Tilade (nedocromil sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tilade (nedocromil sodium)

Seems to lift my mood a little. I had bad side effects from steroid puffers and Tilade is the only one I can use. It took two months to be working really well.

The only puffer preventer I can use without any bad side effects.

At first it's a bit "chalky" on your throat

It is the only asthma preventer style medication I can use. It is not as powerful a preventer as the steroidal preventers. Having said that the steroidal preventers send me into an anxiety ridden insomniac. I'm so glad Tilade exists.

None that we know of (possible weight gain, but she is also on Singulair)

My daughter has been on this medicine for over a year and even though her asthma is not completely under control, it has been a good option for a non-steriod asthma drug. We really did not want to have her on a steriod for long term. She has only had an ocassional night-time flare up, but we are still working on her endurance during exercise before she has to stop because she can't breath.

TILADE (NEDOCROMIL SODIUM): This medication is used to treat itchy eyes due to allergies. Nedocromil works by reducing the release of natural substances in your body that cause an allergic reaction. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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