Augmentin 875 (amoxicillin; clavulanate potassium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Augmentin 875 (amoxicillin; clavulanate potassium)

Heart palpitations; stomach pain; diarrhea; strange dreams

I had zero side effects from this antibiotic. It was wonderful for me. I did take it exactly 12 hours apart twice a day and ate something with it as well even if small like a nutrigrain bar. I stayed hydrated as well.

I took this after a root canal for periapical cyst for any remaining infection. I feel like a new person and I would definitely take it again if needed. Most Amoxicillin makes me sleepy but this did not even cause fatigue for me

Sinus infection fluid in left ear

Took 1 pill Wednesday night woke up during the night to use restroom extreme dizzness/vertigo room spinning had to hold on to objects to get around house for the next 24hrs. no stomach issues except for gas next 2 days felt like I had brain fog dazed feeling sinuses feel much better was prescribed for 10 days

Although it helped with the infection just didn't like the weird feeling I had couldn't work due to I have a driving job and the dizzness feeling I experienced

Heart palpitations felt like the heart was getting out of my chest, nausea ,stomach pain, burning feeling in the body and mouth, pulsating gums, very dry mouth and throat, insomnia, anxiety, pressure in the head, agitation, tremors, dizziness, weakness.

Worst drug I have ever taken. Never again!

Chest pain, Heart palpitations, stomach issues, anxiety

This medication was too strong overall and doesn't need to be given to people without it being mentioned I was told that I had mucosal thickening in the Sphenoid sinuses. I took it the first 3 days were fine the last 4 were terrible I had heart palpations, felt nauseous, and my anxiety symptoms came back. I lost weight it still getting out of my system after two days of finishing I have been on edge after finishing I don't like medicine anyways but I will never take this again as this is too strong not to mention the risk of C Diff and Lung issues. My doctor told me that the symptoms don't happen from that along with the Er that prescribe it. How are you going to tell me what going on in my body? There is more consideration about money over the person's health.

Night sweats, slight headache, confusion, agitation, andgastritis.

I took a pro-biotic to tolerate the stomach upset (already have reflux) after two full doses, I decided to cut the pill in half (it was scored) seem to tolerate itbetter. Edema to my right side of face, reduced after 3 days of use. Continuing regimen, cautiously.

Insomnia to the extreme, I've slept 2 hours in the last 2 days. Heavy chest, really bad anxiety, nervousness, irritated 24/7, itchy, stomach pain, diarrhea.

It got rid of my severe sinus infection really quick and I didn't have side effects from the drugs first 4-5 days. Thankfully it cleared it so quick because the side effects from the drug are a nightmare. I had to quit taking day 8. Will never take this again!!!

Swelling is still there but it is redder.

Inner ear infection/ sinus infection

The first 2 days had muscle pain in chest. My sinus infection went away.3rd and 4th day back of headache, head pressure, stiff neck, shoulder pain, jaw pressure, blurred vision, vaginal/anal rash/itching, frequent urination, lower back pain.5th, 6th, and 7th day stuffy nose, lightheaded, nauseous, feeling hot and cold, very tired, insomnia, nervousness/anxiety and I don't have anxiety, and heart beat a little fast and diarrhea.

Will not be taking this med next time.This medication has the worst side effects.I can't even walk around as much.

Headache, frequent urination, extreme dizziness, stomach pain, muscle aches, constipation, loss of appetite, shakiness/tremor, chest pain, feeling off, twitching, drowsiness.

I already suffer from anxiety. I've been holding in my pee longer than usual due to work and of course I get a uti. Started this and day one I felt so weak and assumes it was symptoms of my uti. Fast forward to today day 3 and I am losing it. My chest feels heavy, I've been twitching and shaking, stuttering my words, body aches, extreme dizziness, feels like my legs are being squeezed. All I can do is cry. My doctor wants to switch to another med. I'm stopping this immediately. The side effects are not worth it. I took 4 pills out of 14 and feel like im going nuts. Please do not take this!!! If your doctor recommended this medication say NO

Headache, nausiness, dizzy, feel off, anxiety, bad taste in mouth, doesn't seem to be helping much! Has been Eight days on it

I took this because I had a severe sinus infection and bronchitis. It took almost 20 days to get over it with horrible side effects. Nothing gastrointestinal. I had days of heart palpitations, elevated heart rate, higher bottom number blood pressure (I never have had high blood pressure). The dizziness was awful. I thought something was terrible wrong with me until I saw this group. Brought such piece to my mind.

