Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine sulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine sulfate)

Caused a breakout of itchy hives/psoriasis.

I stopped the med but the itchy spots and flare has not gone away. It's been @2 weeks since I stopped the med. I hope the side effects go away soon!

Anxiety, burning skin, dizziness, headache, nausea, malaise, blurry vision, night sweats and body felt like it was on fire

Tried taking plaquenil 3 different times over the past year. Began at 400 mg once a day, the side effects were terrible, dropped down to 200 mg but no relief from side effects. Discontinued for 6 months and began to take 100 mg. Same if not worse side effects after one month.

High anxiety, panic attacks, low appetite, fast heart rate, & dry mouth.

I am now off of it. Not sure if I will take this again. Praying that I feel normal again soon.

Horrible diarrhoea, nausea and dizziness with migraines. I also had chronic stomach pain that woke me in the night. Continued because Dr said these side effects were usual with this drug.Thought I would faint upon standing.Tried to push through because it helped with my joint pain and muscle fatigue/pain, however, on the last day of treatment, I woke feeling hungover. (I do not drink)I felt so unwell, I didn't know how I was going to get out of bed. Stopped the drug after finding it affected my liver. This was due to me having no gallbladder and advanced disease.I'm now taking the drug once a week, under sufferance.Still having side effects and since cutting the dose back, my pain is back with a vengeance.

After one yr. prickly burning skin on arms and legs. Pin like pain. Like sunburned skin

heart side effects, dizzy, blurred vision, lightheadedness, chest palpitations fast heart rate, high blood pressure, chest pain, left arm pain, everywhere pain, tingling, shortness of breath

took this drug and it was horrible, been 35 days without taking it wondering how long i have to wait for sides to clear

I was hopeful for this medication as it helped one of my close friends with Lupus. Within a week, I started to get very irritable and wanted to yell at the postman... this is nothing like my character. I also started to have a burning like sensation on my skin, like when you get a sunburn and go back out in the sun. My scalp started to burn and itch followed on the last day I took it - I started to get hives. I took claritin immediately and called my doctor. He said it stop it immediately... I had such high hopes for the joint pain and mobility with this drug, it was disappointing as I won't know if it would of worked for my pain. I just currently stay on 5mg of prednisone to help, but it isn't enough.

Took for RA. Had mild Psorisis before taking and understood it could make it worse. Well, it worked beautifully for RA. Loved this drug and got immediate relief from pain, and had so much more energy. Unfortunately, it caused Psorisis to form and spread rapidly all over. Wish I could have stayed on it. Would recommend for RA.

Eyes a little dimmer when reading -

I have spoken to at least 3 Dr/ Specialists and have had Ross River fever some 20years ago - I took about 18 months to recover from ROss River fever ( which according to the world "you never ever really recover" as it is an immune response problem and I was treated with Feldene etc over 2-3 years - the Drs told me that I would have recurring "bouts of hectic pain" in the future accompanied by Malarial type reaction about twice a year - tiredness, exhaustion, and stiffness followed but I rowed my machine daily, ate good healthy food, few red wines and became pretty fit & well again / My previously damaged joints like toes ( football) and hands -fingers / wrists ( boxing etc ) have now erupted into a very painful state whicb varies in intensity day to day .... The Gurus label it - Polyarthritis - and its just 'wear & tear' and have suggested Methotrexate as a final solution but introduced me to every other pain relief like Diclofenac - Ibuprofen -Celloxocib - Paracetamol - and all of these in various generic presentations ? I sleep at night after Panadol x 2 but usually wake twice or so on the night with soreness and by 6am I am feeling exhausted - I am a reasonably robust person, I walk & swim comfortably but I am generally declining in my self - The pain ha at times in my wrists agonizing and I really don't know how to control or maintain at

Dermatomyositis/ connective tissue

After taking plaquenil about a week, I started itching all over my entire body. Noticed a severe rash. My skin felt hot to the touch. Went to dermatomyositis who said stop taking it and did a biopsy to confirm I was allergic to the drug. Nine days later and not any better. Back to dr who said it may take weeks to get out of my system. I'm rotating ice packs throughout my body. This is the worse nightmare of my life. Unbearable itching from my head to top of my legs keeping me awake all night... please let this end soon.

