Cipro in dextrose 5% in plastic container (ciprofloxacin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cipro in dextrose 5% in plastic container (ciprofloxacin)

nauseous, throwing up, MIALGIA SYMPTOMS

Should be taken off the market- it is running people's life- there must be other antibiotics to do the same job.

I took Ciprofloxacin (which is not the HC or ear drops)and it was great. I was sick bad from food poisoning for 6 long days and within 2 hours after taking the pill I felt relieved. Dont be worried. Millions of people take this and have no side effects but they dont come on here. The people on here googled themselves into anxiety... I did too! LOL. Research is good! Keep doing it.But this drug did nothing but make me feel sleepy because it made me feel partially relaxed. NOT DRUNK NOT DIZZY NOTHING BAD. I literally just felt sleepy for about twenty minutes. I drank water and it went away.

Insomnia, feeling of doom, ear ringing, red face, exhaustion, joint pain.

It has been 2 yrs and 3 months. Not much has changed. I have simply become accustomed to my physical state. Less feeling of doom though. Also have returned to lifting light weights and exercising.Nightly dose of 1 ibuprofen and 3 mg melatonin helps me sleep 4-5 hrs. 1-2 hrs without. Generally feel better if I sleep without worry. Melatonin by itself never helped me before. Let me know if anyone else has tried this.Reluctant to see doctors for any ailments now.

I woke up after two doses of 500mg and had what felt like strep throat. Coughed, and blood came up. Throat is still sore. Helped the coughing and breathing immediately, but I didn't expect the side effects.

Extreme, EXTREME pain. I feel like I'm 80. I'm 20.

Nausea, back pain, extreme bloating, I look like I am 7 months pregnant

I would never take this medicine again. I feel so much worse than I did with my UTI. I have read complaint after complaint. This medicine is dangerous and should be taken off the market. Do not take or ever give to your children.

none, maybe in the beginning a little irritability and drowsiness but it went away.

Too many to mention - insomnia, panic attacks, muscle pains, joint pains, eye pains, hurts to look at lights, diagnosis of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue and peripheral neuropathy. NONE of the above existed until just after taking Cipro. I can barely walk most days due to nerve damage (neuropathy). This is nasty stuff ! I'd say more but then no one would believe me !!

These side effects do NOT go away with stopping the pills. They LAST for months or even YEARS among those who have the effects. There is no way to tell who will have the side effects AND no way to treat them once you do. Just have to wait it out and pray !!

CIPRO IN DEXTROSE 5% IN PLASTIC CONTAINER (CIPROFLOXACIN): This medication is used to treat a variety of bacterial infections. Ciprofloxacin belongs to a class of drugs called quinolone antibiotics. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for virus infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Had a headache for a couple of days with the first infusion but no problems after the 2nd and 3rd.

Took generic of fossamax. Immediately experienced flu like symptoms of muscle and joint pain and difficulty standing for over 10 minutes.I felt like I'd been in a car accident. Also eye pain and inflammation which required a trip to eye doctor the first week. Eye meds did not help and eye inflammation got worse with successive doses. Did not take last dose, but pain in hips, lower back, neck, buttocks linger after 10 days since last dose. Also a few chest pains. Eyes are feeling better now that I'm off it. I read that some people develop serious eye inflammation within the first 90 days of use. That was me.

First off, I should mention that I currently take Remeron as an antidepressant, and both Clonazepam and Seroquel to control anxiety disorder.I know that a lot of antibiotics cause nausea, vomiting, flu like symptom etc., but what I went through while taking Biaxin XL for only 48 hours was pretty scary. I eventually called health link after being awake for about 36 hours and was told to discontinue using the product. The health link worker then transferred me to a pharmacist who transferred me to Poison Control who suggested I go to the ER. I instead discontinued use of product and began to feel better. Neither my doctor or pharmacist, nor the people at health link claimed to have ever heard of these types of symptoms, yet here we are with hundreds of posts by people who have experienced similar symptoms. It felt very similar to being on a stimulant, such as cocaine or speed, and Wikipedia (take it for what it's worth) claimed that the drug could even cause false positives for cocaine tests. I was prescribed Biaxin XL 500mg for 10 days, but discontinued after 48 hrs (4 pills) because of how it was affecting me and because of the advice of the people I spoke with at the time.I don't want to sound like an alarmist, and from what I have been able to undercover the majority of people do not experience the types of symptoms I, and others here have listed, but I do find it alarming that insomnia is not listed as a side effect. Would NOT recommend.

I couldn't sleep at all many nights

My daughter was given ketamine during a surgery to remove a nuss bar following pectus repair. She had horrible hallucinations for several hours following. Her screams disturbed the entire floor of the hospital. She was speaking about her sister and family being tortured and would end with horrifying screaming and then appear to pass out. It happened again and again and again for several hours. Needless to say, it was tough on all of us. That surgery was about 10 months ago. Since then, she has had 3 "flashbacks". Although not nearly as severe, she feels everything is unreal, feels overwhelmed and anxious and emotionally distraught.

Depression, anxiety, & hx of fibro

Headaches and nausea. Increased appetite and cravings.

Started out 80mg, some improvement, after 1 year went to 125/65 First 3 weeks I was in "slow motion". Since then, everything is fine. No side effects.

My doctor recommended this product because I've had previous sinus infections and an X-ray showed thick nasal membranes. After a week of use, I can barely keep by dry eyes open and going up a flight of stairs is difficult. My ashtma is acting up as well which is usually under control. My throat is very irritated, sinus are congested and I sound like I have a cold but I don't.

It works for me to fall asleep, but I can only stay asleep for 3 or 4 hours.