Erythrocin (erythromycin lactobionate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Erythrocin (erythromycin lactobionate)

stomach bloating to begin with then severe stomach pain and vomiting after 5 days

After 6 months of tooth problems this was the straw that broke the camels back ! Do not use, it made me feel awful .

severe hot flush/sweating, dizziness, shaking, nausea

I had taken a smaller dose (which hadn't worked for my infection) with little side effects such as minor sweating, dizziness

feeling weak, shivering, constant severe nausea and not wanting anything to even touch my stomach because even movement felt as if it would set off vomiting. Stomach cramps, not able to eat and reluctant to drink. Getting to doctor to change medication tomorrow. Feeling so weak unable to do anything but sleep. Reduced the dosage to 1 250mg this lunch time in effort to reduce symptoms felt a bit better hence writing this but still not able to eat much - only some raw carrot and tomato.

On a positive note - the swelling of my foot reduced noticably after 6 hours and even more improved today although still infected - would never take these again although I believe I have taken erythromycin in the past without problems

Severe chronic stomach pains, nausea and sickness. Pain lasted for 18 hours after the last pill. Was so severe, we were close to calling an ambulance. I wasn't advised by my doctor that this drug had such severe side effects. IF PRESCRIBED THIS DRUG - ask for a second opinion as there are alternatives available. Was prescribed Clarithromycin 250mg tablets which did the job without the side effects.

Extreme tiredness and feeling of nausea. Fell asleep at my work desk.

i took this medication for 2 days and i was fine, then on the 3rd day i had severe runs and really bad stomach cramps.

Extreme nausea, very tired and weak, abdominal pains, vomiting, headaches, bloating....

This medicine did help with my sinus infection (within a few hours) however, I don't think the side effects I experienced are worth it. I have had extreme nausea and have been vomiting since I started it. I would definitely ask for an alternative if you can. This is my 4th day taking it and am considering stopping because the side effects are too much to deal with.

I have Sjogrens Syndrome and get infected salivery glands due to lack of saliva. I have had Erythromycin before (I'm allergic to Penicillin)and it has never bothered me. This time felt ill, terrible diarrhoea.

Thought the pills looked different from previously. Anyone know if the drug company has been tinkering with them? It did cure the infection but didn't care for the reaction to it

complete muscle weakness starting in arms and legs, spreading to rest of body. Trouble breathing, slurred speech. Loss of hearing, blurred vision. Felt completely spaced out.

My side-effects are listed as 'myasthenia type symptoms' in the drug info but my GP said i was his first patient in 22 years that has suffered from them. After checking on various forums it seems they are actually quite common. They are very scary, very real and i ended up in hospital. Please be very wary of this commonly prescribed, cheap medicine.

Horrible stomach pain, extreme nausea and vomiting

It did get rid of the sore throat in about 12 hours

stomach ache, nausea, diahria sometimes worse than others, I wanted to go home from work, I hate this medicine and it was only the second pill I took

My overall quality of life went down after one day

Severe nausea and tiredness and weakness.

This medication causes severe nausea really bad and vomiting at times. Not sure if it's a side effect or an allergic reaction.

lots of gas you cant hold in...headache...stomach pains, bloated look like im pregnant, cold sweats..oh yeah and i pooped like 5 or more times a day....

The first few days made my chest feel even tighter than it had before I started talking the medication. Also I had a lot of stomach cramping but by the fourth day the symptoms disappeared. My illness went away quickly however the whole time my appetite grew making me feel hungry 24 hours a day. I ate so much, but thankfully I didn't gain any weight.

Drug works but the side effects aren't really worth it. It is a cheap drug and you can certainly tell. There are better drugs for Bronchitis ie: Azrithomycin which I would recommend.

Extreme tireness, as well as nausea and constantly feeling hungry.

Contrary to reports that this drug causes depression, I actually felt happier than usual. :-O

Explosive liquid diarrhoea and abdominal pain

persistant coughing, chest pain, he

Side Effects forerythrocin (erythromycin lactobionate) - User Comments


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I was okay at first......felt like I had more energy......then I started to get cracked skin on my eyelid. I thought it was due to an allergy… time went on it got worse and my eyelids were overlapping and I was swollen and Itchy and ohh soo itchy…went to the Dr she gave me Prestisone steroids for 6 days…cleared it up. But the next day back to cracked eyelids and itchy and worse than before…tried all kinds of healing creams….changed my makeup and shampoo thinking I was allergic to something…..then back to the dr for another round of steroids …..once again it cleared up only to come back with a vengenace… .burning itching RED eyelids and underneath the eyes….. It was awlful…..soo now I decided to go to the eye doctor. He said I may be allergic to the preservatives in the eye drops ….. Soo I tried that and went to bed that night woke up in the morning and my eyes seemed for the first time a little better…. Soo I went to the pharmacy to get my Metoprolol

loss of appetite, nausea, extreme anxiety, suicidal thoughts.

Ridiculously tired which has effected almost everything in my life, I have not been going to the gym which is something I love. Becoming worryingly uninterested din doing anything, literally just want to stay in bed all day and snooze! My appetite has gone through the roof, I have gained about 4lbs already in 1 month of taking this pill. I am going to get the non hormonal coil as soon as possible and will stop taking this pill

constipation, major gas, insomnia, shortness of breath, numbness in hands and feet, anxiety attacks, panic attacks, i feel worse then i ever have before. I dont know if i'm going or coming. No more for me ever again!!! I stopped taking this medicine about 3days ago and still feeling the side effects from it. Somebody help us please!

it was the worst mistake of my life and guess what the endometriosis is back again for the third time since the shot, I have had my right ovary removed, and now I am going to have a hysterectomy I am 36.

i have no weight gain or any of the other things mentioned, but reading all these things does scare me. i am debating on receiving another shot.

fatigue, headaches, neckaches, heavy legs, tingling in arms and feet, twitching, dizziness, blurry vision

Horrible! Burning skin (head, neck, shoulders, arms). Extreme headaches. Anxiety. Depression. Insomnia. Excessive sweating. WORSE ACID REFLUX. Sore throat. Impending doom feeling. I called the National S*I die Hotline for help. I went to urgent care and ER’s. Had CT of my head to prove nothing is wrong. Lost my job because of this drug. The reason I didn’t realize it was this medication was because side effects didn’t start immediately. More like 3-4 days later.

This really helped my pain levels in my low back and neck but could not tolerate any more of the headaches. No other side effects

Stuff is poison. Have a crummy cardiologist who doesn't listen. Wouldn't even test me for deficiencies I or anyone could have that can cause Afib. I think Drs get kickbacks for dishing out this crap. These meds are not studied long enough in my opinion to find out what long-term effects might be. But with this crap most people have bad side effects right away. And Drs don't want to hear about them or believe someone could possibly have any side effects other than what is listed on the papers they give us. I went to to see all the side effects. There's a lot. Drs ought to have to take this poison they prescribe to see how bad it really is. I go for labs with my gp in Dec and if they are bad I'm not going to take Eliquis anymore and not trying any of the others. They are all basically the same thing. I've read that others have good luck with natural treatments like nattokinase and others.