Zyflo (zileuton) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zyflo (zileuton)

ZYFLO (ZILEUTON): Zileuton is used to control and prevent symptoms (such as wheezing and shortness of breath) caused by asthma. Controlling symptoms of asthma helps you maintain your normal activities and cuts down on time lost from work or school. This medication must be used regularly to be effective. It does not work right away and should not be used to relieve sudden asthma attacks. If an asthma attack occurs, use your quick-relief inhaler (such as albuterol, salbutamol) as prescribed. This drug is not recommended for use in children younger than 12 years due to possible risk of liver problems. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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It helps me sleep well and so far- being the only drug I take- guess it helps my "symptoms"...

indigestion (ongoing) and a feeling of "brain freeze" when I first began. I am experiencing increased energy, and with that, some increase in anxiety.

It gave me my life back! I felt a difference the first 5 days at 25 mg and then my life got better at 2 weeks. No regrets.My Doctor told me to stay on it as a minimum for 6 months and stay on it or weaned myself of it by taking a pill every other day or half a pill every day and then every other day.And I did it!! at 6 months... no prob! I am still doing great and that was 4 months ago. I exercise fast-paced walks and treadmill to break a sweat. I take a B-complex and multivitamins. No anxiety or panic attacks whatsoever.

Remeron pulled me out of the blackest pit of despair when nothing else helped. Would recommend seeing a good therapist while using this med. The weight gain was a good thing for me because I had lost so much due to the depression. Time to start tapering off because do not wish to gain anymore weight. Am fearful of getting depressed again. Helped a great deal with anxiety, but almost to the point of not caring about anything. First 3 months had trouble waking up but am also taking another med for sleep at the same time. Time to stop Remeron and pray I do not go back to the horrible depression. Hope there will be no side effects to discontinuing.

Will stop taking it... I did not have all these issues before taking, just thought it was due to getting older!

I had to stop taking Fosamax because after MRI's, cat scans, bone marrow tests, and xrays, nothing was found except benign bone marrow conversion in lower spine. Eventually the pain went away on its own. I started taking monthly Boniva in March 2009 and I am having the same sympthoms as with Fosamax. I can only attribute it to Boniva. I am not doing any more cat scans, etc. I am just going to stop taking Boniva. I wish they would have found out if the Fosamax was causing the bone marrow conversion. Scarey!

I took the minimum dose and had a severe reaction to it.It was like an amphetamine in my system. Severe anxiety, insomnia, feeling burning and hot, arms tingling, a feeling of needing to shake the arms, restlessness, agitation, etc. It was really horrible.

Took Baycol for several years back around 2000, then stopped when it was taken off market for causing the unpleasant side effect of death. Started on Zocor, took that for about 6 years until it became available as Simvastatin. Starting noticing side effects of ED in previous years, started reading about side effects. Stopped taking Simvastatin cold turkey March 2009 to give my liver and other organs a break. Started taking it again last fall when my doc suggested I needed to stick to it. Almost immediately I noticed side effects of ED. It has continued. It makes spontaneity almost impossible, and even worse is very frustrating. Stopping again now, don't care what my doc says.

It just didn't work for me. First day my body was numb and brain completely awake. 2nd day nothing happened awake whole night.

My recent pulmonary function test and CT show improvemen. However, the fatigue and weakness have had a definite impact on my quality of life. In the past week I've developed crippling lower back pain. I'm also on Rituxan and Prednisone. I'm extremely worried about long term use and the development of leukemia and other various cancers.