Spiriva (tiotropium bromide monohydrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Spiriva (tiotropium bromide monohydrate)

was on Singulair for a long time and during that time I had terrible chest pain that I ended up in the emergency room on multiple occasions for over a year. They could never find anything wrong. They always diagnosed me as having bad indigestion.

I haven't had the chest pain since stopping the Spiriva

Too good. It was as though it gave me permission to continue smoking tobacco and weed

Dry mouth, pupura skin issues, hives, eczema like rashes, bloating, frequent night urinating (almost hourly) fatigue, headache 5 days out of 7. Eye and visionary issues, low moods to the piont no interest in anything at all!

Kept going back to my GP they diagnosed me with everything under the Sun i.e. deppretion, sciatica, chronic fatigue syndrome, age related, copd worsened.And I did not related these devastating health issues with the Speriva Respimat untill I went on a 18 vacation and forgot the inhaler.LOL, within 7-10 days most symptoms lessened or went completely.

Dry mouth, pupura skin issues, hives, eczema like rashes, bloating, frequent night urinating (almost hourly) fatigue, headache 5 days out of 7. Eye and visionary issues, low moods to the piont no interest in anything at all!

Kept going back to my GP they diagnosed me with everything under the Sun i.e. deppretion, sciatica, chronic fatigue syndrome, age related, copd worsened.And I did not related these devastating health issues with the Speriva Respimat untill I went on a 18 vacation and forgot the inhaler.LOL, within 7-10 days most symptoms lessened or went completely.

Dry mouth, pupura skin issues, hives, eczema like rashes, bloating, frequent night urinating (almost hourly) fatigue, headache 5 days out of 7. Eye and visionary issues, low moods to the piont no interest in anything at all!

Kept going back to my GP they diagnosed me with everything under the Sun i.e. deppretion, sciatica, chronic fatigue syndrome, age related, copd worsened.And I did not related these devastating health issues with the Speriva Respimat untill I went on a 18 vacation and forgot the inhaler.LOL, within 7-10 days most symptoms lessened or went completely.

Bloated stomach. Constipation. Itchy skin (excema)

So many of the capsules don't pierce properly and have to be discarded. Waste of money and complaints have never been taken seriously

Headache, sleeplessness, sinus issues, dry red itchy eyes, fatigue (may not be related?)

After reading all these bad reviews and having so many of the same side effects, I won't be taking it anymore. I don't feel like it helped any anyways

Chest discomfort and congestion, cough that won't go away, wheezing/growling in throat when laying down, blurred vision

I stopped taking this years ago because of the side effects, then went back on a few months ago to please my doctor, but it just isn't working for me or my asthma. Yesterday I decided to stopped taking it again. Tomorrow I'm starting Trelegy, but I don't like the reviews I've read on that. Will be paying close attention to any side effects.

Horrible bloating in stomach & weight gain. Excessive mucus production & increase in coughing. Altered thyroid levels.

Like the medication.... was on the handihaler years ago but think the same thing happened then. Went off for a couple of years now on this one & happening again. Funny that all the weight gain & bloating comments are from women....only happens to us or men don't care (pay attention)?

Weight gain. It's been terrible. The doc who prescribed it recommended I lose weight. Ugh. I need something else

Let prescribing folks know more about weight gain.

Hives dry skin ezema red eye halos blurry visionHigh blood pressure sleep interrupted by constant need to pee. One big hive on cheek.

Did not help with asthma as much as all that still coughing a lot. Side effects got worse over time. Esp skin, and high blood pressure.

Horrible dry eyes and sinuses... eyes became unbearable with pain

Stomach/bowel problems, chest discomfort, heart burn, dizziness, U.T.I, blurry vision, eye flashes, very itchy skin, breathing problems.

This medicine is making me miserable, I've never felt so unhealthy. No benefits, expensive and the side effects all amount to a very negative experience. I had an SP (Spontaneous Pneumothorax) this time last year and I was given this inhaler to prevent a reoccurrence but I just can't go on taking this medicine.

Gradual loss of voice, sore throat. Some blurry vision.Stopped 2 days ago based on research of side effects.

