Biaxin (clarithromycin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Biaxin (clarithromycin)

I have recurrent sinus infections and have taken this antibiotic many times over the years with ZERO side effects. However, 20 minutes after my first dose, I had EXTREME diarrhea. This has never happened to me before. For the next 3 days, I experienced diarrhea 6-7 times a day, my stomach was jumpy, I had NO appetite, and I began having INTENSE anxiety followed by messed up dreams. It almost felt like I was hallucinating. After the 4th dose, and losing 5 pounds, I stopped taking it. I was a ball of anxiety who should have gone to the ER but was too anxious to get in the car and drive. This was an extremely frightening experience. My doctor then switched me to arithromycin, but the extreme anxiety returned. At this point, I am scared to death to try anything else. Something is different with these drugs. I do not know what happened here. Different pharmaceutical companies perhaps? Did they change the formula? Something is not right because, like mentioned earlier, I have taken Biaxin many times throughout the years.

Insomnia,clumsy, wrecked my car, acute anxiety, racing thoughts, word salad, 2 ER visits. Ended up on psych ward. Now on mood stabilizers and antipsychotics, anxiety meds. Still have memory speech and insomnia

I will never take againI think it helps infection within 3 days, but I got toxicThey need to re evaluate dosing at the very least

Metallic taste all day, feels like I'm being positioned. Dizziness.

On day 3 of taking Biaxin I went to the E.R at night because my ear started to swell out of nowhere. The E.R. prescribed an antibiotic ear drop called CIPRODEX and pus was completely gone & swelling went away the very next morning.

I experienced an allergic reaction. Hives and my lymph nodes became swollen and hardened for years.Shortly after taking Biaxin I started losing my hair and my voice. Still haven't recovered either. This drug f**ked my life. May the wrath of God descend upon big pharma and the doctor who prescribed the drug for me in an under 5 min visit.

Worst side effects everI finished taking this in November 2018 and I'm still struggling with the side effects.I feel like I'm tripping on some hard drugs all the timeWith tinnitus, headacheAwful anxiety and spinning sensation.I had numb body parts for a long time but that seems to have stopped now.I'm sensitive to lightGot eye floatersTerrible neck and ear pain.Hallucinations are getting betterBut I still have moments of intense fear.I'm always thinking stuck in some fight or flight response.Sore throat crying for no reason but has got better than it was.O dont feel like me anymore I feel my personality has shifted.I used to be a happy hard working guy I now have left my job and trying to get my life back.Anyone else recovered ?

Never touch this my life is ruined I'm doing my best to stay positive that I will be myself once again

The worse thing I did was take this.It has been 5 weeks since finishing the course and I'm full of anxiety and tinnitus and my heart palpitations hurt.Really spaced out and scared of everything I hope this wares off. Really re consider these side effects.I don't know if I'll ever recover.

It helped with infection, but the side effects are so not worth it. Anything that gives that much of a toxic taste in mouth cannot be healthy at all. Upset stomach, headache, unusual heart rate, psychosis (seeing things, dreams, fears). Took 3 days, never again.

Taken together with pheniramine and another pill, caused severe arrythmia. Specifically, after doing a light exercise my heart rate went up to 180 bpm, then back to 0, then back to 180 bpm, etc. More moderate arrthythmia continued for 2 days after stopping the drugs. NOTE: the effect may have been exacerbated my drinking grapefruit juice.

It has been half a year after taking the med, and I can not play sports like soccer, because once I run I have rapid heartbeat. This situation has not happened before. I believe that clarithromycin is at least partly responsible for this.

Side affect. had bout off diahrea on day 4 with blood in. Had bouts off physcosis.. an on a few occasions felt like passing out, made my temper bad. Felt very nauseous and bad anxiousness. Finished my course yesterday an have had bad indigestion since. Sleep was disrupted with bad dreams an toxic taste in mouth

They did ok for chest infection but terrible sides .works on infection but very dangourous.

Very bad taste in my mouth, feeling tired but anxious at the same time I suffer Anxiety and PTSD as it is not a good drug to take would not recommend this Antibiotic

Bloated. Shaking severe anxiety rash weight loss extreme fatigue leg cramps tingling eye lid twitch dizziness. been ten months i havnt recovered

Excess mucous for a period of time

Drug gives: acid reflex, depression, upset stomach, mood swings, loss of appetite. It makes you feel yucky. Not good drug.

I think it's the worst antibiotic available. I have been complaining of anxiety, nausea, vomiting, acid influx, loss of appetite, upset stomach & I cannot even sleep at night. I am a peaceful sleeper but this drug makes me stay up most of the night. It makes feel very low on self esteem & triggers my emotional side which makes me cry every few hours. I'm now done with biaxin but my emotional imbalance is killing me.

Horrid nasty vile taste, not slept properly,vertigo like dizziness, headache,I already suffer anxiety & depression its definately made that worse. Just about cleared my chest but now I feel ill with anxiety. It's poison !

Never again I'm sure its poison ivy !

