Proventil-hfa (albuterol sulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Proventil-hfa (albuterol sulfate)

PROVENTIL-HFA (ALBUTEROL SULFATE): Albuterol (also known as salbutamol) is used to prevent and treat wheezing and shortness of breath caused by breathing problems (such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). It is also used to prevent asthma brought on by exercise. It is a quick-relief drug. Albuterol belongs to a class of drugs known as bronchodilators. It works in the airways by opening breathing passages and relaxing muscles. Controlling symptoms of breathing problems can decrease time lost from work or school. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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?This drug killed my mom in 2005. She was 55yo and a heavy smoker from age 24, but her health was not as bad as some. When she took Geodon 60mg per day 20mg per dose. First pill not so bad, just a little lethargic but those symptoms didn't go away, they just kept getting worse. Three days into it she died. Her heart gave out. All her life she was off and on different medicines and a body can only take so much. If a medicine changes how you feel physically, don't take it, they are not supposed too. What they are meant for; is to change you mentally, your train of thought. She could not speak and her heart rate was very high for her and she could not take in a breath of air for more than a second. She told me that something was wrong but I thought I should listen to the DRs. So now she isn't here anymore. And I was the one that gave her the medicine and now I have to live with that. And what I should have done what trust myself, I knew my mom as well as I know my kids when they're not

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within an hour of taking norvasc, I felt like there was a brick on my heart and it lasted all day. Also was dizzy and my brain was racing with a thousand thoughts, couldn't concentrate for a few hours.

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I've been taking Trazodone for about 4 months for insomnia due to chronic pain(100mg). It seems to put me to sleep pretty well most of the time. usually within 15 minutes or so. some nights i just lay there after taking it staring at the ceiling, feeling numb,weird. Seems like that is happening more the longer i am on it. I have gained about 20lbs in 4 months and cant stop eating. have a hard time remember things that people have just told me. get dizzy if i don't eat with it. and if i don't get at least 8 hours of sleep after i take it i feel tired all day long and i could probably sleep all day. I would say if you just need a short term sleep aid try it. i think side effects worsen the longer you take it and the higher the dose. I plan to keep taking it. side effects are worth getting some sleep.

it didn't work at all but even gave me a terrible stomachache.

Felt Awful! After 2 doses (12 hours) had difficulty urinating; pain across my back lower hips; stiff neck; flatulence; bloating; sore thighs (like I'd done squats for hours); extreme fatigue; little bowel movements once an hour or so; blackened corner of eye sockets arrived after 24 hours.

diagnosed with sarc. jan '06. symptomatic diagnosis with elevated ACE, clear chest x-ray. started on prednisone and switched over to methotrexate after a few months. i don't notice a huge change in the way i'm feeling taking methotrexate vs. prednisone; both severely reduced my symptoms (edema in legs, overall achiness, muscle weakness, tight curling/cramping of hands, joint pain), however i still don't feel "normal" (i.e. pre-sarcoid symptoms). Hard to say if current state is due to mtx. side-effects, or just original symptoms peeking through. I'm working on alternatives that will allow me to come off prescription drugs entirely... i'm looking for a solution, not a cover-up of symptoms...

It wasn't until my ankles started swelling that I had to do something different. It has been almost a week since I got off the drug and I am drinking 80 oz of water and urinating between 130 and 150 oz. I know I have lost a lot of weight but I don't want to step on the scales until the urinating gets down to at least 80 oz. What I couldn't understand was why I was gaining weight and eating very good. I had originally had been on Avandia but about 2 years ago the doctor put me on 45MG Actos. About 6 months ago he reduced it to 1/2 of 45MG. My last blood work showed that I was Anemic and my blood pressure which had been great was out of control. It wasn't until I developed swelling in the ankles that my doctor became concerned. He had me take an Ultrasound on the legs which turned out fine. There is absolutely no doubt that Actos was the cause and I really think this drug was KILLING ME.