Azmacort (triamcinolone acetonide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Azmacort (triamcinolone acetonide)

difficult swallowing, hoarseness, but the worse was the nighttime muscle cramps which were very severe enough to be afraid to go to sleep. Weaned myself of of it.

lots of mouth irritation and gum irritation even though rinsing well after use. Also notice weight gain and my face swells and I have to stop taking it for a few days. It does improve coughing and symptoms quite well but I hate the side effects.

I am now taking 4 puffs 2x daily with Singulair each day to get me off the albuterol. Seems excessive but i'm taking the albuterol less.

I've been on Azmacort for about a month and it is not working. I'm still coughing and wheezing. I'm switching back to Pulmicort. The only thing I've had that might be a side effect is I had sore gums for a week after being on Azmacort for a couple of weeks. That has gone away. Otherwise, I don't know why my gums would have been sore. So, no other side effects, it just isn't working for me.

Have not been hospitalized for stat attack for over 10 years after being put on azmacort. Prior to being on Azmacort, was frequently on oral steroids. Able to lead full life: walks, play golf, do yard work. Rarely need to use albuterol inhaler. For me, it has been a cure, although I know better as asthma is a dangerous disease if not managed.

Had all of the very rare side effects, blood in stool, raw & painfull throat when eating or swallowing, discontinued use right away.

The combination of Azmacort and singulair has worked wonders for me. More than one Dr. has tried to sell me on advair, but my current drugs are working great for why change?

I cannnot live without my Azmacort. It's my miracle drug. Keeps my congestion down and is a major control of my ashtma.

I love it - can take deep breaths without coughing

AZMACORT (TRIAMCINOLONE ACETONIDE): This medication is used in a variety of conditions such as allergic disorders, arthritis, blood diseases, breathing problems, certain cancers, eye diseases, intestinal disorders, collagen and skin diseases. Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of triamcinolone, especially if it is to be injected near your spine (epidural). Rare but serious side effects may occur with epidural use. Triamcinolone acetonide is known as a corticosteroid hormone (glucocorticoid). It works by decreasing your body's immune response to these diseases and reduces symptoms such as swelling. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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DON'T TAKE THIS PILL! i understand some people don't have those effects but most do and its horrible. you feel so out of control and like your losing your mind. Its feels like i've heard roid rage be described. i even started thinking about starting a petition to get this pill off the market or retested because i know as angry as i got you don't know what it could make you do the longer you were on it. someone someday could seriously flip especially if they had some problems before starting the pill. if your interested in a petition of some kind let me know.

Just now took it, said on bottle it helps with sleep. Said to start with 1/2 pill, so I only took 4 to not be dangerous. Blood pressure obviously down, feeling more relaxed than my tweaking butt was. Already optimistically happy that going through an unknown neighbor's house garbage was not a complete waste of time like too often.