Clinoril (sulindac) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Clinoril (sulindac)

Nausea, headache, nosebleeds, foot cramps, itchy scalp

It was effective in terms of controlling pain and stiffness. However, by day 6 the side effects clearly outweighed the benefits. I am sensitive to to drugs; it may help others.

It's a very mild anti-inflammory drug that works great for me with no sign effects.

plantar fasciitis or "heel spurs"

This was prescribed for me since, per the doctor, "some anti-inflammatory meds work better than others, for some people with some conditions." So I decided to try it after trying others. It was like taking candy. I was taking 200mg 3 times a day.

For one week the pain relief was great - then it just seemed to stop working and severe diarrhea set in. Had to stop because of this.

Left an earlier rating that does not apply now! Will just have to stick with traditional pain meds and O/C anti-inflammatories.

DRAMATIC pain relief within three days! I can now walk without limping, and get in and out of my car with relative ease. As a bonus, this drug also seems to help my fibromyalgia pain in spite of what I've read that anti-inflammatories don't work for this condition. I've been able to cut way down on my Vicodin intake; I haven't felt this good since my 40s!

No better pain relief than Ibuprofen or or other OTC pain relief

Clinoril Linked to Stevens Johnson Syndrome

CLINORIL (SULINDAC): Sulindac is used to reduce pain, swelling, and joint stiffness from arthritis. It is also used to treat arthritis of the spine, gouty arthritis, and shoulder bursitis/tendonitis. This medication is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). If you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis, ask your doctor about non-drug treatments and/or using other medications to treat your pain. See also Warning section. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

Started taking 3 months ago. Toenail fungus of 16 years improving dramatically for 1st time. (Tried all alternatives without success)Went on sugar free/ gluten free diet, no alcohol. I believe this minimised impact on liver, and thus side effects.Terbinafine is toxic, but so is a fungus, often found systemically if on toenails. Lifestyle change stops re-occurrance, but needed terbinafine initially.

flu symptoms hot and cold splitting headaches very lathargic not intrested in anything

its not strong enough- now rohypnol- thats a drug

I've been on 4 mg throughout the day and it is a blessing. It helps my anxiety like nothing else I've tried w/o side effects.

People are freaking out about the clumpy discharge, but my immediate reaction to getting it was RELIEF. I had that weird, fishy BV discharge and dryness (no itching or other symptoms) and that was unacceptable. This is how I interpreted it - the gel killed off the bacteria, captured the dead cells in clumps, and then the dead cells were being discharged. Isn't that why that "side effect" is occurring? I figured it to be a good sign. Plus, I'm not smelly or dry anymore.

It's a lifesaver but everyone around you at home and at work need to be aware of your need for it. In case of emergency e.g. sometimes I forget to double it in a crisis such as sudden illness or critically stressful situation like a heat wave or even simple additional overtime at work when you normally knock off at 5pm. Naturally your body's fight/flight reaction could have done that for you, but a hypopituitarism patient has to manually add on a dose. Discuss with your doctor. I add 5mg when I feel I am coming down with a cold and it helps.

Worst side effect of my life! Started a few months after taking it one a day.

Ringworms are almost all cleared up. Was not given a liver function test, doctor said it was not needed for short treatments in otherwise healthy individuals.

Sleepy in the day. Works good for insomnia. Scared to taper off. I have been taking it for 6 months. .25 daytime .5 at night

I experienced a severe allergic Reaction. I have red marks on my stomach & back and they itch alot. As a result I am currently on a medication to fight of the horrible red marks and itching.It is very frustrating