Accolate (zafirlukast) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Accolate (zafirlukast)

I have been taking Accolate for around 2 years. When I was taking it twice daily, the day time dose caused me to be so sleepy that I couldn't stay up during the day. I went down to one 10 mg pill at night and I have been maintaining somewhat but still struggle with asthma. I also do the Symbicort inhaler twice daily.

I think I tolerate it ok but it doesn't work fully.

off-label encapsulated implants

terrible bruising. intestinal issues. Reddish rash.

There are liver damage warnings for older women taking this drug. I worry about young children taking this drug.

Adult onset Severe Asthma COPD

Ear aches with loss of hearing in left ear, colitis, weight gain, sinus infections, lack of concentration

Quit taking accolade 4 months ago, breathing actually got better. My peak flows increased 50-75 points. I have not had an earache since although my ear is still stopped up. Have lost around 10 lbs effortlessly. Am still on Advair and would like to be able to discontinue it but my throat tightens when I skip a dose. Had severe analypic shock with throat swelling when taking Prednisone. Was able to get off that after 15 yrs of heavy doses. The cure was the cause.

Much less easily trigged by allergens.Just ran my first marathon! Used to get exercised induced asthma.Working great for me!

Taking it twice a day is kind of a pain. Some medications only require 1 dose per day.

I use it to prevent an asthma attack and so far it is working. Been taking it for about two years.

Food was going 'straight through me' - no help to my asthma - helped me lose lots of weight though!

Can be fantastic for those for whom it works - just not for me!

ACCOLATE (ZAFIRLUKAST): Zafirlukast is used to control and prevent symptoms (such as wheezing and shortness of breath) caused by asthma. Controlling symptoms of asthma helps you maintain your normal activities and cuts down on time lost from work or school. This medication must be used regularly to be effective. It does not work right away and should not be used to relieve sudden asthma attacks. If an asthma attack occurs, use your quick-relief inhaler (such as albuterol, salbutamol) as prescribed. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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This patch gave me my life back! After 4 hours I felt calm and happy, in love with husband. I've had low or no libido for 10 years. Had hysterectomy 6 months ago. Decreases asthma. Hot flashes which started 2 years ago are gone. I love this patch. .05 mg on a 130 pound, 5 foot 2 woman is the right dose for me. Lower dose made me irritable, bloated and brought on asthma. Careful with coffee or chocolate, it seems to over stimulate me, more than before.

high level of irritability!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never taken birth control in my life. I was only four days into the pack and I was experiencing pelvic pain and bloating. Started it when I was ovulating so this didn't help the pain I was already in. Always happy, level headed, and confident I was suddenly crying at my job for NO REASON, I still am so emotional and I feel like I'm going crazy, I stopped the pill on 6/17 and I still don't feel like myself! Recently went to the doctors and I was diagnosed with mild depression. This pill has absolutely ruined my mentality. I hope to balance out soon cause this is awful! Would not recommend to anyone!!

I'm taking this for problems associated with breast cancer treatment. It is pretty much the friendliest drug I take.