Macrodantin (nitrofurantoin, macrocrystalline) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Macrodantin (nitrofurantoin, macrocrystalline)

I'm no longer taking this medication. My point of view is still the same. Macrodantin and related drugs to this drug. My doctor is aware now of my side effects.

Doctors still try to convince, that they are harmless. UTI urine culture test confirmed that I am sensitivive to most antibiotics. Highly allergic to the fluoroquinolone antibiotics. Recurring UTIs 8 times.

Headache, hot, breathless, anxiety, nauseous. Lower back pain. voiding every 2 hours. Puffy eyes.

No one should be taking this drug. I was prescribed this for kidney infection when I have chronic kidney disease on 22/4/21 I will be alerting doctor who prescribed this that they nearly killed me. Was prescribed dosage of 100 mg 4 times a day, for 7 days. Took it till 27/4/21. Made me feel like I was dying with extreme chills and fever, excruciating back pain, whole body aching, diarrhoea, abdominal aching, gave me asthma and filled my chest with fluid, was very weepy, extreme anxiety, difficulty walking - felt like walking through cement, dizzyness, retained fluid and dropped my kidney function significantly. Was too sick to realise it was the tablets until last day, stopped them and went to another doctor 28/4/21, who wanted me to go to hospital to go on IV etc. Stopped taking the tablets, started a different antibiotic yesterday 28/4/21 and have started to feel better already.

Should not be prescribed to anyone

On generic brand grey capsule. Joint pain, no energy, brain fog, horrible anxiety/crying, muscle aches

Have never written a drug review in my life but this was one tough ride and I have taken many strong antibiotics. Never again. I hope this got the UTI but only forcing food to take med and have rarely left bed in two days. Finished yesterday and still tired, hoping it gets better soon.

Upset stomach, body aches and feeling like I was coming down with something. Back ache, bright colored urine.

I can't take Bactrim, so my doctor gave me this. It helped but I think I would ask for something different next time if possible. Take with Food.

Uti showed up after stone surgery

Bit concerned about taking it now after some of the comments, hopefully nothing too major happens!!

High fevers, chills, beet red face, whites of my eyes red as if blood vessels burst, second day vomiting, even cold water I drank came right back up and I'm a person who NEVER vomits, not even with both my babies and morning sickness. My head felt like it was going to explode and my daughter and I didn't put it together that it was a reaction to this horrible medication. I will list it as an allergy from now on. I'd recommend that no one ever take it.Too many choices out there than to risk the slight chance you'd have to go through days of feeling like you're really dying. I laid here for a few days because I couldn't even stand up, and I thought I'm going to die and my children are going to have to watch. It was probably the worst sickness I've ever had.


Liver function slightly impaired

I have been taking macrodantin for 18 years after 30 years of UTI's. It saved my life. I have not had an infection since starting. My dosage has been reduced to 50mg after taking 100mg per day for over 15 years to help with my liver discrepency. Liver test back to normal now.

Exhaustion, nausea, muscle ache, loss of appetite, disorientation and poor sleep.Use with caution

worked within 3 hours to abate excruciating pain of the UTI.

I was prescribed this drug by my urologist back in the early 1980's. After taking two doses, became severely ill with flu-like symptoms. Vomiting for five days, body aches, 102 fever, tremors, weakness, diarrhea and headache. I have never bee so ill in my life. Had to crawl to the bathroom on hands and knees. I actually thought I was going to die from this drug. Macrodantin is a serious drug. Use with extreme caution.

Avoid taking if possible. I do not recommend it.

Extreme vomiting for 3 days and no appetite for 5 days So very sick and only took 2 tabs please be very careful with this tablet Have informed my G P so I will not be prescribed this again

Extreme vomiting for 3 days and no appetite for 5 days So very sick and only took 2 tabs please be very careful with this tablet Have informed my G P so I will not be prescribed this again

Very achy especially my back and legs. Tired and no ambition at all.....flu like symptoms

Nausea and dizziness. It feels as if my head is spinning. Now I take it at night .it works very well.looking at my urine in the morning something is coming out .

Strangely foggy head. At work was toLd I was 'spaced out' and I felt unable to get in touch with reality, disorientated - not in a nice way! Very scary feeling. Only took two doses but the effect lasted five days.

Only a bit of coughing and some flue like symptoms runny nose

It's a antibacterial antibiotic which only works in bladder and kidneys had ongoing infections leaving my left kidney damaged for 10 years due to lower back problems from L2 to S1 was histerical cause all tests did not reveal any problem my symptoms was treated iso fhe cause since I had my back surgery all my urinary and intestine problem was sorted, macrodantin was and still is my life saver always keep some in my handbag.usually nfections hit me when it holidays or over weekends when all outlets and dr,'s are closed

Permanent scarring of the lungs. Can only walk a few steps and then give out of breath. This lung disease is permanent and I am now on prednisone

A friend if mine also has the same lung disease caused by this antibiotic. She is now permanently on oxygen for the rest of her life.

suspected urinary tract infection

All that have been mentioned. Exhaustion, aching, nausea, tingling, cramps, head throbbing, hands swelling

Dreadful medication to take. Exercise caution. Cannot recall exact dosage as only just found this forum but am still suffering since July 2013. Only took for 2 days

MACRODANTIN (NITROFURANTOIN, MACROCRYSTALLINE): This medication is used to treat or prevent certain urinary tract infections. This medication is an antibiotic that works by stopping the growth of bacteria. It will not work for viral infections (e.g., common cold, flu). Unnecessary use or overuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness. Nitrofurantoin should not be used in children less than one month of age due to the risk of a certain blood problem (hemolytic anemia). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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12 hours after taking lower face and lips swoll to the size of sausages. I did not make the connection as I took it one time before and my lips slightly swelled to the point where it was so small that I did not notice. However, it did take care of the pain.

loss of appetite, constipated (but had this my whole life-I drink Dieter's Tea 2 X weekly), mild headaches (4 X 6 weekly), upset stomach if take pill before next dose is required, "great" vivid dreams, very social, a lot of patience and most importantly, less pain

Flu like symptoms, Jumpy, Felt like I was on meth. Couldn't sleep.

I am not sure if I will take a second dose. I will see how the month goes.

WEIGHT GAIN - I have been on MANY other birth control pills, and always sort of thought the women who said that weight gain was a side effect of BCP's were just eating too much or something. However, obviously different pills affect people differently, because this pill caused me to gain weight uncontrollably for the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE. I have been the same size since high school until I started this pill a year ago. When I quit it for a month, I began to LOSE WEIGHT IMMEDIATELY.

I took this for Auriculotemporal Neuralgia and migraines. In the beginning I felt a bit high, but that slowly turned into anger, rage, irritability and moodiness as the days went on. I also was so insanely tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open at my desk at work. I was supposed to go to 300mg three times a day as per my Neurosurgeon. I never made it past 600mg!

Will not take it for a couple of months and see the result. Will take calcium supplement.