Ketek (telithromycin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ketek (telithromycin)

Rash appeared one day after initial dose

Severe Palpitations with Abnormal Heart Rhythm (AFIB) started an hour after taking the second dose. stayed on for 24 hours (the half life of the drug) until the concentration in the blood was low enough; heart started beating normally. spent over $6000 in hospital fees for those 24 hours.

respiratory/bronchial infection

severe nausea, vomiting, severe headache, blurred vision, dizziness, delayed yeast infection

A couple of hours after taking just one dose, it made me feel worse than I was already feeling. I also broke out in a severe skin yeast infection after taking it- totally miserable- imagine feeling like you have millions of microscopic bugs crawling all over you!!! It seems to have affected my immune system. It has been a couple of years now since taking it and now I suffer from chronic yeast infections anytime I take any antibiotic- even antibiotic ointment!

None except the anxiety about possible compromised liver function.

Ketek cured my sinus infection but other meds probably would have done the same thing without the dangers. My Doc is too free with the samples from the Pharm. Cos. I was not a happy patient and let him know not to do that again.

Throat and respiratory infection

None. Didn't notice any side effects.

It cured my throat infection and seems to have helped my respiratory infection - doesn't hurt anymore - but I'm still coughing quite a bit and producing lots of phlegm. I'm going to my doctor to see if I should try something else now.

severe abdominal pain, painful urination, flushing, headache, blurred vision, double vision, insomnia

This stuff did absolutely nothing for my sinusitis or bronchitis two years ago. It is no longer approved for these conditions due to people dying from liver failure, and should never have been approved for any condition by the FDA who knew its safety studies were compromised by fraudulent data.

tingling / numbness in hands & arms

Side Effects forketek (telithromycin) - User Comments


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Severe Ketoacidosis, cardiac arrest, and coma.

I took Lamisil for about 7 weeks (with significant improvement in the condition of my feet and nails after about 3-4 weeks) before I started to experience loss of taste (beginning with reduced ability to taste sweetness that has gradually worsened - sweet and salty are both pretty much gone), then a bad taste in my mouth, and now dry mouth. Only discovered yesterday that this is likely due to Lamisil, at which point I stopped taking it. Pretty unhappy that my doctor failed to warn me of the various side effects but from now on I'll be much better about asking.

emotional outbursts, sadness, and depression

I am on 300mg of Lamictal and 60mg of Cymbalta, I have a tough time sometimes distinguishing what side effects are from what, but I just recently increased Lamictal from 200mg to 300mg and am noticing severe dry mouth, trouble sleeping, short term memory loss - I have to write everything down or I completely forget, and I noticed that I am sometimes having a tough time getting words, I am usually a pretty fast talker, but lately am almost tripping over my words, its like my brain can't keep up with my mouth. However, the side effects are minor compared to the stablizing of my mood.

Try Lithium first. Depakote is a notorious fat making drug. I wish I'd taken this advice before I ballooned and became pre-diabetic. It didn't help my symptoms much either.

Ordered by pain management until I found out the outrageous costs. Also has side effects. Why would anyone pay this much money for the medication. Ask the provider they get paid to order it for you.

Doctor did not tell me to take in the morning. Took in the evening, BIG mistake. I was awake all night. very restless, anxious and had horrible visions when I closed my eyes.

This is truly an amazing product. The only allegery medicine that has EVER relieved my symptoms. I couple it w/ Claritin on days when I know I'll be around animals (Claritin for itchy eyes); however, I've had to cut back my usage b/c of the bleeding in the nose.

2 wks later from 2nd vaccine..had a itchy rash on my lower abdomen then back and back of head and right side..comes and goes..4 dermatologist had no answer after biopsy from crusted area, negative and full allergy testing, negative, prescribed Prednisone, rash Rx and cream Rx..nothing prevents the rash from reoccuring...did alot of research..I'm convinced it's from the shingles vaccine..I wish I never got it...

Been on it a week; taking Lipitor, too. BP dropped from worst of 186/130 to 152/86 in 4 days, so willing to put up with side effects for now! Glad to see I'm not the only one with these issues.