Lincocin (lincomycin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lincocin (lincomycin hydrochloride)

hospitalized following injection for oliguria,renal tubular acidosis, hypotension, volume depletion,phosporus wasting,hematuria, bone marrow suppresion,on kidney biopsy with continued phosphorus wasting showed FSGS and tubular atrophy

is not indicated for prohlaxis but for serious infections was given along with a Depo Medrol injection. Five years later still being followed and treated by hematology and nephrology physicians

LINCOCIN (LINCOMYCIN HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

Slight nausea while drinking water the first round, no nausea with the 2nd round.

Swollen prostrate, crazy dreams, difficult to pee, breathing trouble, confusion

1)Tingling feet and hands about an hour after dosage. Can feel like burning on back of hands and feet. Tingling travels up extremities a little. Annoying and usually tolerable but seems to be worsening. Possibly could be from 12.5MG Metoprolol taken in conjunction with Flecainide. 2)For about 2 months had terrible memory recall when first started higher 75MG dosage with Metoprolol. Getting better now. 3)Developed bradychardia as well but tolerated only one light headed episode. BPM as low as 38. Average in low to mid 40's.

Stomach pain, bladder pain, drowsy all day, foggy head, felt worthless, weak, heart palpitations, headache

I called my cardiologist after hrs and they just said don't take it again and if I lose consciousness to go to the hospital.Because obviously it's always a good idea to wait until I'm not able to call amed to go. (sarcasm)I thought I was going to die for sure but once it wore off about 10 hrs total, I felt normal again.

loss of hair, manic episodes, up three days at time, extreme depression, agitation, blurred vision, fast weight loss, fear, paranoia

To be clear, I'm generally a very well adjusted person who has never suffered from psychiatric issues. It took me a few weeks to understand that my sudden personality change stemmed from this new allergy medication. It did relieve my allergies, and the doctor said it was best to take it consistently, so I was. While on this, I seriously thought about hurting myself, I thought about hurting my husband, and I had completely unreasonable thoughts and reactions to people. I have never been in such a dark place in my head. Soon after I stopped taking Zyrtec, I was back to normal. This is scary stuff, and I can't believe it's on the market. Allergies are nasty, but I am not willing to sacrafice my sanity to alleviate them.

The first day was the worst. I was really sleepy and tired and experienced joint stiffness. In the next day I did feel better but I still couldn't attend college.However at 4th day I got jaw pain and I don't know how but I caught cold so now I have running nose as well.What worries me is that it seems that these pills don’t help. My cheek is still swollen; affected gum is still red and swollen.Tomorrow is the last day of treatment and I’ll book appointment with my dentist again.ANNA

This drug should not be prescribed. Stopped taking after 2nd pill. Side effects hit about 3 hours after taking 2nd pill. It's been over 24 hours since I took this medicine and I still feel horrible. Still can't eat. When try to eat have to go the bathroom right away and feel really hot. Couldn't sleep between the chills and the hot flashes.

Shaking, weight gain, drowsiness, frequent urination, extreme thirst.