Stomach bloat .. I look about nine months pregnant - weight gain ( ten kilos in six weeks) .. varicose veins - joint & muscle pain - breathlessness

It works well for lungs but side effects not worth it

Instant weight gain. Terrible fat stomach cant get rid of. Hoarse voice, couldnt read aloud to end of page, breathless. The hoarseness and breathlessness went away when I stopped the respimat but the FAT remains.

The respimat is different then the handihaler. The respimat caused horrid weight gain, as others have said right away and continued. Profuse sweating during normal workout, heart palpitations, shortness of breath hoarseness. I feel so much better actually OFF this drug but I have mild copd and have no alternative meds. If u have copd worse I would not want to discourage you but for me it worsened things.

How does anyone lose this horrid weight? And No its not associated with stopping smoking (I did that 15 years ago) its directly caused by the start of spiriva respimat and exactly bulged out my unrecognizable midsection. I just want to know if the spiriva caused a new medical condition and how to lose this weight as it it does not feel normal or respond to exercise or diet restriction.

chest tightness cough. Still not breathing easily

Red eye, colourful flashes in eyes, halos, stomach problems, hives, chest pains, headaches, dry mouth,

Would not recommend this drug to anyone.

Red eye, colourful flashes in eyes, halos, stomach problems, hives, chest pains, headaches, dry mouth,

Would not recommend this drug to anyone.

SPIRIVA (TIOTROPIUM BROMIDE MONOHYDRATE): Tiotropium is used to control and prevent symptoms (such as wheezing, shortness of breath) caused by ongoing lung disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-COPD which includes bronchitis and emphysema). It works by relaxing the muscles around the airways so that they open up and you can breathe more easily. Tiotropium belongs to a class of drugs known as anticholinergics. Controlling symptoms of breathing problems can decrease time lost from work or school. This medication must be used regularly to be effective. It does not work right away and should not be used to relieve sudden breathing problems. If wheezing or sudden shortness of breath occurs, use your quick-relief inhaler (such as albuterol, also called salbutamol in some countries) as prescribed. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Did you know that Lilly made nearly $3 billion last year on diabetic meds, Actos,Humulin and Byetta?Yes! They sell a drug that can cause diabetes and then turn a profit on the drugs that treat the condition that they may have caused in the first place!I was prescribed Zyprexa from 1996 until 2000.In early 2000 i was shocked to have an A1C test result of 13.9 (normal is 4-6) I have no history of diabetes in my family.All the psychiatrist I've interviewed and the information on line presents zyprexa as a worse offender than the other Atypicals such as seroquel.My doctor has stopped prescribing zyprexa altogether.The PDR classifies zyprexa as 'severe' for causing weight gain and diabetes and seroquel as 'moderate'.Of course the 50 year old Thorazine didn't cause diabetes and is many times cheaper but it could cause tardive dyskinesia.Where Eli Lilly's negligence comes in,is their KNOWING and not informing consumers (black box warning) until the FDA demanded i

Sore anus when having BM and stomach aches that seemed to be related to the tender/tearing tissue in my body. I think what was happening on the outside of my body (severe dryness) was happening on the inside. Also, my cervical mucus was almost non-existent and made sex unenjoyable. About a month after stopping the drug, all these symptoms had vanished.

Was told that these are not side affects from coumadin. I have never felt so awful. I have no energy at all. I still work a full time job and love t. Prior to surgery, I was always "on the go" doing so many things.....now, my life has changed.....it's terrible. I think, at times, that I would have been better off w/o the surgery....at least I had a life.

Took this my freshman year of college. Looking back, I have hardly any recollection of my freshman year. Bits and pieces come back to me, but it is nothing compared to the memory of my sophomore-senior years. I ended up going off it after a year. The medication was too much for me. I am on citalophram now and am doing much better!

Just upped my dose from 22mg to 45, its helped very well with the depression, a little for social anxiety. Thats why my dose was upped to try and do more for the anxiety part. But no complaints. I also take wellbutrin sr in the morning, just 100mg to help with morning fog. I think its a good combo.

I have hed no side affects from taking this medication