Ventolin (albuterol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ventolin (albuterol)

Had asthma since age 5, ventolin inhaler has always helped reduce wheezing and open airways, saved me from mild to severe asthma attacks several times.. I've noted that I don't need to use ventolin if I use the preventer medication seritide regular and on a daily basis.. makes me wonder what 35 years of daily ventolin has done to my body??

No serious health conditions, fit and healthy.. definitely think i'v relied on ventolin puffer way to much since I was very young and it became a psychological habit to jus puff at the first sign of shortness of breath. I'm 40 now and trying to use a preventer medication one puff daily and reassure myself I don't need ventolin unless I have an asthma attack.. wow only took me 35years to figure out.. warning you can become dependant without realising you don't really need it..

Muscle cramps. Fast heart rate..

This drug is not what it used to be .Quality control needs to be examined. It doesnt work as well as it used to. Stops working when the puffer is 1/2 full. GSK NEEDS TO BE not the only one complaining about this issue..Something is wrong.

I have no side effects with this drug and it has saved my life on multiple occasions and I wojld be lost and extremely ill without it

absolute miracle of a inhaler. it controls my breathing and helps me if I get a tight chest or wheezes. wouldn't be without it and it has saved my life on many occasions and stopped multiple asthma attacks

I find it to confusing and Ithink it rubbish.I was taking seretide I find so much safer.12 puff a day I really do get what mean.What do use after 12 puffs and theirs still not enough air. Total confused.

Like I say I have copd not asthma .It’s rubbish after giving up seretide with so much confusion I will not know if I am using to much or not.

Works very well as an asthma reliever. No side effects, no taste when inhaled.

Instant severe depression, sense of unreality, brain fog and I am suicidal to the point of planning how to do it. Whilst it relieved the bronchial spasm, it wasn't worth it.. I stopped taking it yesterday but the bad side effects are still parly with me.

This stuff nearly killed me. Once before when I had pnuemonia I was given Ventolin but I didn't remember how bad it made me feel because I was hospitalized for pneumonia. On that occasion the doctors knocked me out and put me in ICU, they said I was acting erratically. I don't normally act erratically and I now think I blame the Ventolin for that. I can take prednisolone, an oral steroid but not this stuff. It's been about 24 hours since I quit but this morning I was lucky to be able to drive to work, as I was so tired and "out of it". I won't take Ventolin again.

The HORRIBLE TASTE & Side Effects are hardly worth the benefit..

Tastes like I'm coughing up paint fumes after usage. Headaches, muscle tremors, dizziness. And it DOESN'T work on my asthma much at all. I'm worse the next day after using it.

Horrible, useless, this is a badly made inhaler. It just plain doesn't work on my asthma. Feels like it doesn't get into the lungs at all. I have to double up on the puffs to feel anything and it still doesn't work right. And it makes me worse the next day. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.

I tried it once...and only oncehorrible. gave me fever, muscle aches, anxiety, and made me mean :o( burned the heck out of my throat too.

I started having major anxiety attacks and manic behavior. Something I have never in my life experienced. I became crazy jealous and lashed out to the people I loved the most and am afraid I may not be able to repair some relationships.

I was in danger from the asthma and some anxiety was related to the fact that I had been symptom free for 3 years after losing significant weight and controling my diet and exercise & was suddenly having trouble again. My symptoms subsided after 24 or so hours without medication.

No side effects. Effectively helps my breathing.

The inhalor tasted better before it was HFA. Thanks.

Since I have been taking ventolin HFA I am having trouble speaking and swallowing but without it I cough and cough

Initially when I started, it felt like I drank too many cups of coffee. But over time my body adjusted to it and now have no side effects from it.

I seem to use it more in the winter. Hardly ever in the spring and summer. Really clears up any wheezing quickly. Good stuff.

Horrible ! Dizzy, vomitting, Chest pains, and really bad anxiety and panic attacks.Heart beating really fast.

Asthma induced breathing difficulty

Weakness especially when standing, light-headedness, feeling anxious and overwhelmed.

Ventolin does help me breathe so it is worth the side-effects.

to alleviate breathing problems

Side Effects forventolin (albuterol) - User Comments


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Some light-headedness, shortness of breath at night (feel like I am suffocating), insomina, incessant vivid dreaming.

Had 1st and 2nd initial vaccines plus a booster in October 2021. Have not contracted Covid-19. Time for another booster.

I have been taking this drug for 12 years now. I am really surprised to read all these side effects these people have been having. I've never once experienced any side effects at all. Even in the beginning. Did anyone stop to think that the reason they are depressed is they've just found out they've contracted a std and it's rocked their world. Yeah I was depressed for a few years after getting it but it was the situation not the drugs. My little blue pill makes me a happy camper. I am on suppressive therapy taking one 500mg dose a day. I tried about 4 years ago to wean myself off to just treating the outbreaks but I was getting them too frequently when I stopped the Valtrex completely. Don't give up on something just because of perceived side effects that might not even be related to the drug.

Extreme Nausea, Vomiting, Fatigue, Depression, Diarrhea, Unable to sleep due to symptoms

I feel great for the first time in a long time. I've lost 4lbs. so far of the 25lbs. that I gained with the depression which is wonderful! My head started to ache the last day of 30mg of the medicine. Hopefully now that I've moved to 60mg this will stop. The side effects are well worth the benefit of this drug. It's great! Even though Cymbalta makes me drowsy and sleepy it's a different kind of sleepy and drowsy. It's definately not depressed exhaustion. Depressed exhastion is PAINFUL! Drowsy and sleepy I can deal with.

Weight loss, which seems rare. I remain 40lbs down from my life-long "husky" weight(now at the impossible recommended BMI). At 45, I am not complaining.I also lost my appetite. I forget to eat breakfast and/or lunch. If I am preoccupied, the hunger just goes away. This is especially true if I am very stressed. The stomach just knots up closed. My weight does not seem to be affected by what I eat.CANNOT CONCENTRATE OR FOCUS! Horrible! Misspelling words, forgetful, it takes me forever to write a work email. As I write this, I am supposed to be finishing a work assignment.Insomnia is random, sporadic, and comes in 3-4 night cycles. I need to kill the cycle with a sleeping pill on day one. If I am up after 11, it is hard to fall sleep, and I've gone from a hard sleeper to a light sleeper. I even remember my dreams now.Alcohol headaches! More than 2 drinks, and I get a shooting pain right above my left eye. Every time. It's like a sharp needle. And sometimes a bad han

It did keep the flu from going full blown, which was good. However, it is very hard on the stomach and G.I. tract. The insomnia is also a big problem when you need all the sleep possible to heal.

They did ok for chest infection but terrible sides .works on infection but very dangourous.

It also did not work for my daughter's allergy symptoms. I feel so bad for giving this to her. Every day her mood has gotten a little worse, and she just feels like every thing bad happens to her. She woke us up in the middle of the night screaming b/c she thought there was a man in her room.