Augmentin xr (amoxicillin; clavulanate potassium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Augmentin xr (amoxicillin; clavulanate potassium)

Weekends, tired, leg aches, brain feels off

Dizziness on day 1. Left leg pain on day 2.

I will not continue taking it.

Numbness in my legs at first. Then it turned into an aching pain in both legs. I almost scheduled an appointment to see my doctor until I read the reviews here.

It felt like was on dexi-amphetamines, and had a shocking flare up of gout.... got rid of the ear infection just can't walk now ....

Got three teeth pulled, bone infection

Horrible abdominal and back pain

Severe stomach pain and back pain, pain on back left side rib area, constant pain, sleeplessness, diarrhea, constipation, swollen back, induced menstrual cycle a week early, loss of appetite, weightloss, pain after eating. I just have to say, please don’t take this! It is not worth it. Take something else! Research before taking these medications our drs give us.

Started it and by day 2 sinus pain was gone. By day 3, I started having major stomach/back pain. I had diarrhea and was constipated. Stopped medication on Day 3. Symptoms got worse. So much pain in upper stomach and left side rib area in my back, that radiated upward. Constant pain. Couldn’t sleep, eat, sit or lay down against anything. It’s been 7 days and I am still dealing with this. Headache, restlessness, weightloss and not in the good way. The pain has been constant.

Severe stomach and Back pain. Disoriented, fever.

Entire body achingConfusionNauseaStomach painHeadacheAnxietyDiarrheaKidney painSleepiness

Bacterial sinus / bronchial infection

Knee pain, lower back pain (kidneys - see below), sleeplessness (keep waking up, restless sleep), feeling weak / not myself. On the other hand - it is only for a few days so i endure as i do not want to risk pneumonia. It is effective, as most of the sinus / bronchial issues disappeared within 48hrs.

Have taken it before, was much more ill back then. I realise now that part of symptoms were actually caused by the medicine. Remedy for lower back pain: lots of water (i conclude that pain most likely comes from kidneys, as water takes the edge off the pain within 20 mins)

Nausea from day 1 and extreme heartburn. The infection and redness around bite are looking much better and swelling has completely went down at day 3. Day 3 has also brought all over body aches esp in my legs.

I am grateful it got the infection but I didn't feel bad overall even with the severe bite and now the bites better but I feel almost flu like.

Tingling and cramps in both legs. Anxiety and general confusion. Insomnia, nausea and mild diarrhea

Never again. It worsen my anxiety. I also get bruises around my wound which were not there when i was bitten.

Moderate sharp back pain and tension with sitting and walking.

I feel better but the pain is intense.

I am in terrible knee joint pain! Happened suddenly.

I feel ill all over, depressed after taking it. Very dizzy ! Don't use this drug

Feel like I can't control my body or mind. Way to dizzy. Pressure. Body feels numb and tingly. Similar symptoms to multiple sclerosis..... will be going back to hospital. Anybody else?

My pharmacy a large chain near the the state capital could not fill all the prescription. Stating manufactur does not make it anymore.

Nausea, gas, loose bowels, lower back pain.

I did feel better after taking it within 24 hours. Day 3 lower back started hurting, fourth day now and back feels worse. Not clear whether the gas and back pain go hand in hand.

Gas, severe anxiety and panic attacks, burning sensation in body.

I took this antibiotic several years ago and don't remember having this type of reaction to it. I will never take this again.

Diarrhea, nausea, vaginal yeast infection, tiredness, headache, all over achiness

This medication worked great to kick the streps butt, unfortunately, around day 4 it started kicking mine as well. The only other antibiotic i have ever had any trouble with was e-mycin, with that one i had uncotrolled vomitting immediately, so this one is a bit sneakier. I would definitely try something milder like Keflex 1st, but if you cant, take lots of probiotics and be ready to become a whiney baby for a while because you may feel like crap.

Side Effects foraugmentin xr (amoxicillin; clavulanate potassium) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Works great- I only take it occasionally- when needed.

nausea at first, headaches went away after 6 months

extreme sleepiness, extreme dizziness, loss of clarity and memory, stomach aches, vomiting

Palpitations, paranoia, depression, anxiety, vertigo, indigestion, severe insomnia

This drug helped me quit smoking but it has its side effects. Definitely make sure to follow the instructions on the bottle. Do not take more than prescribed and make sure you wait the full 8 hours between doses. Also, I have found that I needed to eat after taking a dose otherwise extreme dizziness and nausea occur and won't go away for a couple of hours. It is AWFUL!

Extreme migraines. Nausea ,fever,unable to drive or focus eyes more than 15 minutes, dizzy,fatigue,depression,facial numbness.Increased BP most likely due to so much pain.

I took 75mg Effexor XR for the first couple of years and then increased it to 150mg which I've been on for the last 4 years or so. It has been very successful for me and have no desire to stop. Unfortunately the reality is that all drugs have risks and side effects and you have to determine if the results are worth it to you.

This was the first pill I ever took. Before ever using bc my cramps were severe, on ovcon they were excruciating. Also, I threw up after only 3 beers the second day I was on it. Not so much fun.

I was really suffering from a migraine brought on by bad storms up the east coast. After 2 days I tried Excedrin Migraine. The first day, taking only 1 tablet my headache improved a bit. I took it again the next day around 2 pm and my headache was all but gone and I felt great. I woke up today to bad stomach pains, heartburn, reflux and mild diarrhea. I am prone to heartburn but the stomach pains and diarrhea are unusual for me. I can only assume it was from the Excedrin. Very relieved I only took half the dose. It’s a shame because it really helped my migraine.

Arava was a life saver to me! I have more energy and my joint pain and swelling has lessened. I am starting to see glimpses of my old self coming through after 5 years of trying everything from Imuran to Plaquenil. It took me about a month before I noticed a difference.