Dizziness, sleepiness, extreme fatigueNo gastrointestinal reactionsNo headaches

Augmentin knocks out my bronchitis. Being asthmatic & having walking. pneumonia several times, I will put up with side effects. Luckily I'm retired

Sore Throat, Bladder infections

l'm concern of the high dosages but experience anxiety and vivid dreams. I took the tablet broke them in half why the anount 875 I understood might have slight bronchitis, or Omicron, bladder infection guy cough on bus refusal put his mask on cough behind me. So I wind up later feel tired without taste itch throat. sneezing. Flu symptom,. I think pill works fast but my has not clear up yet this is day 1. I made sure to eat fish sandwich just in case nevertheless take on empty stomach. My heart palpation 5 min but try stay calm. I will have my doctor to reduce the dosage this is ridiculous.

Reduce the dosage too difficult to swallow -capsules would be better.

Bad Heart Palpitations; Severe Heartburn; Dizziness; Anxiety/Panic Attack; Diarrhea; Tired; Itchy Eyes; Shakiness

The medication knocked out the sinus infection within 3-4 days; however, after that, the side effects hit. I had dizzy spells where I would feel like I was going to fall over. My anxiety was through the roof. I had heart palpitations from day 5-6 until I stopped taking it early at day 8. I really could not deal with them anymore. Completely freaked me out. I’ve taken amoxicillin throughout my life and never had an issue. I won’t be taking this medication again. It works, but the side effects are not worth it to me.

anxiety, violently throwing up, anxiety, panic attacks, shakiness, confusion, lower back pain, naueous all the time, depression

i have already a severe anxiety disorder & also have emetophobia. this medication worsened everything for me, i am in so much pain, i've thrown up every morning & i hope i don't throw up tmrw morning but i wouldn't be surprised. i am getting off this medication tmrw.

Horrible diarrhea and nausea. Will never take again!

Side Effects foraugmentin 875 (amoxicillin; clavulanate potassium) - User Comments


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Slight cramping first day, that cleared up and no other noticeable side effects (maybe slight lower back ache - not sure if related to it). After reading warnings I was concerned - but all has been fine. No depression, have been in a very good mood considering my current family situation.

irregular periods, cramps, b contro

were gonna do something about this this cipro caused him so much misery and pain that it made him feel like that was the only way out

Thank-goodness I have a doctor who saw the seriousness of this drug and forced me off it. I was weaned and replaced with Klonopin. It keeps an even balance and I'm not anxious or scared, helps my sleeping, tremendously. STAY OFF OF XANAX! My mom and husband stayed with me when I went off it, I would reccomend having it done profeesionally, don't be alone and try it!!!!! The withdrawl is HORRIBLE, you literally lose your mind.

I only took 1 dose and I am supposed to take it for 10 days. I took with with water, food and even yogourt.............Intense nausea (any smell makes me want to vomit) that lasted several hours. A very very bad head ache which simply didn't go away. very strange vivid dreams. Severe stomach cramps.

It cleared up my ear proble, but I really don't want to take it again if, in fact, it was the cause of my depression. It affected my job, my workout regimen, my school, sleep patterns, etc.

Panic attacks, full feeling in head, chest and back tightness. Horrible. Never again.

I am trying to maintain my health; however, since being on this medication i just don't feel good. I don't know if these side effects are just a part of aging or they are attributed to this medication. After finding this website i plan to talk to my doctor.

dizziness, dehydration eye pain confusion low potassium Still not feeling completely better after 4 weeks. Ears ringing and balance problems

its slimy. It stinks and doesn't do a darned thing.