Voltaren-xr (diclofenac sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Voltaren-xr (diclofenac sodium)

VOLTAREN-XR (DICLOFENAC SODIUM): This medication is used to treat arthritis of the knee(s). It reduces pain and swelling, and helps improve your ability to move and flex the joint. Diclofenac is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

short lived euphoria. if you lay down and want to go to sleep it will knock you out. If you don't want to go to sleep, and stay up, it will make you feel a little spacey (and not in a non-functional way) for 30 minutes and then NO side effects

I feel like death walking..i ate a big meal drinked water then cranberry juice .then took the pill lastnight.one pill is all i was given to take.5hour later my heart beat so fast thought i was having heart attack.i had full panic attack my right upper part of my stomach hurted like it was finna pop.the middle of my belly button hurt so bad i was crying.i couldnt sleep.today im barey ate my stomach hurt im tired.and i feel like dog shit and death walkin..is this normal..im scared!!!a headace is slowly creepin i call this pill the vampire itz sucking me dry..

I realize my reaction was extreme, severe, and out of the ordinary. But I use the OTC form quite often without noticeable side effects. Frankly, this 6 hour duration period was the most scary experience I have had in my 43 year life span. I do not wish this experience upon my worst enemy. I sincerely pray that nobody else ever has these side effects.

i first took the tamiflu in the 2nd week of august 1 tablet twice a day for 5 days, whilst taking the tablet i experienced breathing difficulties, insomnia, and tingling hands, it was about 5 days after i finished the course of tamiflu that i started to feel very strange i felt as tho i was loosing my mind and i have had pannic attacks, feeling dizzy, tingling and numbness in my hands and feet, i went to the hosp because i thought i had smth seriously wrong with me i have had 3 lots of blood test taken and all were fine. It is now 5/6 weeks on am still not right am haveing a strange sensation in my head and still feel very weak at times, this is effecting my every day life and my work and would love to know when i am gonna be back to my normal happy self again its driving me mad if anyone knows how long please let me know ,

Initially severe constipation and decreased appetite.

I cannot take this at night due to insomnia but that's about the only side effect I've ever had. I do not get drowsy with this medication nor do I have an nausea or vomiting. It's a "lighter than air" feeling in my head.

sleep apnea, energy & adult A.D.D

It works! After chiropractic, osteopathic, accupuncture, physical and physiotherapy, steroid injections, massage therapy, taking one 7.5/750 tab before bed was the easiest and most effective solution for this type of least treatable back pain. once I am up and about, I have no daytime back or neck pain.

I found that it helped with my itchy/watery eyes but my nose has not stopped running and being stuffy. Im not satisfied with this and think its a waste of money for the price. Before claritin i was taking benadryl and I honestly think that worked better with the congestion in my nose which is much more bothersome for me than watery eyes.

I experienced severe headaches, especially behind my eyes and in my ears, very puffy eyes, excessive mucous, difficulty breathing, an oral thrush that did not respond to multiple courses of medication.