Pulmicort flexhaler (budesonide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pulmicort flexhaler (budesonide)

PULMICORT FLEXHALER (BUDESONIDE): Budesonide is used to control and prevent symptoms (wheezing and shortness of breath) caused by asthma. This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. It works directly in the lungs to make breathing easier by reducing the irritation and swelling of the airways. This medication must be used regularly to be effective. It does not work right away and should not be used to relieve sudden asthma attacks. If an asthma attack occurs, use your quick-relief inhaler as prescribed. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I still cannot say this drug works on raising my HDL levels because I have not had my blood work done yet. I gave it a 2 but will update later after my labs.

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Forgot the horrible side effects when I took it once before as Claratin. This product did NOT help my allergies - it just put me into basically a coma. I could not even get up to go to work. The generic name is Loratadine-stay away from it--took Claritin 1st time and Loratadine 2nd time (year apart)- same results same junk. Drixoral was a life saver for my allergies-but long discontinued. Done a lot of research - they say Dimetapp for kids is a substitute.