Albuterol (albuterol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Albuterol (albuterol)

It makes you jittery/shaky for a little while. No other ill effects.

I've taken this medication before when I had asthma as a teenager, pneumonia at 22 years old, and now influenza at 33 years old. I'm no stranger to the irritating jittery feeling. However, the relief it brings to my lungs and airways is immediate. I would absolutely take albuterol again if needed.

Horrible side effects! Heart palpitations, muscle pain and weakness.Confusion, anxiety and depression.

I usually only get side effects when I have a bad attack and need to take several(5 ) inhalations and they are usually headache and minor shakiness.

This drug has saved my life many times and unlike many drugs which have very high risk/benefit ratios, this drug is a godsend for people who suffer from asthma without a ton of damaging side effects. The inventor was even knighted for his contributions to humanity.

i am 60 years old, have had asthma since birth, or so they tell me, have not had an asthma attack since i was in my early teens. Have had low oxygen levels my entire life. Had pneumonia last year, started out with a little congestion, should of went to doctor for medicine, did not, so ended up with pneumonia. I have been pretty healthy most of my life, in fact i do not get sick, except for this stupid pneumonia i got last year (also had chest congestion about 10 years ago and pneumonia about 25 years ago) Now they decided i should be on all the drugs, tried inhaler, it almost killed me. now doing albuterol with something else in nebulizer treatments. My breathing is steadly getting worse, my mental state of mind is getting worse. The medicine is awful, i have quit taking it and am hoping that it is not too late to get back to how i was. Why do the doctors not realize that low oxygen levels can be caused by the pulminary vein narrowing. But evidently they will not check that because

this is not a medicine physicians should prescribe

shaky, increased heart rate, better breathing

Loved it. Couldnt have survived attacks without it.

increased energy and stamina when execising without the annoying coughing spells I would normally suffer with. very very happy :)

when have severe asthma attacks

I've been on Albuterol for years and I don't know what I would do without it... it's saved me every time.

shakiness, increased heart rate, anxiety

it's saved my life, so i'm willing to put up with the side effects

I have been taking albuterol for 20 years and have had very few side effects unless my asthma is not doing well and I take too much of it. This can make me nervous, and my heart race. It can also make you a little nervous and shaky when you first start taking it until your body gets used to it. It can cause insomnia if you take it too close to bedtime so I take it about 30 minutes before I go to sleep to avoid that.

Would recommend. It has been a life-saver for me.

very effective, has saved my life on numerous occasions

breathing worsened. anxiety, panic attacks, shakiness, resting heart rate went from 55 to 130. Went from running long-distance to not being able to walk in a week at 25. Ended up on disability with a permanent disruption to my body's ability to respond to adrenalne properly. Ended up with a permanent breathing condition.

shakiness if I am having a particularly bad asthma episode, and have taken more than the prescribed amount, but I would rather be shaky than unable to breathe and dead!

This inhaler gives nearly immediate, and complete relief! I am positive that I would have died (several times) if not for this inhaler! Even during a very bad episode, when I need to take 3 or 4 puffs, it clears me up completely within just a few minutes!

unable to clear respiratory colds

nervousnees, shakiness, hyperactivity in both kids (6 & 3)

increased heart rate, not that bad, some insomnia

It is a good drug for asthmatics and it saves your life in some cases. I would recomend it

If you take too much (more than 2 puffs) this stuff will give you the shakes.

I've been on albuterol since childhood and have learned not to go anywhere without it. This standard medicine is called a 'rescue inhaler' for a reason!

The worst!! I was up ALL NIGHT wired the first night. Finally fell asleep at 6am! Extreme agitation, on edge, tearful. I almost felt manic. Stopped after 24 hours use. Felt like its effects stayed in my system another 24 hours plus!

I would rather have a some difficulty breathing over feeling like this again!!!

Side Effects foralbuterol (albuterol) - User Comments


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DO NOT TAKE THIS MEDICATION! Whatever you have going on please do your research before taking ANY drug. I honestly can't believe a drug like this even exists.

cramping for the past two months -- because of the cramping I expect my period every morning but it never comes. Not terrible cramping but not comfortablealso, increase body hair growth -- I'm waxing like crazy!

After many attempts to quit meth on my own, my mom took me to a psychiatrist and he put me on Topamax Provigil. The Topamax was remarkably effective at reducing my obsessive cravings and compulsive drive to use meth. The Provigil greatly reduced the withdrawal symptoms. If you or a loved one wants to quit meth, this combination of medications will dramatically improve your chances for a successful outcome.

Dr. recommends to be on coumadin for 1 year for best chances of 'dissolving' DVT. It's been 9 months. Going to make appt. to get off soon. Interested to see if there is a difference - or if it's just age!

taking 500mg; no noticeable difference in depression. agree with previous comment made, seems to have stablized the depression, which seems a very small benefit given the risk of taking the medicine.

md & hosp ordered this before I lef

It worked very well for me. I am a recovering opiate addidct and if you are taking it not expecting to get high it works.

I had a script for bactrim generic... I had 20 pills to take. i took them all and the last 2 days of the meds started breaking out in hives.. EVERYWHERE... they are terrible... I went to the hospital and was perscribed 3 dif medications including prednisone (steroid) to stop the swelling pain and itching.. WELL this was tonight and they are stil getting worse.. I am ging nuts it is so hard not to scratch them. I'm going nuts. I am going to walmart tonight to get some anti-itch lotion so i can sleep... You have to see the size of these hives... its like they all joined together to make a 4 inch long hive.. I have them on my face, my calp, top of my feet, ankles, stomach, legs, elbows, knees, ass... everywhere... I do not recommend taking this med EVERRRR!!.. look like a i have a mad case of chicken pox but 10 times worse... I am praying every 5 minutes just hoping they will go away!! r even stop itching so much, or aything.. I want to roll around in a bed of broken glass to stop the i

I have been taking 15mg of Zyprexa for about 6 weeks. It seems to work ok and taken at bedtime provides very restful sleep.One problem however - my libido seems to be disappearing. I have always had a strong and healthy libido and absolutely no erectile problems.My pleasure relay in the brain (for sexual feeling) seems to be shutting off. I have researched online and this side effect is apparently fairly common as the posts on this site prove out. I have also experienced the accelerated appetite and very slight weight gain. (I have a very regular and steady metabolism and the weight gain has bee minmal @ 5-6 lbs with no further gain). No medication is worth losing your sexual function. I am going to taper down the dosage (to 1/2 = 7mg)and see if that helps. I am convinced that this (Zyprexa)is the cause of this strange numbing of my sex drive and intercepting of my brains signals for erectile function. If the reduced dosage restores my normal drive,I will stay on it at the lesser dose.

Briefly..I wound up in the ER. My throat completely closed up and I was unable to breathe. I was in such a severe state that they did not even bother to have me register. They just rushed me to the treatment room and pumped me full of steroids.