Biaxin xl (clarithromycin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Biaxin xl (clarithromycin)

BIAXIN XL (CLARITHROMYCIN): Clarithromycin is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial respiratory tract infections. Clarithromycin is known as a macrolide antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I started Effexor XR early April 2004 at 37.50 for two weeks; increased to 75 mg. for two more weeks and was increased to 150 mg. which was when the urinary frequency began with a vengeance overnight! I thought I had a bladder infection and was treated for such with no relief twice. I finally went to a urologist and had two cultures done and both were clear; he said that the Effexor was causing the problem. My family doctor pretty much said I need to get to a specialist who can deal more with the anxiety issue so I made an appt. with a psychiatrist who was wonderful! Prior to the visit I had already weaned myself down to 37.50 mg. and so the doctor took me off the Effexor XR that day which then began the week from HELL. I began throwing furniture, slamming doors, yelling at people, crying all the time. THIS IS NOT ME!!! This is day 6 off the medicine and am to begin Lamictal tomorrow. The psychiatrist said that depression, anxiety, seisures, obsessive/compulsive, etc. all stem from the same area of the brain and that the Lamictal is actually an anti-seisure medicine that she believes will calm that part of the brain down; hope she's right. The bladder is not back to normal yet and if it doesn't get better I am going back to the urologist for tests to see if the medicine did some damage to my bladder. I hate the anxiety attacks but coming off of this medicine is the worst I have felt in my entire life!!! DO NOT TAKE THIS MEDICINE and if you have any problems such as depression, anxiety, etc. don't rely on your family doctor. If you can afford it, or if your insurance covers this, see someone who knows the brain and the medicines that are out there to help bring your life back in order. GOD BLESS!!

I am 83. My doctor was told I had colitis, yet he prescriped this medicine. Am afraid to take it. Am supposed to take 2 capsules 3 times a day.

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Omg the nausea is horrible! The first week I was okay, I was nauseas but not everyday. Now I'm on week 2 and it is so bad! I'm eating before taking it and I'm for sure drinking a full glass of water with it because Chantix is making me SO THIRSTY. No matter how much water you drink, it's never enough! But because I'm so nauseas, the water is making it worse because it's just sitting in the pit of my stomach. 😪 I've downed a bottle of pepto within 2 days and nothing is helping. I love that I don't crave cigarettes but they need to do something about these side effects. I just want to lay and sleep in bed all day

I am still currently taking this medication and on day 5 of 7, twice a day at 500 mg. Although the medication seems to be working I have noticed my extreme emotional state and complete irrational behavior. The hot flashes are beyond ridiculous to the point I'm using icepacks to cool myself down. I have tried falling asleep for the past several hours only to be confronted by the complete lack of ability to sleep, this is not my first restless night on this med. When mobile I am dizzy every 20 minutes and if I'm not being assaulted by Hot Flashes, I am then being attacked by severe diarrhea. Altogether, if you can find an alternative medication to this one I would recommend it. I am walking around in a daze only to be pulled back to reality by one of its disgustingly strong side effects, thank god only 2 more days. Im rating this medication a 3 b.c. it appears to be working but otherwise I would rate it a 1!

Was prescribed Cambia as a backup to Maxalt, since triptans can be taken only 2 days/week. Unfortunately, it didn't work at all on my migraines, so I'll continue to look for something else as a backup.

I just went to the doctor two days ago to get myself off of it. I was scared to death to get off of it because of all the stuff I read on the web. I told the doctor of my concern and he didnt seem to be worried as much as I was. He put me on the following plan. 1/2 a tablet (10 mg) once a day for one week; 1/2 a tablet once every two days for one week; 1/2 a tablet once every three days for one week. He seemed to think this would get me off of it successfully. I am on my second day with no adverse effects. If you want to know how it is going email me.

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