Ventolin rotacaps (albuterol sulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ventolin rotacaps (albuterol sulfate)

slight shakiness, mild accelerated heartrate, mild dizziness when taking more than one dose per day.

I'm not sure if these are still commercially available, but they worked very well for me as I was sensitive to the aerosol propellant used in a traditional 'puffer'.

asthma and inflammation of lungs

noneI already had tremor, postural and intention tremor, have noticed no difference. On a couple of occasions heart raced a little.

VENTOLIN ROTACAPS (ALBUTEROL SULFATE): Albuterol (also known as salbutamol) is used to prevent and treat wheezing and shortness of breath caused by breathing problems (such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). It is also used to prevent asthma brought on by exercise. It is a quick-relief drug. Albuterol belongs to a class of drugs known as bronchodilators. It works in the airways by opening breathing passages and relaxing muscles. Controlling symptoms of breathing problems can decrease time lost from work or school. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Stay away from this'll turn you into somebody that you're not! and you'll wake up during the night many times shaking like a leaf.

muscle ache in legs and back, doctor says there is an increase in Liver... ALT(GPT)and Liver…AST(GOT)... so i have cut back from 2.5mg every day to every other day.

I have not had any side effects from Micronor.

Worse drug on the planet _old and out of date. Doctors who still prescribe this antiquated drug should be taken to court for negligence.

Total nightmare. Felt like my brain was suffering, it was unbearable. Felt totally cold, no more emotion except anger. Could almost not control myself. I couldn't cope with anything, even the sensation of water on my skin. Felt like I couldn't control pulsions anymore. All my energy was onto not crashing my head on the walls and finally I had to be hospitalized.Took it 5 days, 10 days more were needed to get better.

Overall soreness! Now the hips are affecting my exercise routine! Scans reveal nothing's wrong with the hips!I feel I've aged 30 years in the last 4! I'm not sure it's worth the pain for only another month to my lifespan!

I'm watching this drug suck the life out of my dad, who once had a quirky humor, and had goals and ambition ! Now he is moody if he runs out of pills, quick tempered, tells us we should let him die ... I don't know him anymore our hearts are literally breaking ! I've seen this happen to others as too!!!!!

Andeonmona face lips nose swollen

As my dose increased from 25 to 50 then 75 then 100, the tingling sensation in my hands and feet was unbearable. Changed from capsule to tablet, 100 Mg and this improved. After a few months my wife began noticing how poor my concentration and response was to almost anything. Led to very difficult period of depression low self worth before I saw my GP and came off