I have been taking Biaxin for 25 yrs for an ear infection I get every time I catch the flu or cold.Its always worked well for usually takes 4-5 days until you see a major improvement with your infection.Biaxin is probably more effective than penicillin and it covers a broad range of infections.The side effects I get are diarrhea once or twice during the 10 days I'm on the meds and insomnia.🤒😷🤕😀👍

Diarrhoea very severe on the second day then ongoing cramps. Insomnia despite the fact i have a lung condition that makes me very tired. I also have other medication for epilepsy and back pain that is supposed to make me sleepy but Biaxin cut straight through it. I noticed the elevated heart rate up to 120 - 130

It took about 3 days to notice an effect on the infection but at the end of the course it had done the job when neither co-amoxyclav or doxycycline had touched it - you can understand I was getting a bit concerned as if the clarithromycin (its related to erithromycin) hadn't worked that doesn't leave much in the drug cupboard

Severe abdominal pain an hour after the first pill, nausea first 6 days, constipation, on day 6 skin very sensitive to touch losing feeling in upper arms, fatigue, restlessness due to elevated heart rate and palpitations, yeast smelling urine and itching

I will never take this medication again. My skin aches my stomach is in so much pain yet i feel hungry all day long. My bronchitis symptoms are clearing up but slowly I probably couldve been better off on something else

Talk about emotional! Extremely tense, confusion, crying and stomach pain. Had me suicidal! This drug is dangerous!!! Doctor said was not Biaxin side effect but nothing else had changed in my life.

All of those listed on the leaflet! But not as severely as others are saying. Took first tablet in the evening around 5pm and almost immediately felt my heart rate increase with a sense of deep anxiety, as well as slightly heavy/weak lower arms and hands. Went to take a nap, woke up with dry mouth, slight nausea and stomach pains (not severe like others describe), and the lovely metallic taste everyone is talking about. The weird thing is my whole body seems to smell of metal too. Kind of gross! Had a very broken sleep, waking up a lot feeling disturbed and panicky. Took the 2nd dose this morning and symptoms were not as severe and I can already feel a lessening of the sinus problems. The trouble is that the side effects are quite nasty and unpleasant even when not severe, so I called my doctor and asked what she thought (I live in the UK and this was a private doctor). She said definitely switch - it's not worth soldiering through.

This is what I'd say by way of advice to people struggling with side effects - speak to your doctor as early as possible. This seems to be a very strong antibiotic that doesn't agree with certain people. It isn't worth going through this much discomfort and stress if an alternative might be better. I personally have never have side effects like this on other antibiotics: trust your knowledge of your own body and what feels tolerable and what does not.

Sinus infection/double ear infectio

Metallic taste in mouth, diarrhea, headaches. The week after I stopped taking it I have EXTREME fatigue & it's difficult to function but I have to work.

BIAXIN (CLARITHROMYCIN): Clarithromycin is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial respiratory tract infections. Clarithromycin is known as a macrolide antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Severe vomiting, loss of appetite, vertigo, extreme fatigue, headache and body aches, chills, fever and depression.

My eyes kept looking up even when I closed my eyes. I tried to sit still but my body kept moving on its own. kept smacking my face and smacking my feet together. My boyfriend would try talking to me calmly and I would yell at him. Wanted to desperately take the IV out of my arm and wanted go home. I am not normally an anxious or violent person, but I felt like I had no control over my actions. I was pacing back and forth and talking like a madman when I got out of the hospital bed. This continued for hours. DO NOT TAKE REGLAN. IT'S HELL. Not even once. If they tell you they are going to administer metoclopramide into your iv or give you it in pill form, say NO. it is reglan, the other name for reglan. my boyfriend knew what reglan does because it happened to him, so he lists it on his allergy list. if we knew that they were the same drug it would have never went in me because we would have refused it.

This is maintaining and improving my bone loss. The annual infusion is much better than taking a monthly or weekly pill as it requires no fasting and does not interact with other foods or medications. The infusion itself takes 15 minutes.

I had a horrible first month on it. After that no issues. Love it

I have had panic disorder for about 6 or 7 years and have tried numerous medications with no help from any (worst of all was Paxil!) except for Xanax which I got addicted to and no longer take (long story). Wellbutrin is the first one that actually worked for me. The side effect subsided after a month. I've been on it for about 4 years now and am still happy with the results. I actually am planning to come off of it soon simply because I don't think I need it anymore. I've learned to deal with panic attacks on my own at this point. This medication also helped with my IBS which is AWESOME! It did not help me stop smoking...actually made me want to smoke more. go figure!

Serzone helps me have access to myself--couldn't before because the "bottom" was always falling out. The same stuff goes on, it just doesn't matter as much. .ie the "bottom" doesn't always fall ut.

Breast tenderness for entire time, breast size increased (negative), pain behind eyes and issues with contacts, moodiness and issues with Basal Antral Follicle (BAF) count.

I experienced no side effects whatsoever. No weight gain, no adverse reactions. My period is on time every month and although I experience just a little breakthrough bleeding, I feel great taking Ovcon 35. I love this pill.

I have now gained 20lbs over two years. I have an increased appetite (not sure if it messes up your metabolism or just changes my eating habits). I find this frustrating as I workout on a daily basis. As well, I don't orgasm with the same intensity, if at all. Sex drive is almost none existant. It does work for depression and anxiety but I hate having side effects.

Bone density test reveals start of