The first day I took it, I just didn't feel right. I had abdominal cramps and nausea. On the 4th day, I had had a severe headache for 3 days. That evening, I started wheezing, couldn't catch my breath, felt like a weight on my chest, rash on neck and face. I started taking benadryl and albuteral puffer because I couldn't breathe. I felt like I had a focal seizure. I finally got myself under control late that night. I didn't take it the next day, but I felt like I had the flu. I couldn't get out of bed. My eyes would barely open and felt like they were raw. I'm on my 4th day off of it and I'm just now feeling a little better. Still no energy and I'm having muscle shakes. I'm still having wheezing and hard time breathing. Also, on the few days I was on it, my BP and hear rate were high. I could hear my heart beat loud in my ears. Anyone else experience this?

I have tried to get in touch with my Rheumatologist with no luck. I'm scared to try to take it anymore.

Had a bad rash on my legs back arms

Taking plaquenil for 2 years or more for my arthritis it did help but side effects were reall bad my GP didn't know what the rash was i was treated for scabies for 5 weeks and nothing helped the rash it got so bad i ended up in A E for 17 hours doctors didn't know what it was after waiting for so long i got to se a consultant he couldn't make it out and said I needed to seen a dermatologist asap was sent for a biopsy and told it was a reaction to the plaquenil i stoped taking it there and then that was over 6 months ago still have some problems with my legs but my arms have cleared up went through hell scratching all over my body

Loss of hair, irritable, nervous and recently sore eyes

Overall has really helped my condition

Stopped it myself after 2 weeks due to it making the condition worse

It’s one thing to be in chronic pain after being on this drug for about five or six weeks now and the only side effect I have is a bad one!!! it hasn’t helped my pain from rheumatoid oh but my hair is falling out ,isn’t that lovely! Besides being in pain I can look at how ugly I am now with all my hair falling it’s just a horrible way to feel,, specially being female to lose your hair and be in pain every day! RA sucks and so does all the medication that they come up with ,,were guinea pigs!! 😢😞

Can someone tell me if their hair loss stops or does it continue until you’re bald??? Also, my eye doctor is aghast that I’m on this medication seeing I’ve had many issues with my eyes!!

Taking plaquenil gave me moderate relief from the joint pain. I only stopped taking it because my primary physician would not keep prescribing it; she insisted that I should see the rheumatologist regularly. I could no longer afford to see him or the other specialists I was seeing. The worst effect that I am aware of is the fact that my teeth have gotten progressively worse and keep breaking off at the gum line. I don't know whether it's the plaquenil or not, but my hair became really wavy and I had always had very straight hair before.

Had so many symptoms at the time. Couldn't tell if I had any side effects.

Let's say, if it wasnt for me taking it. My rash would have invaded my entire body. What a terrible site I was. No more Cruises for Me...

My appendix ruptured. My doctor gave the credit for me surviving to God.

PLAQUENIL is a synthetic Quinilone, belongs in the Floro Quinilone family which has a black box warning by the FDA. I did not this at the time i took it. Previously had bad tendon damage with Cipro.

First month 400mg/ day, main side effect was diarrhea. Second month I realized I was becoming very photosensitive and even minutes of being exposed to sunshine I would burn in large spots. I was also experiencing very strong tingling in hands, feet and lower limbs. It was like little misfires or little shocks everywhere. Was given steroid pack. Tingling somewhat subsided but not fully. 8 months in we went to Florida for vacation in spring(from Canada). Within days the peripheral neuropathy kicked into overdrive, I was not only tingling like crazy but now I was going numb, fatigued and even disoriented. Called my dr back home. He lowered my dose to 200mg/day in evening. I leveled out very quickly (couple days)and symptoms became less severe. Fast forward 4 more months, peripheral neuropathy was getting worse even on lower dose and fingers and toes were also aching now, constantly tingling and numbness would come and go. All blood work came back "normal", lupus is in remission/ inactive. Yay! Dr stopped Hydroxychloroquine (plaquenil) yesterday fearing it is now doing more harm than good. Over all I do feel it may have caused increased anxiety and depression and irritability...however lupus alone can trigger those symptoms I'm sure.

Overall Plaquenil did take away the muscle and joint pain. It worked wonders for that. For that reason I am satisfied with plaquenil for what I took it for. Took about 5-6 months to see full effect. Since reducing the dose from 400mg to 200mg 4 months ago I do feel some of this pain returning 🙁 You win some, you lose some!

