Maxair (pirbuterol acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Maxair (pirbuterol acetate)

MaxAir (PIRBUTEROL ACETATE) actually made my acute asthma attacks worse. My doctor had to switch me back to ProAir (Albuterol Sulfate).

Made my breathing worse (see Side Effects section). ProAir (Albuterol Sulfate) worked for me with no side effects.

Wonder drug. Best rescue inhaler ever! I use it before exercise or up to 6 times a day during asthma flares. No palpitations! No heart racing! Easier to use than an MDI. I really like the autohaler.

same as another comment, all other inhalers made my heart race, this one doesn't- it's great

I really liked the old maxair and it is a shame it was discontinued. kind of expensive but was worth every penny.

If I had the strength needed to get the medication out of the Autohaler, I wouldn't need it.

A good (light) medication. highly effective. With other inhalers I had to deal with

Maxair is the best inhaler I've ever used! Other inhalers made my heart race; Maxair is the only one that doesn't. I especially like the Autohaler since it releases the drug as you inhale. No need for coordination :-)

I really like maxair because most of the dose is not wasted in my mouth. it all goes to my lungs

asthma from exertion in cold/alergy

way back when I first started taking it, I would get light headed, but that went away after a little over a year.

Maxair realy helped me through my last few years in the Marine Corps, and is a great help to me now as a Sheriff Dept Rescue Diver before I go in the water. I have been using Cingulair, & Advair for 9 months now, but I'm glad I still have a couple of Maxairs for scuba diving.

I have mixed feelings about Maxair. As a medication, it is absolutely the best asthma medication I've ever used. However, in mid-2002 the manufacturer discontinued the trusty old metered dose inhaler with a new thing called an Autohaler. I absolutely hate the autohaler, and I think 3M really screwed up by discontinuing the metered dose inhaler. I spoke to one of the product development people at 3M and they insisted that they have no plans to bring the metered dose inhaler back. So I'm looking for a replacement for Maxair. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. Currently I am trying Serevent. I'll let you know what I think.

Side Effects formaxair (pirbuterol acetate) - User Comments


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So far I feel kind of high and it seems like I can feel my brain if that makes sense. I am not sleepy at all - I feel wide awake. I have some nausea and loss of appetite.

At best, motivated/creative but impulsive/and sweaty, generally upbeat.At worst, frightened by occasional horrible thoughts and feelingvulnerable and fearful.

My mom had been depressed for 6 weeks - I took her to a new shrink just one week ago. He left her on Paxil 30mg twice a day, Imipramine 50 mg at night, and Ativan 0.5 mg 3x a day -- and added Risperdal 0.5 mg at bedtime to stabilize her mood. The plan was to (as in-patient) get her off these other drugs (she'd been on for 10 years) and try new ones. My mom, by the morning following her first 0.5 mg dose, was acting very paranoid and psychotic. She has episodes now with extreme anxiety, where she gets sweaty and her blood pressure and pulse shoot through the roof. I finally yanked her from the psych ward, but she is still totally messed up. Please help!

I was on Ortho Cyclen from age 15-19 on and off. Each time I would get on the pill, my sex drive would drop completely. I was on Yasmin which I highly recomment but went back on Ortho-cycle due to price.

On day 7, I quit smoking and felt like I was on top of the world. I was amazed at how well it curbed the cravings, I completely FORGOT to smoke. It all went very well until I started week 6. All of a sudden I was very emotional, had mood swings, had manic and then depressive phases, even thoughts of suicide. Fortunately my spouse immediately recognized that something was wrong, and contacted my doctor who slowly weened me off the Chantix over a 2 week period and on to Welbutrin. I had no history or depression before, but it does run deep in my family. Unfortunately I did return to smoking, but please use caution... this is a great drug and definitely helped me quit while I was on it, but if you or ANY FAMILY MEMBERS have a history of mental illness or depression, it is very risky to try Chantix.

i was on zpak for a week when i went to the ER for brerathing problems. thats is when they said i had sinisitus and gave me an TX for biaxin. 5 days later i had to rush to the hopsital for lack breathing too. both times the staff said my heart was beating fast but everything else was normal, they labled it an anxiety attack. i have been sleeping at my parents house since then because i dint want to be alone if it happens again. they prescribed me ativan which is a miricle. i completed the medication and hope that these anxiety attack side effects stop as well! I have never had any breathing issues my hwole life so this was the worst tmie ever for me.

everything got on my nerves; I screamed "Bite me!" at my son. Food didn't taste like anything; would wake in the night to a very sore throat, swollen tonsil

can anyone help me? just come off ARIMIDEX due to all the same side effects as you all suffer from it worth the change?

Scariest medication I have ever taken - and that was from only two doses!!

I had tried many different kinds of hypertension drugs mainly because my I hate side effects. My doctor told me that they give this to pilots because the side effects are very minimal. That convinced me and I will never switch.