Azithromycin (azithromycin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Azithromycin (azithromycin)

AZITHROMYCIN (AZITHROMYCIN): Azithromycin is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. It is a macrolide-type antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This medication will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Unnecessary use or misuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

always keep a bottle around the house.i suffer from stomach cramps sometimes after a meal, and they can get quite bad. a quick gaviscon fix and its all gone in a matter of minutes

Extreem fatigue, low libido, irritabillity, sore heel joints, light headed... most of what others are saying, but with different degrees of seriousness.

Confusion, poor vision, poor memory, poor concentration, constipation, upset stomach, heartburn, shaky, sinus headaches, chest heaviness, trouble speaking and staying on subject, drooling allot when sleeping, clenching jaw.

So far no adverse side affects. And a huge improvement in breathing. I am a Vietnam Vet. With a heart transplant diagnosis to deal with since 2008. Also COPD being for many years a smoker. Anyway being 100 pct disabled and housebound. But with all the sad things in the news about VA healthcare. They as a whole have saved my life. Over the past 6 yrs saved my life. Have a fantastic caring primary care doctor. And converse with him and his staff mostly on a site called my health vet. And my responce time is rapid. So in reference to the COPD. He gave me Spirava and yes very new to useing it. But can breath better than I have in years. So god bless the VA and the care for a heart that barely works. 3 heart surgeries in 5 years. So needless to say one of the side affects is heart pain. I welcome it, compared to all I've experienced since 08. And so far can breath much much better. Thanks for all the health help I've gotten from the great health care employees at the VA with a endless job in front of them. Good luck to those who may read this. Thanks

double, blury vision ,extreme tremors couldnt stay awake sounded like I was drunk when i was talking had to call 911

I was on Ortho-Trycyclin for too brief of a time to put my finger on any side effects. My insurance soon switched me to TriNessa. This drug is the DEVIL! It all happened so gradually that I couldn't even put my finger on what was wrong with me. I took it for about 8 months before I finally questioned my rage, mood swings, crying, anger, depression, vision problems, inability to focus mentally and extreme fatigue. I stopped taking it the day I started reading these posts. I am now waiting to start Yasmin... any thoughts on this? I'm afraid to try anything now after what I have been through with TriNessa. I want "me" back :(

Only side effects I have noticed so far are my eyes have been red and itchy a little bit, feel sleepy at times and my ears feel a little itchy and wierd. Other than that I feel great!

Had to discontinue because of the severe nausea.

insomnia, have lost 30 pounds in about 4 appetite, neck and back pain, depression, extreme angry feelings, headaches, more severe periods

Other than the constipation and dry mouth...I thought this medication worked quickly and efficiently. I can deal with the constipation and dry mouth over the pain and discomfort of the UTI and bladder infection any week of the year!