Ilosone (erythromycin estolate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ilosone (erythromycin estolate)

Side Effects forilosone (erythromycin estolate) - User Comments


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Tightening of the throat - and swelling in the throat thought I had Hasimoto's Thyroiditis; extreme fatigue leaving me only 4 hour days; nervousness, anxious; after coming off felodipine, I was put on lisinopril but continued to have extreme pain in the throat (thyroid?) for four more months that faded gradually; simultanous onset of vulvodynia with puritis ani when taking felodipine and experiencing the other well known felodipine side affects. Shock from taking this drug most likely triggered my memopause. This is a dangerous drug!

I did not realize I was having a side effect until a year changing to Prolea. During time on Forteo i was urinating quite often. Like clock work every 2 hours I would be up at night urinating. I have gone to many specialists and could find anything wrong. Even tried acupuncture. Just recently stumbled upon the urination problem. The frequent urination was only at night (every 2 hours).. Daytime fine. Now, nearly 4 years later I still have the problem with urination at night. I have problems with acid sores in private area. Now, after being off Forteo I still have the problem. Has anyone out there experienced the same problem.

I have been on it for 3 months the only thing I am getting used to is the headaches before my period comes. Other then that I like it. My periods are only 2 days if that and my face cleared up.

severe dizziness, very foggy, confused, pains in ankles and to a lesser degree in a shoulder, couldnt sleep

severe hunger cramps - like my whole stomach sqeezes together. On day three diahria. Stabbing feeling in my chest.

So far I'm very happy. It's not an easy drug to get started on. But I stuck with it through the first week and it has been very tolerable the second week. My blood sugars have dropped significantly. Back in to the 90-110 range 2 hours after eating. I am on 2,000 mg of metformin and 5mg of glipizide twice a day. But I suspect that as I continue to lose weight and eat better, those will be able to be eliminated. So far I've lot 10 lbs in two weeks. My appetite is very mild, bordering on not interested in eating. Without even trying, I am eating 1/4 of the amount of food I usually eat in a day. And I'm feel full all day long!!!! It took a week to get my energy back. I realized right away that if I'm eating a small amount of food it is more important to eat nutrient-dense food and my energy has rebounded. My only hurdle now is to figure out how to stop diarrhea. I am going to start with greek yogurt in the mornings and some probiotics as people have suggested here. It is tough to get started but I believe I'm past the worst of the bad symptoms and it's been very tolerable this last week.

after 1st baby had to take effexor, worked great, but husband didn't like me on it...i am not a worrisome person, very laid back, but the physical feelings of panic or "weird feelings" in my head/dizziness would make me worry...especially when driving. Now listening to attacking anxiety program, works great! Cymbalta is for short term, hope to be off of it by December!

Weight gain (10 lbs in first 3 weeks), dizziness, mild tiredness, brain fog.

im still taking erythromycin at the min but will be stopping and going back to G.P for an alternative anti biotic.As i am a single mum of a dissabled child and need to be able to function properly

I had extreme fatigue the first two days I took the medicine. I had a muscle spasm in my hip on the 3rd day. I haven't had a spasm in my hip in years but I am prone to them in other areas. I woke up with a terrible headache that lasted all day long. I vomited 3 times. After the first time I took two Pepto Bismal chewables but they didn't help. I threw them up a short while later, resulting in pink vomit. I was in bed for the majority of a 24 hour period, which only made my headache worse but I had no energy to move. I felt that any movement might make me throw up again.