Clindamycin hcl (clindamycin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Clindamycin hcl (clindamycin hydrochloride)

Same as all these people. I have taken doxycycline too in the past, and some one else said it, but it made me feel the same as clindamycin. Excited, nervous, anxious, like I don't know what to do. I thought I was the only because I asked the pharmacy and a nurse and told them about a previous experience w/ the doxy. They told me there was no side effects like that w/ clindamycin, but after about 4 1/2 days it's not good. I feel like I'm supposed to finish it, but want to go back to being normal. What are people supposed to do. How can we get rid of an infection without feeling like this? What is the other option? It's sad that people do have these side effects but apparently it's not reported when you pick up from pharmacy.

I believe the FDA should study this more or whoever approved this stuff.

Infection prevention following surg

Cause vivid and wild dreams that interrupted my sleep frequently. This also led to low energy throughout the day.

Bad taste in my mouth, increased anxiety, severe nausea, fatigue

I have general anxiety disorder and this medication has made my anxiety so much worse. It's undoing all the work my anti-anxiety meds have done for years. I haven't had a bad panic attack in so long, and I got one because of this medication. Horrible. Augmentin causes diarrhea for me but I'd rather take it than deal with the anxiety that this medication gives me. Anyone with an anxiety or panic disorder, please avoid this antibiotic!

Crazy anxiety,rapid heart rate ,headaches, stomach acid is brutal .....bubbling in my gut ....

Med worked took the pain and abcess away but I felt like stopping so many times ...this drug obviously isn't for everyone and doctors should screen more to see what people r ok to take it it was a horrible experience.

Panick attacks, derealization, anxiety, stomach issues, ringing in ears

Had to stop stop 5 days in to 7 day rx. I was taking good probiotics with it. It wrecked my brain. Thought I was stuck like that. Unbelievable sides. Almost 2 weeks off and still dealing with lingering mental issues but it is getting better.

I have anxiety disorder and this pill worsen my anxiety 100000x. I have horrible thoughts and my weird feeling in my throat and in my stomach. I also feel like my throat is burning after I take this medication. I don’t know if I should take this or not :( This is my first time experiencing this side effect and this has been the worst experience :(


Anxiety worse, depression worse, brain fog, sweaty palms, racing heart, chills. Started taking it this past Friday, today is Tuesday. Insomnia is bad, as I haven't slept in two days.

I've taken this many times over the years as I have allergies to a few antibiotics. I had reflux, abdominal discomfort, a very bad taste in my mouth, and fatigue. It is an effective medicine, and I did feel better day 1. Most antibiotics have side effects that are unpleasant, and I tolerate this better than Biaxin or Azithromycin. I don't want to finish it but I will do so as the consequences of not doing so are worse than the side effects.

Try to take this with food, and take/increase your probiotic intake while on this to prevent diarrhea. Florastor works very well to protect against c-diffecile from taking this. Drink plenty of fluids while on it.

I got extremely depressed! Did not feel like myself at all. Extreme brain fog and fatigue along with dissociation. Experiencing insomnia and loss of appetite.

I have been on a steady decline since I took these pills and am stopping today. I have not been myself at all and have become very depressed and cannot think straight. I have no motivation to do anything and have not been myself around my friends and family. DO NOT RECCOMEND.

I WOULD NEVER RECOMMEND THIS DRUG!!! I have an anxiety disorder as is.. and things was getting better for me.. soon as I took one pill, I noticed my heart began to race, and I began to feel like a panic attack was about to happen.. because I already struggle with panic attacks and anxiety.. I thought this was normal for me. But nope, I stopped taking these pills a couple days ago, and my heart is still racing some, I still feel uneasy.. I have no energy, no appetite, I feel sad, my stomach is sooooo upset, I cannot sleep. Do not recommend this horrible drug! I stopped taking it after just 3 pills.

If anybody can help me.. or have any tips.. please let me know, thank you.

I took this medication a total of 4 times. All times I took it for gum/dental surgery. The first 3 times of taking it, I experienced a bad rash all over my body that ended up turning purple/blue along with burning sensations. Additionally, I started feel very sad and rather depressed. The 4th time I took the medication, I took it for 4 days and did not experience any bodily side effects but it took a toll on me mentally - anxiety, sadness, depressive thoughts, etc.

