Amoxicillin (amoxicillin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Amoxicillin (amoxicillin)

After 24 hours of talking this I had a huge heart palpitation and nearly fainted. I then felt as if my chest and throat were under pressure, and my heart was racing. The only way I could feel slightly better was to walk about. I genuinely thought I was dying and went to A&E. All tests were ok. These symptoms have continued: feeling of drifting off, irregular heartbeat, general feeling of pressure in my chest. Last tablet due today, so I am hoping that these symptoms will resolve.

Extreme anxiety, stress, lack of happiness

I am not going to take this again. I have one of the biggest exams in my life coming up and this completely destroyed my motivation to study.

Why all the bad reviews? Amoxicillin is really good and not dangerous. It's what they give u at the dentist. Unless u are allergic to the ingredients, it's bad for u. But for me it was really good. Took a while to work but it's vanilla compared to the really bad antibiotics out there. (Like bactrim and cipro) I even have anxiety problems too, but this medication was great, took my horrible sore throat (I couldn't even speak) away. The only side effect was itchy private parts, but that soon went away.

Body rash (abdomen, chest, and shoulders), pain in stomach.

Dizziness, chest pain, tingling in face, horrible anxiety

I have been diagnosed with panic attack disorder and anxiety in the past. I've been off anxiety medication for 1.5 years until I started taking amoxicillin. I can't sleep because I feel like I am going to stop breathing. Can barely move because of nausea and dizziness. I've been super paranoid. I am calling the doctor first thing in the morning because I can't do this any longer. I feel like I am going to die because of how bad my anxiety has been since starting this medication.

Anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts

Took this for ONE DAY and about 30 mins after I literally had to talk myself through not harming myself. I will never take this again! 10/10 DO NOT RECOMMEND!!!!!

Heart racing, trouble sleeping, panic attacks, mind racing

I'm sure I've taken Amoxicillin in past and felt a bit off, some gastro issues, but not this intense e.g. the anxiety and slight dizziness. Also nausea. Interesting reading how many others experienced same. At least tooth is feeling better.

I'm on day 4 of 7. On day 2 I started taking probiotics and probiotic yogurt to help calm stomach symptoms (which they have). These help replenish gut bacteria killed by antibiotic (it doesn't differentiate between good and bad bacteria). Dentist recommended yogurt when I called. Should be taken a couple hours or more apart tom the drug, not at same time.

Incredible tingling in legs. Chills. Severe anxiety with no history of anxiety. Elevated blood pressure 150/85. when I usually am under 120/80; 117/73 is common.

This drug augmentin has serious side effects that were never mentioned by my orovider.

I have no history of depression, anxiety, or mental illness, but since taking the amoxicillin I have had unrelenting panic attacks. This awful feeling of white heat, horror, racing heart, flushed face, and impending feeling of Doom pulls me out of my sleep 6 or 7 times every single night, and I am left with a debilitating anxiety all day. The panic and anxiety do not come from a thought or a fear, it's like my body or brain has been poisoned by this drug. It has been Four agonizing years of this and I have been to every doctor and specialist imaginable trying to find the cause and cure for this. Do not take this drug. It has literally ruined my life. I only recently made the connection that the amoxicillin destroys your microbiome, and I am very slowly on a path to rebuild. God I hope this works

Complete panic attack onset after starting amoxicillin. Went to the er and was told it was panic attacks and a tooth infection. Switched to clinda and only took one dose and was anxious for a few days when told to go back on amoxicillin for dental procedure. Reaction and panic attack placed me back in the er where I was once again only treated for a panic attack. Switched back to clinda for dental work and struggling w residual anxiety. Can't wait to be off antibiotics period

I was prescribed Amoxicillin by my GP for congested lungs and coughing that was persisting for weeks. I took the first pill that evening. Within a few hours I had a sudden onset of anxiety, rapid heartrate, tingling in my hands and feet, insomnia, and a horrible feeling of dread. The next day I called the dr. to report these symptoms and ask what I should do. He said it sounded like I was having a panic attack and that he'd prescribe an anti-anxiety med for me. I told him I've never had a panic attack in my life and have no history of psychiatric problems. He insisted the antibiotic could not be the cause of my symptoms, but I could not imagine what else was causing it. I called a dr. friend who is an ER dr who told me that my symptoms are uncommon side-effects of Amoxicillin and advised me to immediately stop taking it and take some Benedryl. I followed his advice and all the symptoms went away, never to return.

About half way through, I started to feel nauseous and my urine was so acidic the skin started to peel and I had to put zinc baby ointment around my privates. My spit became so acidic, my enamel on my teeth hurt just brushing my teeth.

I finished the med three weeks ago. I have lost 12 pounds. I need to take pain killers just to eat or drink pediatyle or baby foods. I had to cut my teaching hours just trying not to freak out my students, families and school. My school does not have healthcare benefits for part-timers like me. I am so exhausted, It takes four hours just to get ready to do anything. My family is really concerned. They have never, ever seen me this sick. What the heck did they give me???? Poison? It was just a tooth ache, but now my intestinal system has been shredded. Is this antibiotic going to kill me?

Bad Headaches, stomach pains, tingling in legs and feet, horrible leg pains, weird dreams, anxiety, dehydrated urine, internal tremors.

Took because I was told my left ear looked like a start of an infection from fluid being stuck behind my eardrum. I've taken amoxicillin in the past growing up with zero issues- this time was COMPLETELY different and I will not take again!

I started taking this medication due to having a chest infection after covid. I have never experienced anxiety on such a level as I did when taking it. I couldn't see properly (double vision), felt light headed, panic attacks, depressed, suicidal thoughts and so incredibly fatigued. I felt like I was losing my mind.I do not recommend this medication to anyone especially those who already suffer from anxiety and/or panic attacks.

