Erythromycin (erythromycin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Erythromycin (erythromycin)

Vomiting and Nausea. Extreme pain just below ribs. Extremely hungry but with no appetite. Painful gas. Very tired.

I am allergic to penicillin. I have taken a fair share of different antibiotics in the past but I have never had such a reaction than to this one. The pain was unbearable in contraction-like timings. I had only been taking it for 24 hours, and 2 hours after taking my 5th set of tablets I was vomiting every 10 minutes and dealing with extreme pain and pressure under my ribs that would happen every 30 seconds. From looking at the other reviews here, this antibiotic seems more hassle than its worth. I have since stopped taking it as recommended by 111 last night.

hungry, bloated, tired, depressed

Feeling dizzy and anxious scared to drive on the motorways all of a sudden feelings of panic attacks. Unsure if this is the antibiotic

Uncertain why it was given to me

The pain I experienced was horrible and intensified in the ribcage, along with shivering and body chills, slight nausea and I noticed pale poo and darker urine... All this from two eye drops just before the eye injection I was given at the opthalmologist appointment

I haven't had any yet and I hope I don't

I took Regaln for 3 months this is the first that has worked

I haven't had any yet and I hope I don't

I took Reglan for 3 months this is the first that has worked

This is the version made by Bausch for the eye - a gel topical called ophthalmic erythromycin. Very difficult to administer. It’s like petroleum jelly. Not good instructions from Bausch in the box but found better one at medline here: So far not much improvement but it can take at least 3 days.

Severe reaction by end of day 2, having begun with mild stomach pain. Horrendous trapped wind behind rib cage causing extreme pressure and nausea. Griping pain in lower abdomen. Diarrhoea. Rigors but no increase in temperature.

Got zero sleep last night due to awful pain. Felt properly ill. GP has marked my notes so that I'm never prescribed erythromycin again.

Ear infection as I'm allergic Pen

Severe abdo pain, chest pain, back pain, vomiting, had to go to go to bed. Thought I was going to die.

Vomiting or need to vomit. Stomach cramps

An alternative for allergy to penicillin

Terrible stomach pain - gurgling noises - like painful trapped wind with no relief. Feels sore inside. Loss of appetite. Really tired

Upset stomach, very low mood,insomnia,no appetite. Feel worse taking these tablets that I did before. Never felt so ill in my life. Decided to stop taking them

Why do these tablets not agree with so many people

Group B Strep and a Staph Infection

Top of my stomach in extreme discomfort (never felt pain like it).Hungry, but unable to eat.Tiredness.Feeling sick

Felt fine for the first 2 days, however on day 3 about 20 mins after taking it I started to experience extreme stomach cramps and diarrhoea which burned. The pain gradually got worse and my blood pressure sky rocketed to 120/140 with heart rate of 140 bpm. Lying in bed, in too much pain to sleep, I went to the bathroom when I was overcome with a wave of ice cold sensations throughout my body. I honestly was terrified I was dying. Within a minute or so I was violently throwing up, around 20-30 times. I feel a little better now that I've vomited but the pain is still very intense.

My family and I have been suffering with campylobacter food poisoning for the past 4 weeks. All three of us were prescribed erythromycin but I'm the only one who has side effects so far. Will not be touching them with a barge pole again. Never felt so ill in my life.

Allergic to penicillin so prescribed this. Never felt so ill. Stomach cramps, diarrhoea and sickness. Couldn't eat anything and even water made me sick.

Constant hunger, wind pains, frequent need to empty bowels (not ideal after having a baby!), nausea, sickness even with empty stomach. Sweating, flushed face.

I have had this drug before for many things and I've usually been prescribed 250mg 4 times per day. This time over been prescribed double that.. I feel absolutely dreadful. I wake to feed my newborn and sit there feeling sick then wake again half an hour after dropping off and actually go to be sick. Could really do without this. I'm going to have to stop taking it over the weekend I can't cope with this.All of this for an infection I may or may not have! And even if I do, it's potentially the wrong antibiotic for it.

I took my first dose of 2 ,250mg ,4 times a day on the evening ,then continued the next day ,lunchtime i started getting severe cramping ,by 1am i was rushed to hospital with severe stomach pains ,up to my chest ,could barely breath ,4 days on i still havnt ate much or drank much ,horrible tablets

Severe stomach cramps, upset stomach, dizzy, feeling sick, chest pains

Took one and already severe cramping avoid like the plaque take metrodonzle instead

the worst pains near heart and in stomach. been vomiting all the time. nausea never goes and somehow i'm insanely hungry but also can't eat at the same time.

The high satisfaction rate was because it did the job. But I am sure it nearly killed me. This might have been because it was taken alongside a week of Metronizadol. Severe nausea, headache, generally feeling very unwell. Headach/vertigo/very faint. Flushed face at times and very very tired!. On top exceptionally sore mouth. Whole thing became a nightmare. I also got very anxious; was convinced I would end up in hospital, which is unusual for me.

Not sure if it was lack of sleep or being ill, but lost sense of time. It's only been a week but feels like months! But it did work better than the Metronizadol..which was meant to be the biggie. 250

ERYTHROMYCIN (ERYTHROMYCIN): This medication is used to treat acne. It helps to reduce the number of pimples. Erythromycin is an antibiotic (macrolide-type). It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. Some brands of this product contain a large amount of alcohol, which dries extra oils from the skin. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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NONE! I felt and still feel this is the greatest medication (although when I asked a subsequent doctor for it for another procedure, he said it's not recommended for lung procedures) and Demerol was used. Side effects from Versed-0; side effects from Demerol-sudden loss of strength and sweating, almost passed out. This happened twice, and I'll never take Demerol again. But yes yes yes to Versed!

The first few days were horrible. I didn't think I was going to make it.... but honestly after day 5 I feel like my world has finally opened up and for once in my life I'm going to start living migraine free. It's been wonderful and I'm so happy to be on this drug. It's not for everyone, but it is for me.

Horrid nasty vile taste, not slept properly,vertigo like dizziness, headache,I already suffer anxiety & depression its definately made that worse. Just about cleared my chest but now I feel ill with anxiety. It's poison !

?? increased frequency of migraines ?? not sure...

Makes my daughter very irritable, crabby and emotional. Mood swings and many meltdowns. It also makes her very anxious. Spitting because she thinks bugs are in her mouth, worried about germs etc. It also killed her appetite and she won't drink much either.