Brethine (terbutaline sulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Brethine (terbutaline sulfate)

Yes, it causes the shakes, but it also calmed the contractions and slowed baby held on til 34 weeks. This med is a real God send!

My first son is now 25 years old and he has no developmental problems from the long term use while I was pregnant. I took it every 2 hours around the clock.I now take it for severe asthma and it just cannot be matched for saved my sons' lives, yes two sons, and has also saved my life.

Very jittery and shakey, I could tell the baby was similarly effected by this drug. The brethine did stop contractions, but I feel the risks may outway the benefits.

I am very concerned that my son, now 5, may be adhd...and this may be linked to my use of this drug (as directed by my OB/GYN)..I am not happy that I did not have all the information that I needed before making an intelligent choice to take this for pre-term labor...

Jittery, anxious, and wanting to grind teeth. Feels like a panic attack that lasts for hours. Worst side effects I've ever had from any medicine. I hate to think how baby feels

HATE IT! They should use this for torture/interrogation... it's THAT bad

jittery, shakey, nervous, mean, bit the whole left side of my cheek to pieces. Gross!!!!

To stop contractions/pre-term labor

Extreme jitters and shakiness. I can't hold a book or magazine to read because I shake so much, affects my typing accuracy/ability at times, very restless, etc.

I am on several other prescription drugs including Valtrex (500 mgs daily) and Lamictal for seizure disorder (currently on 50 mgs..just started this one a little over 2 weeks ago). Currently 31 weeks pregnant with second child.

BRETHINE (TERBUTALINE SULFATE): Terbutaline is used to treat wheezing and shortness of breath from lung problems (e.g., asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchitis and emphysema). Controlling these symptoms can decrease time lost from work or school. Terbutaline is a bronchodilator (beta-2 receptor agonist) that works by opening breathing passages to make breathing easier. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I felt EXTREMELY weak and tired, muscle aches, feverish, like I had the flu, dry mouth and soaking might sweats after the first pill. I only took one pill and 2 days later I still feel awful.

I haven't experienced any side effects from this medication - touch wood - which is unusual for me as I've reacted to everything else I've been put on (Humira, Remicade, Methotrexate, etc.). I sometimes experience insomnia and mild headaches for the first week after injection (I inject every 12 weeks), but these clear up.

I have taken Vytorin for 3 years. My Cholesterol reduction has been substantial. Total 250 start; 103 as of 11/07. LDL 179 start; 53 now. TRIG 167 start; 87 now. HDL 38 start; 34 now.

Do not take before bedtime..very jittery and tossed around all night..feels like I am in a fog. Will not take again

Should be taken off market. Have tried to get off before but couldn't stand withdrawal symptoms, now I am trying again and will stick to it no matter what happens

I've only been taking Zyrtec for one month but I have gained five pounds!!! I have recently moved from an urban setting where I walked everyday, but now I am working out almost everyday and eating better!! This is the only new medication I'm on and, after reading some of these comments, I think it's the Zyrtec. I wish they would've listed this as a side effect. I've battled weight my entire life, I certainly don't need this now!