I've had mild panic attacks in the past but never this severe. Only until taking amoxicillin, I've never hyperventilated in my life. Until recently and my hands would lock up and everything and it was scary! I was on amoxicillin for 21 days to treat an infection. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I had to detox the antibiotics out of my body and start replenishing my good bacteria again and that's when when the panic attacks completely stopped for some weeks now and it's been extremely relieving. I've felt a lot of difference and I feel so much better now. Do not recommend this drug

I got a fever never been so cold went to bed with two dressing gowns on and socks on my feet and hands Also got a throaty cough and non stop wheezing plus a headache. Also had to go to the toilet numerous times don't normally go at all Will never take these again

This is one of the worst drugs. I'm 15 and was getting extreme gas and nausea, pain. Me and my mum went to the hospital to find a diagnosis because I would constantly be belching/feeling sick for 4 weeks. I had a urine test done and it came back as a suspected kidney infection because i had blood in my urine... but i was also on my period that day... they didn't even tell me to go back home and come back when i'm off my period. they prescribed me with antibiotics anyway because they thought it would be a kidney infection and i had to take it because i had no other option. nothing really changed when i started taking it then after i stopped taking it that's when the side effects kicked in... i had diarrhoea at one point while taking it. then shortly after with a yeast infection/vaginal discharge... my stools started turning black. my hands were slightly tingling for the whole day and then it triggered my whole body would go numb and my hands would be paralyzed and severe pins and needles

I'm sure it did its job at preventing infection, but this drug gave me panic attacks and awful anxiety, which I definitely wasn't expecting. So, be warned.

Day 3 started with palpitations, hyperventilating and axnietyWill contact my dentist, as I don’t like how I feelThe only positive comment is that the swelling in my mouth is gone

AMOXICILLIN (AMOXICILLIN): Amoxicillin is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. This medication is a penicillin-type antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. Amoxicillin is also used with other medications to treat stomach/intestinal ulcers caused by the bacteria H. pylori and to prevent the ulcers from returning. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Eliquis makes me feel icky roughly about an hour after taking it. I get a horrible case of restless leg syndrome combined with an itch sensation around my tail bone. It's as if all nerve endings are firing full blast. It's horrible and usually much worse at night than after the morning dose. Sometimes I'm so tired that I'm circling the living room with my eyes closed half asleep. I've tried taking it apart from my other meds - no luck. I've tried Vicodin - initially I thought it helped but false alarm. It is better than dying but sometimes the effects can last for hours. It's so uncomfortable to be twitchy!!! This reaction doesn't seem to be listed anywhere...has anyone else experienced this????

burning sensation in mouth,lips,eyes,eyes all red and bloodshot with blurred vision. Bad pain at base of skull,which also travels to top of skull. My memory is much worse, hard time concentrating. Sometimes runny nose for no reason. Mild diarreah. Burning feeling also after urinating or going bm. Spiking of my blood pressure which is supposed to be helping. BP went to 235/101 with bad head pain. I thought I was having a stroke. Ended up in emergency room and spent 3 hours on IV to return blood pressure to normal level. Very frightening. The tinitus I have gets so bad after taking the pill, that I feel like banging my head against the wall. As I write, my eyes are blood shot and burning. My blod pressure went to 230/100 again. It is supposed to help reduce it. I also take atenalol for 5 years now (after having a stent put in my heart) Dr. thought my BP was getting a bit too high, so added the Cozaar and I have been having one terrible problem after another. I am 79 years old, always ve

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Day 1: sore throat; Day 2: chest and upper back, collar bones, ribs hurt so bad, I wanted to die; Day 3: tummy cramps, lower back pain, knees buckled and hurt excruciatingly, fever and flu-like symptoms; Day 4: bone and muscle pain all over, hot flashes, fatigue, fever; Day 5: pain all over, muscles, bones, joints; Day 6 (today): cold chills, back and collar bone pain, nausea, fatigue... when will this end? I am so frustrated, exhausted, haven't slept in several days because the pain is too strong, even Darvocet didn't touch it, I want this to end! Neither prescribing physician nor notes that come with the drugs warn that these are long-terms side effects!

Usually it helps me to feel less tense. Usually it helps me to fall asleep. Occasionally it makes it hard to catch my breath. As if I cannot get enough air. It makes me thirsty as well.

I have a very bad time remembering to take my pill so I opted for a more convieniant birth control. I have been on depo for about 4 years. I have almost doubled my wieght and my sex life is like the living room light switch. WHEN Im in the mood great but it seems to only last a few minutes and then Im so done. My sex life has suffered tremendously. I am now engaged to be married in September of 2008 and we would like to have children. The only problem with that is depo prevents me from even being able to get pregnant for atleast the next 9-10 months. So after the better part of a year we can START trying to have our own family. The weight gain is very deppressing for me too. I was a size 9 and 4 years after I started depo I am now a size 20 and I have a few other problems. If I would have known all this would happen I would not have started. The only good thing about the shot is that I have no periods but I wih it got rid of my pms.

If I stop taking Lyrica or reduce it the stabbing pains come back five fold.

Because of the diarrhea, we've had to increase my dosage very slowly. Once that problem settles down, I do very well on the Metformin. It's helped me lose some PCOS weight and I've even had a few spontaneous cycles for the first time in nearly 20 years.

only had side effects when T3 was loss, cold, fatigue etc. New Dr is threatening to not prescribe T3 due to worries over cardiovascular issues etc.

I am not really sure if this medication is working for me. It has made me hungry. I try to ignore the hunger pangs and only eat my main meals. I cut down the portions drastically. I gained 30 lbs. I was very petite and now I'm not. I went from a size 0 to a 4. That's a big difference to get accustomed to. I excercise 3 -4 days a week as well.