Flagyl i.v. rtu in plastic container (metronidazole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Flagyl i.v. rtu in plastic container (metronidazole)

The med worked somewhat but the sides affect are terrible. Breakout in sweats sometimes chills. Weak feeling feverish all thru my body but no fever in site. Not a good feeling at all

Feeling psychotic, grinding of teeth, stomach sickness, metal taste in mouth, nearly halllucinations, depression, paronia, sweats/sensations in the legs

taking for 10 days after 3rd day had a alcohol a no no trust me, since then side effects continually bad getting worse especially in night time, one more day left cant wait because it makes you act wierd and feel like crap, am hoping it stops any infection although iam not sure its doing great on that yet, thanks for you time reading this, just my opinion

convulsions, severe nausea, migrane headache, severe weakness, diarrea.

Taking this medicine (along with cipro) was a traumatic experience. I only took it for 3 days and I started going into convulstions. After that calmed down I was so weak I could hardly move for 3 days, and the nausea and headaches were unbearable. What confuses me is when I went to the ER because of these symptoms they told me to keep taking the flagyl and cipro???????? I felt poisoned!!!

convulsions, severe nausea, migrane headache, severe weakness, diarrea.

Taking this medicine (along with cipro) was a traumatic experience. I only took it for 3 days and I started going into convulstions. After that calmed down I was so weak I could hardly move for 3 days, and the nausea and headaches were unbearable. What confuses me is when I went to the ER because of these symptoms they told me to keep taking the flagyl and cipro???????? I felt poisoned!!!

Severe nausea, vomiting, migraines, severe fatigue, irritability, abdominal cramping, lower back pains

Don't take it! You can't possibly live your life when you are violently sick for hours each morning and night.

FLAGYL I.V. RTU IN PLASTIC CONTAINER (METRONIDAZOLE): This medication is used to treat certain types of bacterial infections in the vagina. Metronidazole is an antibiotic that works by stopping the growth of bacteria. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Severe headaches, rubber legs and arms sensation, extreme neck pain at base of scull, dizziness that feels like a low voltage shock, mental fog

Excellent product - and puzzled as to why it is not available over the counter so folks end up buying their generic equivalent Kamagra from the net instead.

Continued: I am wart free after only 3 applications. I had 2 lines of warts on my inner labias which were small, in clusters with some larger ones.I had a terrible reaction because i was not advised how to use this product or the possible side effects. MY ADVICE ON HOW TO AVOID BAD REACTION:- Rub vaseline all over your genitals where Aldara DOES NOT need to be applied- Leave aldara on for 6-7 hrs to see how you react.. my first application was 10 hrs, second was 7.5 and third was 6 hrs.- Apply with a Q tip and with an EXTREMELY minimal amount. I still used the smallest amount and still had a severe reaction.- DO NOT WASH YOURSELF WITH SOAP USE A NON SOAP PRODUCT LIKE CETAPHILWHAT TO DO IF YOU HAVE A REACTION: I had 2 large sores appear and lots of red & white bumps appear. DO NOT STRESS your skin will do bizarre things its MOST LIKELY not new warts. I wet paper towels and gently dabbed my vagina throughout the day to keep area clean to prevent infection. Take neurofen to reduce pain and swelling, take ANTIHISTAMINE to reduce itching. I took the drowsy kind at night so i could sleep. Within 5 days most swelling was gone, bumps dissipated. 2 large sores practically gone within 6 days.i am wart free. This was a terrible experience but WORTH it. ITS NOT FOREVER BE STRONG!

*DISGUSTING SICK DRUG; PURE DETRIMENT-YOU WILL SUFFER ---- extreme short term MEMORY LOSS / BRAIN DAMAGE ------ DESTROYED MY LIFE ------ HIGHLY ADDICTIVE ----- WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS = PURE HORRORSHOW / I have been trying to 'live again' off of this INCREDIBLY POWERFUL NARCOTIC & I was immersed in a DEEP PSYCHOTIC DEPRESSION as soon I quit this substance [ISOLATION-TROUBLE LEAVING MY ROOM] ----- this is pure EVIL & a CURSE to the HUMAN RACE / DO NOT START THIS! ---- IT WILL EAT YOU ALIVE and YOU MAY NEVER RECOVER ----- BE FOREWARNED! DAMN THE APA for letting this POSION pass through as a beneficial mood stabilizer ----- IT SHOULD BE BANNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love nuva-ring, and refuse to quit wearing it.

God bless anyone that can wing it for the entire 10-days (or more, God love ya!). I quit at dose 1 of the 7th day. Today is what would have been day 10, and my joints ache, I'm super depressed, my head hurts badly - with no relief from OTC's, my head is swimming, and I generally fell "unwell."I supplemented with probiotics and citrucel to manage the loose stools, but the drug wiped out everything else in my body; good, bad, and indifferent. I am feeling horrible and flu-like, and am due to take a pleasure trip in 7 days. I have been calling prayer lines, meditating, and repeating positive affirmations to get me through this. I feel simply awful, and I know that it is not just me. OH! And my f**** ear STILL HURTS!

Didn't make me nauseous, but I did gain weight even though I am an avid athlete and eat nutritiously. I developed extremely large painful acne. Watch out!

I logged onto this site AFTER inserting the 1-Day/Night Ovule and got freaked out by all the comments, then took 3 Melatonin (for sleep) and 2 Acetominophen (for pain). I ended up not falling asleep but never experienced the crazy burning logged here by so many others. Thank goodness! I woke up in the morning and felt fine. No problems at all. Applied the cream again the next day around lunchtime and it did sting/burn just a TINY bit but only for about 2-3 minutes.I had been experiencing itching for about 1.5 weeks before I called my Dr. and she recommended I get this rather than coming in for a check up. It may not have been a yeast infection, but I guess I'll find out in 6 more days if the itching is gone. If it was a yeast infection it will have only been my 2nd in 8 years of marriage/sexual activity.

After many years on opiates I had enough. This has changed my life and this is a very misunderstood drug. Many professionals believe that nubain is a scheduled drug. It is not. They claim its a narcotic. It is not. This is absolutely the best pain medication period. If you are in pain you will get over having to do shots. If not you are An opiate junky. I speak from knowledge. It is to bad that the good ol usa wants us hooked on opiates and that the big pharmas are spreading much misinformation about nubain. And they are causing the shortage. It works for men as well.Please try this drug if you are sick of pAin and the opiates are no longer working. I am back on opiates doing nothing due to the shortage.

As anti-depressants go, this is good except for the decreased libido and weight gain. However, after about 7 months on it and dosage increase, it stopped working.