Amoxil (amoxicillin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Amoxil (amoxicillin)

Weight gain, weight gain and more gain. Two pounds of water weight already. I thought it was my scale out-of-whack but after googling the subject of weight gain with antibiotics, there were many hits. I understand that once you quit a course of treatment, the weight loss is a lot slower than the weight gain. I have 3 more days to go and hopefully I will my procedure by then and won't have to take it anymore.

I had no other side effects so that's why I gave it a 2 instead of a 1. It prevented further infection and kept away the potential for fever and swelling

I'm on day 4. Have some dizziness, diarrhea, and feel pretty much exhausted. All three side effects started today.

Amoxicillin started to work within 24 hours. I don't enjoy the side effects but would take it again. It has been my experience that no antibiotic is all that pleasant to take.Dosing is one every 6 hours.

Mostly depression with exhaustion. I began to feel hopeless with mild anxiety which is not normal to me at all ... I was actually relieved to read that others have reported the same thing. I have mild nausea also ...

It seems to be a necessary drug but I would not choose to be on it long term ... it also concerns me to think how it might affect children ... ?

Nausea, abdominal pain, spasms during the night (which further caused sleeplessness), skin rashes, dry mouth

I was prescribed the Nextium hp7 which contains amoxicillin to kill the H. Pylori (in my stomach). 5-6days after taking the pills, things started to go downturn, with unpleasant new symptoms poping up one after another, after day-8, it went bizzare - I was feeling so sick that I thought there were something seriously wrong with my liver or bile or pancreas - I finished the course anyway, as the instruction says if I don't follow the exact dosage the bacteria will become more difficult to wipe out later.

Root Canal, possible infection

Cloudy head, confusion, difficulty focusing, forgetfulness, lethargy, insomnia, weird mood swings, short term memory problems, bizarre/disturbing dreams, tongue rash/bumps, tongue sensitivity. Low appetite, lots of headaches, forgetfulness, &things taste weird.**All of these are to an extreme degree & interfering with everyday life.**

I was starting to think I was crazy since none of the official medicine thingies really mention the symptoms I have been having. I'm on day 6 of a 7-day regimen; will probably go ahead and finish & hope I start feeling more clear-headed & even-keeled soon.I can't remember if I mentioned it, but forgetfulness. :-)Seriously though, the symptoms are almost as bad as the infection. Not as bad, but extremely frustrating and scary.

Thrush and loose stools and off balance stomach took 6 to 7 months after to get my stomach back I advise to take a pro biotic during an after use and as to get a antifungal mouth wash as I got thrush on my tongue

Worked on my throat worst pain/ sickness I had sense chicken pox and food poisoning so it worked great.



Slght muscle cramp, dehydration, nausea if taken without food, upset stomach, occasional dry mouth. Took this to clear a sinus infection. Was prescribed a prescription for 10 days. I was only able to take it for seven due to the side effects mentioned previously. Outside of the side effects it did exactly what it's suppose to do. While taking this make sure you drink plenty of water through out the day!

I was given this drug for a tooth abscess. First few days I was fine. Slight and very mild headache is all. After fourth day I noticed constipation, sore throat and stuffy feeling in head as well as fatigue.Other than that, do far so good. My infection is gone. I would say drink lots of water and make sure you eat when taking this medication. :)Good luck sick little soldiers!

Not working at the moment 5th day of 7 feeling very tired and depressed

Some fungal infection (tinea).

A good and safe drug for its intended use, but keep an antifungal creme on hand, since you may experience a tinea infection. Probiotics afterwards are a good idea, as well.

Extreme thrush. Slight stomach upset.

Pre-medication for Dental appoimtme

I take Amoxicillin as a pre med before dentist appointments. I take 2000/mg one hour prior to my exam. I had a cleaning & crown scheduled within a 2 week period which means I took 2 2000/mg doses within that time. My side effects included adult acne on my forehead and a vaginal infection. I chose not to go to the doctor for the vaginal infection (I wanted to see if it would clear up on its own. It did within 5 days.). I am also immunosuppressed (transplant recipient, which is why I am required to take the pre med). I usually don't have major issues with this drug, however, the vaginal issue was VERY unpleasant.

Overall, I can't complain. I was well when I took it (I take the medication to PREVENT an infection due to dental work). With taking large doses 14 days apart, I can safely assume that was why the side effects were more severe (I am also a small woman: 5'1" 110#). I am so thankful for this site. It has helped me pinpoint which medications are causing side effects. I don't feel that it's 'dramatic' to write an honest review of what is happening with your body. We are all different and have different reactions.

This is the safest and one of the oldest antibiotics out there, and thankfully my toddler tolerated it well with probiotics 5-6 hours after the morning dose. Lots of water and coconut water!

nausea (which subsided after eating yogurt 3 hrs. after each dose), fatigue, headache and back pain.

I've taken this med several times over the past two years for tooth infection avoidance without any negative side effects. However,this time was totally different the fatigue and back pain were the worst and i almost didn't take my last five pills because of this. The back pain started on the second day my doctor said to keep taking the meds, by the fourth day i felt so bad that i started taking them every ten hours instead of every 8. This eased the nausea and fatigue somewhat along with eating greek yogurt 2.5hrs. after each dose, of course i had to take the meds longer but was able to function better. I have become quite sensitive to antibiotics as i've gotten older. I will try natural alternatives next time. of course they have their side effects too but not nearly as bad as prescribed meds., and they get the job done naturally.

I started getting clumps of hair falling out. Muscle aches and fatigue. The amoxicillin cleared my infection, but along with it came certain side effects.

Great little drug! Some loose stools, but no major problems. Thank God for Amoxicillin. Others have almost put me in the emergency room!

No side effects, I wish people would stop being so dramatic as other will people will get paranoid and aviod treating their infection!!

Amoxil is a fab antibiotic, as with any antibiotic space them evenly, every 6-8 hours, eat with them as this will stop nausea or upset stomach and give them a chance to work. More than likely its the infection itself that is making you feel ill not the tablets!!!!

AMOXIL (AMOXICILLIN): Amoxicillin is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. This medication is a penicillin-type antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. Amoxicillin is also used with other medications to treat stomach/intestinal ulcers caused by the bacteria H. pylori and to prevent the ulcers from returning. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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MY son has ben taking it for 18 months. Everything was going well until it was increased to 50mg.He started have trouble breathing and his H.R.went 109 per minute (resting heart rate).

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I have since May 07 beens suffering with a horrible,itchy, hive-like rashes that resembled ring-worm, on my legs. Dr.treated me with Gris Peg which cleared it up temporarily. Two mos. after treatment, symptoms showed up again. Dr. told me that my nail/fungus & athletes foot had spread to my skin. I've never heard of such a thing. I've researched multiple sites and have never found any such similar exp. I am going to stop taking Lamisil for what I'm feeling is a non-confirmed diagnosis as the side effects don't make it worth it.

Awful flu like symptoms, it just made me feel horrible and I got really bad hot flashes. I felt worse with this antibiotic than I did with the tooth infection itself . Never taking again.

For a drug known for its lack of side effects, be careful at higher doses. I had been taking six per day for about six years and never realized how lethargic it was making me feel. When the Dr. increased the dosage to nine per day, I could barely function. Without it, my liver enzymes go off the chart, so for now I take four per day which is tolerable.

panic attacks, constant turmoil