Altabax (retapamulin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Altabax (retapamulin)

Side Effects foraltabax (retapamulin) - User Comments


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Zocor has helped my overall cholesterol I had to increase dosage from 10 mg daily to 20 mg daily to see if my cholerterol improves even more

Was fairly good at regulating my BP averaging 130's/70's, however, BP quite labile at times, rising to 150's/high 80's. Side effects intolerable.

This site helped me a lot when I was freaking out about the white discharge. I wanted to tell everyone DO NOT ASSUME IT IS YEAST. I called my doctor and they said this discharge is normal and it should clear up within 2-4 days after stopping the medicine. I had gigantic globs coming out of me, especially when I pooped or exercised. This discharge disappeared within 2 days after my 5 day treatment, and I'm glad I didn't do a yeast infection treatment, which could've further messed things up if it was unecessary. This medicine helped my problem, I think, though it was mentally challenging to deal with the insanity of the discharge.

After taking this drug for 9 days, I am just now experiencing severe burning and itching all over my body including my face. I have broken out in hives every where!!! I can't sleep because the pain and itching are unbearable. This has gone on since yesterday morning and Benadryl isn't working. I also experienced chills and gas last night. This stuff sucks!!!! I won't be taking that last pill.

after the first dose(I took nightly) I felt different. I had started a healthy diet and exercise 2 weeks prior to the start of progesterone. I had energy and in had lost 5 lbs. the next day after my first dose I felt horrible. No energy and just blah. I kept taking nightly for 9 days....until I went shopping and could not fit slip on shoes.I've been compliant with my diet and exercise and I drink plenty of water. But the fluid retention became horrible. Anxious, short tempered, impatient, depression got worse, lost my energy I had just gained back. I'm stopping the pills with 5 days left.And I asked my dr about side effectswhen he told me what he was prescribing. He told me none with short term use. NOT TRUE !!!

Hoping this will slow progression of precancerous cells in uterine lining so I can begin Clomid and other fertility treatments. I have been TTC for three years. I have PCOS, and I had uterine polyps removed prior to beginning the medication.

Depression, severe anxiety, ADD

Insomnia, deppression, irriatiblity

After 4 months of 1.25 dose, cluster headaches and edema and high blood pressure.

Very tired/exhausted during the day, loss of feelings, some constipation