OB's suggestion due to jawline/cheek acne and mild redness in my t-zone. I noticed better results with this than with Obagi Nuderm/Tretinion. I could tell within a few days that it was working. If you look on the product website you will find a very good coupon for the product!

Some increased redness on my cheeks, decreased redness around my nose/lips

Made my rosacea (on my cheeks) much worse, yet made my perioral derm (around my nose, under my lips/on my chin) much better. I saw some improvement, though not tons, with the metrogel alone. Same with an oral AB-some progress but not tons. However in combination with the oral AB the perioral derm has almost completely resolved itself.

Slightly dry skin, nothing terrible

Used twice per day. Significantly reduced overall inflammation and redness. Unfortunately, recent work stress caused a flair up that Metrogel was not enough to overcome.

I have taken it twice a day for about 3 years. It solved my long standing Rosacea problem with no ill effects.

I have not had any side effects so far!Take note that several of the people rating on here are NOT reviewing the topical acne rosacea drug METROGEL, but it sounds like its oral antibiotic/anti-fungal form used for other conditions. They are clearly in the WRONG place for review.

Derms have only dx'd me with acne (NOT rosacea), but a new derm prescribed this after I was unable to continue using Finacea (which worked well, but which caused a severe flare-up of my formerly controlled asthma in less than one month). He said Metrogel works similarly to Finacea. I also take 50 mg of spiro a day and use topical Benzamycin and Klaron at night on my skin, but the addition of Metrogel in the morning has been really excellent. In only a few weeks, my skin has become sooo much smoother and regained the "bright" look of normal female facial skin. I am really happy; it has worked symbiotically very well with my other derm meds to make my skin much better!

headaches, naseua, vomting, a really bad taste in my mouth. I just felt really crappy and drained all the time even after i stopped taking the meds.

these meds worked really good but the side effects are too hard to deal with. they needs to make another type of med without all the horrible side effects b/c i couldnt even finsh all of the medicene i only got to three days and i was directed to take if for seven. and even after i stopped the side effects kept occuring DO NOT TAKE THIS MEDICINE!!!!

No side-effects. No benefits, either.

I may as well have been putting KY Jelly on my face. I had no side-effects, but I also noticed no change whatsoever. I would still recommend TRYING it, because it may work for you... but it did absolutely nothing for me, good or bad.

Extreme dryness (sometimes to the point of the skin cracking and bleeding), scaling, slight itch

I was prescribed Metrogel for perioral dermatitis and it didn't do squat! My skin was still red, scaly, and bumpy around my nose, mouth, and chin; the Metrogel just added extreme dryness to the mix. Metrogel made my skin so dry it would crack and bleed - not a very pleasant thing for a young woman to have on her face! When I told my doctor the gel wasn't working, she prescribed me an oral antibiotic. My skin looks a lot better, but I feel like a zombie. I guess I would rather have a rash than be in a constant stupor...

My dermatologist prescribed Metrogel for acne rosecea on my nose. It works, but for months I had to give up my habit of a beer or two with dinner because even a single beer caused rapid hearbeat, flushing, insomnia, and the next day it felt like I'd had 6 beers instead of 1. In the Metrogel product literature there was no mention of adverse reaction to alcohol, but I finally figured it out myself by researching the side effects of oral Metronidazole. When I stopped using Metrogel, the alcohol intolerance went away. Even if you don't drink, you have to wonder how good it is to have low levels of this antibiotic constantly in your bloodstream. Another case of drug companies downplaying side effects, I think.

metronidazole causes cancer in mice and rats but not hamsters according to the package insert. I'd rather have rosacea than cancer.

works pretty good. a lot of the redness is barely visible after 1 or 2 application

Very intense numbing and tingling in the upper legs

METROGEL (METRONIDAZOLE): This medication is used on the skin to treat a certain skin disorder known as rosacea, a type of adult acne. It may help to decrease redness, swelling and the number of pimples caused by rosacea. This medication is an antibiotic. For the treatment of rosacea, metronidazole is believed to work by decreasing swelling (inflammation). Some brands of this medication also contain sunscreens (see also Notes section). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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First it worked like a charm. Twenty minutes after the doctor gave me a shot of Prednisone my severe allergies and asthma went away completely. I felt awesome. I had TONS of energy. Then, starting the next day, taking the tablets, it was like being a psychotic person on cocaine. I couldn't sleep, or eat, my mind was racing out of control. A week on the drug and I came down with a horrible flu with high fever, chills and vomiting that took me a month to get over.

Noticed I was feeling very anxious. Had a couple of mild panic like episodes. i also felt extreme fatigue one day without a known cause. The anxiety is the worst. My head and eyes did not feel normal. Not pain. A moderate pressure. Stopped the drug seven days ago. Still having some anxiety, but getting better. I'll never take this drug again!

Worked great with decreasing my anxiety and panic attacks. Also decreased repetitive thoughts but didn't do too much with my depression at 10mgm Feel emotionally flat. Currently weaning to 5 mgm to hopefully decrease side effects.

Nobody should take this. Chemo is better than this. This is poison.

None, all pain in back and sides stopped I was feeling so much better until I ran out of the meds, now I am again experiencing the same pain again. All pain I have I had before taking the medication and it did not worsen while taking it. I'd take it again.