Avelox (moxifloxacin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Avelox (moxifloxacin hydrochloride)

nausea,dizziness,nervousness,Dyspepsia,muscle/joint cramps & pains, stiffness,numbness of the feet and hands,extreme fatigue,sensation of the skin burning,shakiness in hands

Please do NOT take this medicine.Search for an alternative drug that does not cause sudden shut-down of your system.Inform your family and friends and take care of yourself.

11 years ago this changed my lifeI've lived out of reality and thought of suicide daily.

Anxiety, depression, fear of death, repetitive panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorde.

If your health is not in serious danger, please do not use it. Poison!

Anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks, brain fog, burning sensation up my neck and down my legs. It threw off my serotonin. I had to take antidepressants, xanex and mirtazipan.Eventually the brain fog went away and my serotonin got back to normal. Also pain in my hip.

This all happened to me after two pills.I thought I'd never be the same again.My advise don't take anything you haven't taken before.I know I won't. I had no idea an antibiotic could do this much damage.Poison do not take this medicine

Extreme dizziness..feels like the floor is shifting under me or like I'm moving when I'm laying down. Weakness in legs and arms. Tingling and numbness on the left side of my head

Do not recommend ever taking this.

Experienced tingling in my back as soon as they hooked up the IV. Never knew it was from this poison for 2 years! Caught C-diff from that first thing. The pain became excrutiating throughout my body, with monthly visits to the ER. Now I live with TMJ, carpal tunnel, and peripheral neurophathy in my back and legs. Giving it a name doesnt help what this drug did to my nerves!! They were stripped! For a cough.....I have epilepsy, I should never been given this drug. BOOM.

The fact that no one cares pisses us off! We need to be treated for what this drug did to us. Get doctors on board, and the pharma co.

4 years Severe Peripheral Neuropathy, Brain Fog/Head Pressure, Problems with eye site & vision sensitivity.

Cannot do anything or go anywhere. Had to stop working & in process of claiming disability.

Sinus infection & fluid in the ears

Allergic rash. Had to discontinue.

I'm allergic to the alternative antibiotics used to treat diverticulitis so I was told by 2 different doctors that is is my only choice or risk bowel perforation and surgery. I must take the whole 10 days. I'm on day 6 and I feel lousy from the drug but the bowel infection is healing. This a a mean, scary drug to be used as a last resort. So far side effects are fatigue, ringing ears, dizziness, dry mouth alternating with postnasal drip and a weird kind of itching all over but with no rash and loss of appetite. The worst side effect is extreme nervousness, anxiety and agitation and fear of something worse happening. I've been taking a mild tranquilizer with it so I don't jump out of my skin.

Oh, my. I have anxiety, which I've never had before. I feel panicked. My mental state is poor and foggy. My body aches and I worry. It is hard to find the motivation to get up and walk, I felt a bit weak. I'm nauseous but haven't thrown up. Diarrhea. Doesn't quite compare to the awful reaction I had from flagyl in which I could barely even move or breathe, but this stuff is no walk in the park.

I avoided this medication for as long as I could, knowing the serious side effects. But I am allergic to flagyl, and clindamycin did work but it doesn't cross the CNS so it failed too. There's not much else that can cure anaerobes, but this one sure does. I have had this anaerobic infection for a long time because no antibiotic was powerful enough. And the infection was killing me, starting from my uterus and spreading to my other organs and my breasts and my brain AND MY TENDONS AND MY JOINTS. But this stuff... My breast tissue is already almost healed. It took weeks to get responses from clindamycin and flagyl works but I simply can't take it, it destroys my liver. This was a last line antibiotic, my other option is this super dangerous one in the ER that can cause anemia, bone marrow damage and leukemia.My father has tendonitis and so I am being careful. I wish all goes well and that I can make it through this. No tendon ruptures although I am keeping an eye on it.But I won't take this again unless I'm in another situation where I have to. Ladies, learn from my mistakes. Don't douche, don't use toys without protection, if you have BV then cure it before it spreads, use a condom and I'd advise not to wear tampons, look into the cup instead. Else you'll end up like me with a whole body infection and if you're unlucky enough you'll be allergic to flagyl and then screwed into taking hardcore antibiotics that may or may not kill you. What happened to me is rare.

Was taking it for my pyelonephritis (kidney infection). It was helping, first time i took it for 15 days. Side effects i experienced included: bad depression, heart racing and heartache, tremor in 2-3 hours after taking the pill and lasting for around 2 hours. I noticed how long it lasts and only this helped me to finish a course. I knew i can handle this horrible state for couple of hours.In the days when i took the pill i often had insomnia, and it was the main reason why i discontinued treatment. I couldn't live feeling tired all the time.It did not kill my kidney infection completely so i had to repeat treatment several times and it worked less effective until i came to the point when treatment was worse than disease. So for now i stopped avelox and use bacteriofage for Escherichia koli. It works not less than avelox and has no side effects. But i don't think you can buy bacteriophage in USA or Europe.

Taken at bedtime. Woke up to moderate vertigo and brain fog. Developed some anxiety over the course of 3 days. Decided to stop taking this. Pneumonia did not récure.

