Voltaren (diclofenac sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Voltaren (diclofenac sodium)

Could not understand why my heart rate was so elevated. It was this medication. The doctor that put me on it FAILED to read my medical history. This stuff could have caused me a stroke/heart attack. It's bad news! Avoid if you have the slightest cardiac hx or maybe just avoid all together. How can this now be and OTC medication. DANGEROUS!

This stuff can be lethal. Do you homework before using this and make sure the doctor REALLY looks at your medical history not just skims the pages. Outrageous error made on my doctors part, my X Doctor. Best wishes to all.

Stomach cramps, nausea, palpitations, insomnia

Was using just the gel initially (for about three years) but the efficacy was limited. Had a back xray which revealed arthritis in neck, back, hips. Doctor prescribed 75mg voltaren orally (1 pill twice a day). I only have been taking 1 pill and, recently, I have been able to skip a day ocassionally without the return of pain. Discovered that metatarsal pain (requiring custom orthotics) must have been arthritis as that pain is now gone and I've been able to lower the orthotics behind the metatarsals.---No adverse side effects. Miracle drug essentially. 2 month supply is $4.


I applied the directed amount the night of my doctors appt. I used it again in the morning. By 6pm, I was sweating excessively, dizzy and had diarrhea. I stopped using the ointment. Have had dizziness, vomiting and headachessince. It’s been 4 days.

If Britain and Canada stopped the use, why are we still using this product here in US,. And why are the doctors recommending it?

Not on it long enough to be harmed.

Read the warning label and medical literature which stated the danger of liver damage even with a minimal dose. Threw it out. Another doctor later prescribed it. I tokd him why I didn’t want it. He said I was mistaken. Insurance company would not cover it, citing danger.

I didn't have any, but Voltaren doesn't work. I am now taking a prescription version that does work under a doctor's care.

It was recommended to me by medical personnel who said it had worked for some of their patients. I got no relief from it and it's expensive.

I had terrible stomach pain, constipation. Also in the evening I would get terrible night cramps in my calves and feet.

I was very nervous about taking Voltarin in the beginning because it almost caused my father to bleed to death. It caused him to have a bleeding ulcer in his small intestine and he lost a lot of blood. I was assured that it had been improved and the issues such as those had been worked out. Although it helped me the side effects were just too much.

not recommeded for BACK PAIN-stupid !

Some stomach cramping initially but that has subsided.

Stomach pain, diarrhea and gas. Heartburn/indigestion.

I stopped taking it yesterday. My appetite has been uncontrollable these past few days, not sure if the medicine has something to do with that.

Right knee joints swollen and seems

After.i had finished taking two (2) voltaren tablets (75)mg daily for about a month,because of a right inflammatory swollen knee joints and around that area it.happens.Anout two weeks later my skin started to change.some small Red spots on my back, under fore arm area, lower arms,thigs and rib cage area appears.ai started to panic, they then change to some pale whitish faded spots and increased they were quit visible.i then go forward to get a.doctors.opinion on it.

I will ever use it,trust it or advice anyone to use it.they do so at there own risk.

took 2 x2 5mg tablets once at night

Have taken in past Only when bad back pain or other joint paint and it worked amazingly..I would have rated it 5 back then because it worked and pain gone. no noticable side effects. This time I woke up with horrific pain from knee down ... entire lower leg felt intense cramp ( not just the calf muscle) leg sort of paralyzed couldn't move for the pain.. it fleel rock hard.. never had this type of pain before .. strange and excrucuating.. when it eventually passed no soreness in leg like is usual after cramp. I wont ever take Voltaren again

De Quervain's stenosing tenosynovit

I have tendonitis in my left thump which is painful. I am taking one Voltaren 75 mg sometimes everyday sometimes every two days. It helped ease the pain.

I started noticing symptoms of tiredness, loss of appetite a month after use, but I did not pay attention. As the symptoms became worse I realized that something is wrong with me. The only thing I was doing different was taking Voltaren. I read the comments in this site and I realized that all this sick feeling is due to Voltaren. I am stopping taking it and hope to take care of this problem either through other medicine or surgery.

The pain subsided, only to come back later.

Feeling sick, stomach pain, palpitations, feeling of dread because body not happy.

I rubbed this gel into my arm twice before I knew that my body didnt like it, listen to your body and you dont go far wrong!

Severe osteoathritis in both knees.

Haven't had any.Just drink a lot of water, and take with meals.

So very grateful,am able to function.

Sore gut, runny poos, lack of motivation, tiredness

Thoracic outlet syndrome pain in sh

Worst cramps and diahrea I've ever had. Lasting so far 2 days. Headaches overall nausea loss of all energy and appetite going on 38 hours now. Also did nothing for the shoulder pain except that the cramping and diahrea shifted my focus for about 10 hours. Side Effects came on almost 10 hours after taking the med

Ended up couldnt eat for 5 mths lost 40 kilos vomiting blood & coffee beans. Lost my taste buds had severe

Stomach issues i ended up looking like a war prisioner. 2 yrs later i am all better

VOLTAREN (DICLOFENAC SODIUM): This medication is used to treat arthritis of the knee(s). It reduces pain and swelling, and helps improve your ability to move and flex the joint. Diclofenac is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I must say, no inhaler is a first! I have needed one ever since my first case of Bronchitis in the early 90's. Now I am clear, my breathing is fine and I don't seem to need any. I also forgot to tell the Dr that I have had three different bouts of what I think were boils, on my breasts...no Dr. could ever explain why they were appearing or how to get rid of them! They come from a bacterial infection, I just found from surfing the net...I didn't even know that! So would I take these drugs again...as long as these symptoms go away and nothing further happens...Yes!

Some nausea, but nothing extremely bothersome. I felt euphoria for the first month on the medication (which is a positive side effect so I can't really complain).

bad swimg moods every day at the same time. That swimmg moods always happen around 9 pm. This having happen for the last 4 months. Every night I pick up fights with my teeanager kids for stupid reasons. Also I have low sex drive, I feel sad, tired burning down,. I am very irritable in my job. I liked because I dont have the crampy periods, my periods are shorter but I dont know if worth to take it anymore because I dont like my terrible mood at night.

The stuff did nothing for me except wreak havoc on my body

I seem to be the only person in the world who gets sharp pains just as they fall asleep (so I don't fall asleep) but the drug usually works. I haven't been taking it constantly for 4 years as it stopped working for me after a few months, so I was switched to something else until that stopped working, and tried Indo again. It has also reduced the number of general headaches I get. I take 50mg 45 minutes before bed.

I used to take it and it was fabulous. Maybe something in my system changed to make me react so strongly to it?

Take a half pill and it might do the trick.Helps with the back pain.

I thought the estring was extremely uncomfortable. I feel like I had inserted it correctly (I used a diaphragm in my youth--much more difficult to insert than the estring)--but it just hurt. I much prefer the Estrace cream, will go back to that now.

I've been very cautious to not abuse this drug. However, in the five days I've had it, I only took it as needed for three out of the five days. When I'm on it, I feel very relaxed and I sleep very deep but when I'm off I have insane NIGHTMARES!!!Vivid dreams like you wouldn't believe.

headache, hallucination, insomnia, irritability, anxiety/paranoid