Cleocin t (clindamycin phosphate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cleocin t (clindamycin phosphate)

didn't see much improvement but didn't use it consistently; had better results with the retin-a gel

mild adult acne and acne scars

Drying and peeling! But if you use eucerin lotion with it, it works great!!

Very happy with the results... just hopeing that my face does not become to oily because of the drying agents- only been using it for 2 weeks.

I think I saw a slight improvement but not much else.

some stomach upset, possibly, but i have a sensitive tummy to start with

Really helping quite a bit but not completely

my skin seemed to get inflamed

This is the ONLY topical medicine that has worked for my acne. I still have some, but this has cut down on the breakouts and also helps with my rosaeca. I noticed some results almost immediately.

CLEOCIN T (CLINDAMYCIN PHOSPHATE): This medication is used to treat acne. It helps to decrease the number of acne lesions. Clindamycin is an antibiotic which works by stopping the growth of bacteria. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Got sick easier. Many flus which last approx 3 weeks.

Nausea, nausea, nausea and loose stool, fatigue.

breakthrough bleeding, tender breasts in the beginning, moodiness, slight depression at times.

To help with my runny/stuffy nose

Headache. Dizziness. Sleeplessness. Bloating.

This is the only medicine that has saved my life. I have had crohn's for 25 years.H Had my share of fistula and was on disability. I do work full time and live life like I was only side effects shingles....herpes zostors.

The absolute worst!!!!10lb weight gain in 9 days!!!!!!!!Super swollen and sore legs.Major depression. Suicidal thoughts.Fatigue and lack of any motivation.All I wanted to do was sleep.Heavy heavy bleeding began 2 days after I started the medication.... Which was 5 days after my last period stopped....

Very convenient. And even life-saving for some. I had numerous cysts on my ovaries and underwent over a dozen laproscopic surgeries. One became so large it caused my ovary to twist (because of the weight) and blood flow was cut off to it. After major emergency surgery to remove the now dead ovary, I knew it was not just a convenience or child-bearing issue... it could mean life or death. I have not experienced one cyst on my remaining ovary since starting the depo-shot five years ago.

Abilify was a miracle for my 8 yr old. After 4 years of searching for something that would help with his panic attacks, terror, anxiety, audio and visual hallucinations and frustration/aggression as well as his hyperactivity he was ultimately prescribed abilify 7.25 mg. This was a miracle drug for us and alone has solved all of his issues. I'm so happy my son feels as he says "calm and happy" and isn't afraid of simple things like rain and leaving the house. He has been on it for 2 months now and the change is so dramatic. I'm one of those who tried so hard not to put my son on medication but he is a different child now, happy and no longer unable to function. As another mother here said, it gave him his life back.

For years I've been trying to figure out what was wrong with me, but now I believe that this drug and being on it for so long has caused most of these issues. Even eating very severely low calorie diets, trying anything I could to get rid of weight, it just kept steadily rising the entire time I was on the drug. (I stopped in 2014 due to lack of insurance.) No diet or lifestyle change yielded any weight loss; drs very confused. Thrush was constant the last year I was on it and no drug would touch it to get rid of it. It stopped about 3 months after going off the drug. Headaches were severely worse while on it and have tapered off to normal headaches people get not soul-crushing experiences. Now that I'm off it, my abdomen feels cramped up all the time; drs think it's left overs from years of having something regulating the tightness as it lessens with the use of an emergency inhaler. Asthma is actually the same now that I'm off of it as it was on it. Still there, no better or worse.