Plaquenil can make you completely blind!*Legitimate looking vitamins I take to help remediate itI took Plaquenil for over 13 years and it caused me (and 6 in every 1000 patients, new research shows) to have toxic maculopathy it caused. *re: even if you quit taking the drug, it can continue to damage the eye until blindness occurs.If you are taking it, make sure your physician is using the NEW guidelines on treatment ==I think it is no more than 5 milligrams per kilogram (For example just heard an example on this video if under 140 pounds you shouldn’t be on 400 miligrams — )Friends: If you have ANY changes in your vision, friends, head to a retinal specialist--1 test I had an angiogram done.

My first retina specialist said i could be blind in 20 years without telling me the odds of that happening or giving me hopeMy 2nd retina specialist doctor thinks that, since I have had very little deterioration since stopping the drug 18 months ago, I may be one of the fortunate ones that only have some damage.All I thought Plaquenil could do to my eyes was to cause them to lose color vision. I never truly understand what the Humphrey Visual Field Test was (and it is very rudimentary, my current retina specialist doctor said. If you have ANY changes on this test, be accessed by to a retinal specialistIt did work well to make my Lupus/Scleroderma is more symptomaticAre there any support groups or experimental therapies for toxic maculopathy?*I am looking for experimental treatments or for information sharing on this! I found EyePromise Restore Vitamins that I take for retina health== those particular vitamins seems highly rated on all websites and that my retina specialist recommends —they are backed by 2 studies cited on their website called the Ares studies*Website for vitamins: www.eyepromise.comI take these eye vitamins I take to remediate future damage beyond what Plaquenil has done to my retina/macula (I have toxic maculopathy)I researched them thoroughly and they seem very legitimate.I am not paid and do not have any interest in selling EyePromise fyi!

PLAQUENIL (HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE SULFATE): Hydroxychloroquine is used to prevent or treat malaria infections caused by mosquito bites. It does not work against certain types of malaria (chloroquine-resistant). The United States Center for Disease Control provides updated guidelines and travel recommendations for the prevention and treatment of malaria in different parts of the world. Discuss the most recent information with your doctor before traveling to areas where malaria occurs. This medication is also used, usually with other medications, to treat certain auto-immune diseases (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis) when other medications have not worked or cannot be used. It belongs to a class of medications known as disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). It can reduce skin problems in lupus and prevent swelling/pain in arthritis, though it is not known exactly how the drug works. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Amazing drug. My cough stopped in about 5 minutes. No side effects. Like magic.

I have only been taking the Ortho Tri-Cyclen for about three weeks. I haven't had a period on it yet, so I don't know what that will be like. So far I haven't gotten pregnant, so that's good-lol-and my skin has cleared up pretty well, but I have been having sharp pains near my ovaries. I have also been switching between being constipated and having diarrhea.I haven't had much of an appetite either. Major headaches--migraines--everyday!!

I'm no longer taking this medication.

Doctors should take it for a week as a trail run and give there comparisons... Horrible drug!!!!!!

It has helped he reduce the amount of the seizures I get.

Did not help. Continued to get more sick. Fever increased. Coughing and mucus increased. Could not eat anything. I would get immediate stomach ache and watery diarrhea. Ended up going to ER since so dehydrated and not getting better. Will never take again.

Day 1 = vomited & had to go home from work. Day 2-3 = felt very high. Day 4-7 = slept 12 hours per night. Day 1-30 = couldn't orgasm. Day 30 = body twitches similar to those on Zyban.

I almost lost my marriage due to the lost of my sex drive. I've been married for 1 year yes 1 year and I have no desire at all for sex. I snap for anything. I thought something was wrong with me because I've always had a healthy sexual appetite. Until I found this site I would have never known. My doctor never told me about these side effects. I was told I wouldn't have a period little weight gain but nothing of what I'm experiencing. I'm so happy I found this info out. I'm due for another shot next month but guess I will not be getting that dose. I'll try to find another option.

- Changes in libido plus ED (these have since gone)- No other side-effects

Flatulence, lethargy, nausea, light-headedness, lack of sexual desire and function and a general feeling of disorientation and overall malady.