I was so sick upset stomach bad acid reflux got bladder infection in and out of hospital my toung swelled up my throat was on fire got really bad anxiety where I have never had in my life and still dealing with it almost 2 months later I will never take this drug again

Acid reflux problems, burning troat, vomiting, lack of appetite, chills,anxiety ,bladder infection, high heart rate,

This drug made me so sick I don't recommend it to anyone.I have never had anxiety in my life and now I do I am 2 months off the pills and still fighting lost 30 lb taking this it just lead one thing to the next

Worst feeling ever. Started with headaches, nausea, face tingling and insomnia.Called nurse to say I have insomnia that i want different pills, was told it doesn't cause insomnia, so will go see someone else and ask for different antibiotics.

Muscle pains. Severe anxiety. Severe panic thinking. Shaking. Horrible thoughts.

This medication made me feel absolutely horrible. I felt like I was going to come apart. I got sweaty palms and sweaty feet, nervousness, and anxiety. I felt severely depressed after taking two days worth felt like I was going to come out of my skin.

I would not recommend this antibiotic as a first choice. It did do the work, and stopped the pain in my tooth but at the same time made me feel like I was going to come unglued would never take this again.

This medication made me feel absolutely horrible. I felt like I was going to come apart. I got sweaty palms and sweaty feet, nervousness, and anxiety. I felt severely depressed after taking two days worth felt like I was going to come out of my skin.

I would not recommend this antibiotic as a first choice. It did do the work, and stopped the pain in my tooth but at the same time made me feel like I was going to come unglued would never take this again.

This drug is making me feel terrible. I'm so glad I found this site. I feel incredibly depressed and exhausted. I will try to finish this course but then I don't ever want to take it again!!! I can't function on this drug!!!

Bad Anxiety, Panic, rash on arm, terrible Insomnia, weird thoughts I never had before. No appetite, hot and cold chills

Do not recommend. Very harsh, stopped taking it due to a reaction.

Made me feel like I had a flu, fatigue, Lower back and side pains

CLINDAMYCIN HCL (CLINDAMYCIN HYDROCHLORIDE): Clindamycin is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. It is an antibiotic that works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for virus infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Fever, chills, weakness, upset stomach, very tired -flu like

muscle ache, joint stiffness, stiff neck, headaches, dry cough.

Didn't notice much of anything at first as expected. It doesn't seem to be a miracle drug that works quickly or completely removes all symptoms, but I'm still going to give it a lot more time to make a final judgement. I have noticed that I am a bit more calm and react less extreme to upsetting things, but I'm still a bit forgetful and impatient. It seems to be helping my anxiety better than my adhd. I think if I don't notice anything after about two months I will try something new. The only reason I'm not taking concerta which has worked in the past is that my insurance won't cover it for whatever reason. I do feel strongly that this medicine has a lot of potential though as I already feel a little more calm. I also feel a bit more in control of where I put my attention.

Horrible vomit taste in mouth that will not go away, and anxiety.

I went on depro to prevent my migranines (dr's suggestion). It did stop the migraines, I did get headaches but nothing close to the severe migraines I suffered monthly for 20 years. However, the depression started, night sweats and aching knees and elbows. Complete loss of libido. Feeling of being in a "black hole, void, like nothing matters" I am definitely going off depro, and will take back the migraines instead of this hopelessness I am expreiencing. Have the best husband, who is understanding and patience with me at this time in my life. e-mail me if you want more details.

Worked out great for us - 3 months & I got pregnant! (After exhausting efforts for over 6 years)

Depression and anxiety. Dr never said not to take for more than 12 weeks. Was put on depression meds and even testosterone to try and make me feel better yet reglan was the cause all along. Been off of it for a month now and my anxiety is debilitating at this point. Cant stop movine my arms and touching my face, legs or hair. Now on buproprion and hydroxozine to help with my anxiety/panic attacks. This drug should be banned!!

Severe headache worse on a morning the on and off during the day, made me feel sick, hot flushes, pins and needles in hands and feet, depression out of nowhere, insomnia, extreme nervousness, started having panic attacks!

It does help with my allergies. Now on singulair and asmanex for asthma and allergies. Within 24.5 hours, itching began. Never really connected the dots to 'withdrawal' symptoms, but I have had this happen enough to know for sure it is the zyrtec. I will never take it again as a result, it is just not worth it.

possible ADHD/concentration issues