I took Avelox for 5 months, can you believe it? I had lung disease called MAC & had to be on it for a lon time. Start having tingling in feet & legs after 1 mo. I addressed the problem to my doctor but no concern, did not know "peripheral neuropathy" side effect. Stopped taking it in Sept 2014 but still suffer from horrible burning feeling in legs, also due to terrible head pressure I'm unable to focus at work. I may have to quit working but not sure if I will be approved for disability. It's been 2-1/2 yrs since I stopped taking it but I'm going thru hell everyday. It says Peripheral Neuropathy can be permanent. I don't go anywhere on weekend, i can't travel at all. Because of Avelox I have to spend the rest of my life just staying at home with unbearable pain. Although I did not die from this poison the fact that I cannot do any exercise will surely shorten my life span. I was hoping the pain will decrease as the time goes on but it is getting worse everyday. It re

Bayer was aware of side effects but chose not to inform the doctors so that this poison can be prescribed by many doctors, which means huge profits to the company! I do not buy any products made by Bayer. They ruined my life and still doing the same to so many people. Greedy corporation.

Numb, tingling hands, fingers, feet and toes. Aching muscles. Anxiety.

Discontinued use even though this was a last line of defence against this infection. If one tablet caused this, what are ten going to do! Shouldn't be on the market.

Day 1 nothing other than foggy memory, day 2 auditory & visual hallucinations, vision changes, panic attack, tingling head, foggy memory dry mouth, day 3 I split the tablet to space out the effects- effects still appeared (racing thoughts, mood changes, panic, suicidal thoughts that were not my own), sore knee joints, joints cracking and popping. I have never had suicidal thoughts prior to this.

Bacterial infection, sinuses, chest

Headaches, diarrhea, disorientation, severe weakness, cough, aches and pains in joints and tendons, loss of appetite, nausea, dry mouth. Worried about long term impact of taking this medicine including tendon rupture risk. Completed script four days ago, still feeling most of these side effects.

This was a last ditch effort to keep me out of the hospital. It probably saved my life... potentially at a long term price as I deal with side effects.

Severe allergic reaction within 45 minutes of taking. Came on in a flash, facial swelling,red hot rash all over body, severe wheezing,itching,violent vomitting.rushed to hospital. Low blood pressure,given all sorts of drugs. Near anaphylactic reaction the MD said.

trembling, dry mouth, anxiety,panic attacks,headaches!!!

extreme muscle fatigue, joint pain in hands, feet and hip. Didn't clear infection either.

saved my life. no side effects.

AVELOX (MOXIFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE): Moxifloxacin is used to treat a variety of bacterial infections. This medication belongs to a class of drugs called quinolone antibiotics. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for virus infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I have been having the btb it lasted the whole 3rd month of taking it. At first it was a little not much unless I wiped then it got to the point where it got more and I had to wear a pad for a few weeks I had to and then I took the inactive pills for the period week and when and the spotting stopped once I was on the active pills again. I have gotten a yeast infection from taking these pills in the 2nd month and now I am in the 4th month and I feel another yeast infection coming on..I think I am done with these pills. I haven't gained any weight from them..I feel more hungry since I have been on them. I am more tired now as well but I am not sure if that is from the pills or the low iron I have but could be a mixture of both. I think I would rather deal with the monthly 3 to 4 day light period then the spotting for a month and then the period..no thanks..I don't think I want to stay on it long enough to see if I don't get anymore symptoms cause I cant deal with any more yeast infection

it doesn't work on me, stayed awake for hours then fell into sleep briefly, then woke up again.

Total hysterectomy with bilateral

Lots of anxiety and restlessness, problems sleeping. Stabbing pains behind my eyes, and strange sensations of seeing something in my peripheral vision (when nothing was there). After the first few weeks, the anxiety eased off a bit, but I started getting stabbing headaches in my temples, usually only on the right side of my head; sometimes they would only last a minute, sometimes they would go on for hours. After a month or two, I started getting a rash (lots of tiny red bumps, but fairly pale) all over both arms.

Read the side effects I developed C-dif, fainted (which I have never done in my life) bloody diarah,sepsis, in the hospital for three days cannot remember any of it, almost died. DO NOT TAKE THIS POISONOUS DRUG YOU MAY DIE.

Aside from the light headaches and mild nausua that is associated with almost every birth control; without a doubt people are exagerating the side affects of desogen. Hello? You're going to have side effect with any birthcontrol because your basically poisioning your body.

I have been taking Loestrin FE 24 for two months. The only thing I like about it is that I have regained my sex drive after three years on Yasmin. The mental anguish of not having a period is too much for me to deal with each month. My appetite is huge resulting in a several pound weight gain. ( I am a very fit person, not a couch potato). I am so snappy, My poor husband! I will not continue with Loestrin, there must be more suitable alternative to Yasmin out there.

Depression, mood swings, lost of concentration, crazy animAl nightmares, and still have headaches

Three years ago an oral surgeon gave me amoxicillin with augmentum. It destroyed all the good bacteria in my intestine and I got c-deficile toxins. Ended up in emergency room dehydrated, tingling, disoriented from week of 20 x a day diarrhea, mucus, intense cramping. Was given flagyll and vancomycin to destroy the c-def. But c-def returned and last January I ended up in the hospital for three days with severe ulcerative colitis after an extremely stressful work event. Doctor prescribed Asacol and said there was no cure and I had to be on this the rest of my life. She told me diet and stress had nothing to do with IBD. After reading this board, I bought the book 'Healing Inflammatory Bowel Disease' by Paul Nison. Buy it. I found a great probiotic (Probiotic Advantage beadlets 1-800-888-1415) and take it three times a day or more. Do not waste your money on vitamin store probiotics - the bacteria in those is already inactive. I ordered Gastric Gold (Aloe enzymes?) and am currently

It's 4:17 am and I was givin this med at 4:30 pm and still have burning in legs and a little anxiety couldn't sleep this happened once before when I was admitted after my gallbladder surgery and I don't remember if they gave me compazine it's not safe I don't trust Benadryl or this drug