Augmentin 125 (amoxicillin; clavulanate potassium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Augmentin 125 (amoxicillin; clavulanate potassium)

Diarrhea ,dizzy sweats, a low temp. Insomnia, yeast infection and dry mouth.

Made me feel worse I would rather deal with the pain in my lung then to take this horrible medication.

Body aches bad back pain extreme sweating headache

Will never take again. Didn't realize why I was getting sicker w/weird symptoms until I realized it was the drug. Today 2nd day w/o but still have body& joint pains headache & back pain. Am hoping I will be better by tomorrow. Stupid it took me so long to connect worsening illness with drug.

Awful flu like symptoms, it just made me feel horrible and I got really bad hot flashes. I felt worse with this antibiotic than I did with the tooth infection itself . Never taking again.

Nausea, but less with a full stomach. Very bad night sweats.

Extreme fatigue, body aches, flu like symptoms, night sweats, fast heart rate, super bad headache nauseous, diarrhea.

This medicine actually made me feel worse, and that was only 2 days on this antibiotic. I felt like I had the flu and felt loopy and out of it, cause the worst back back pain. Seemed to help me breathe a little better and feel a little better but stopped it due to the terrible side effects.

Sweating constantly. Night sweats, nausea, headache, diarrhea, fatigue,

Night sweats .. Extreme dry mouth And dehydration - headache in the afternoon and at night

Throbbing headache; high heart rate; insomnia; night sweats; flu-like symptoms; lethargy

Lack of sleep (due to insomnia and constant sweating) is not conducive to getting well. I felt like a zombie as soon as I started this medication but didn't realize it was the size affects until about a week in. In my opinion, the meds only delayed my healing.

Side effects started within first dose - irritated and red eyes, actually not feeling right, extreme mood swings, brain fog, trouble sleeping, pain in joints. After 3rd dose,extreme diarrhea. Stopped taking after first day and asked Dr for plain amoxicillin

After my husband stopped taking this, hequickly returned back to normal. After living through the bad experience with Bactrim, not putting up with any more bad drugs

extreme fatigue, indigestion, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fogginess, depression

Started taking this to get rid of a persistent sinus infection that had failed to respond to another anti-biotic and persisted for months. I've never had a negative reaction to any anti-biotic or any other drug for that matter. It knocked the infection out in a few days, but by the 6th day I started experiencing all the above effects. Probably should have stopped taking it then, but it took me a while to trace what I was feeling to the drug. Took last dose 48 hours ago, and still feel terrible. Finally puked for the first time since I've had nausea for days and feel a little better. I lost 5 pounds in less than a week. Probably should have gone to the emergency room or hospital at several points. Don't know how I worked 3 days this week. The "cure" in this case was much worse than the ailment.

I started taking this for a week and I was fine and had no symptoms until a few days ago when I started feeling dizzy and I had a headache. I called the dr and she said to stop the medication. I've never had any problem before with any other antibiotic. This is the first. Would not recommend.

Auxillary Gland Infection/Abscess

Diarrhea, nausea and red, itchy rash

Doctor prescribed this to me to prevent the spread of an infection in my arm. For that reason, it worked wonderfully. After the abscess was drained my doctor said the wound looked great and the redness from the infection ceased in my arm. But I had diarrhea halfway through the second day and it lasted through the end of the treatment period despite trying to take probiotics to help it. Then on the eighth day I broke out into a rash, very similar to hives, all over my body. My doctor suggested benadryl to alleviate the itching. This medicine did what it was supposed to do; it just came with side effects that made me feel worse than I already did.

Intense nausea followed by hours of vomiting/dry heaving with nausea for almost 24 hours.

I was given this antibiotic for a small cyst that popped up on my ear that looked like it could be slightly infected. I took one pill with a large meal and two hours later I was INTENSELY nauseous. Then I proceeded to vomit on and off for hours and eventually it was just dry heaving. I was nauseous for about 24 hours. Won't be taking this again. I had not needed to take an antibiotic in about 10 years, but I have never had a reaction like this to one. My doctor told me to stop taking it and just apply an antibiotic ointment.

diarrhea, headache, depression, itching, sever pain post urination, feelings of impending doom

my daughter screamed in for 40 minutes after she urinated, saying "mommy its wet make it stop, it makes me nervous, i can't take it any more" etc, doc said this was all from this medication. diarrhea was explosive, often she did not make it to the bathroom. I would never give this to another child.

loose stools, then diarrhea. severe stomach cramps. Switched to the liquid loose stools increased. Finished entire course stools still loose, stomach is queasy. Yeast infection. Two weeks later still symptomatic with loose stool and a very sore swollen butt!!

Side Effects foraugmentin 125 (amoxicillin; clavulanate potassium) - User Comments


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Taste disturbance (lasted a few hours then went away). Rash for a few days then went away. Loss of appetite. Body Aches every now and then. Vivid dreams (which I appreciate). Extreme Fatigue most days.

After reading this Web site, I declined to take Boniva. However, yesterday I learned from someone who is on chemotherapy at a major cancer treatment center that doctors there treat severe bone pain (caused by chemotherapy) by prescribing Claritin, an over-the-counter antihistamine sold in most pharmacies. The doctors don't know why it works, but it does. If you're not allergic to the ingredients in Claritin, and you have severe bone pain from Boniva that nothing has yet relieved, perhaps you might try it. I will watch for feedback from anyone who tries this possible remedy.

Lightheadedness, extreme nausea, weak, feeling hungry every hour even if i just ate a full-course meal

Taken only at night for sleep, but still I feel very tired in the daytime. Have had several falls since in the last months taking it, I am so tired I'm not walking right. I have loss of focus, I just go through the motions all day, and enjoy nothing. Occasionally suicidal thoughts. I am also having memory loss and I have trouble making decisions. I have increasing anxiety and fear. I feel my family is against me. These things all began shortly after I began the Xanax. I wish my doctor had given me something else for the insomnia because it is helping me less and less and I am afraid to increase the dose for sleep and afraid to quit, but I know I am not myself on this drug. I don't know what to do.

Mentally sluggish, exhausted, bloating of face and abdomen, peripheral edema, constipation, depression. Very rapid weight gain.

I received the vaccination 8/18/20 and I am writing this approximately 21 hours later.

think this is an excellent addition to calcium, vitamin D regimen in lieu of bisphosphonates.

Slept for 6 hours straight (in the middle of the day!), extreme dry mouth, mild headache upon awakening

Weight gain, approx 20 pounds in 6 months. At first this medication made it difficult to sleep, but I adjusted within a week of taking it. Now it doesn't help or hinder my sleep. The weight gain is very frustrating. I have to spend 2 hours a day at the gym to keep from gaining more.

fatigue, excessive weight gain, hair loss