Arava (leflunomide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Arava (leflunomide)

ARAVA (LEFLUNOMIDE): This medication is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, a condition in which the body's defense system (immune system) fails to recognize the body as itself and attacks the healthy tissues around the joints. Leflunomide helps to reduce the joint damage/pain/swelling and helps you to move better. It works by weakening your immune system and decreasing swelling (inflammation). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

Initially: more energy, need less sleep, wake up a bit easier, slight loss of appetite. After a few days: a bit tense, a bit aggressive and easily upset, fuzzy head. The last time I took it and after I had stabilized: Almost no side effects. Maybe a slight increase in libido, slightly more easily agitated and this seemed to correlate with caffeine consumption.

Works very well for anxiety and mild panic attacks. Has a good calming effect along with sedative effect to help me stay asleep at night which I couldn't do before the medicine. I recommend to at least try it. No bad side effects just typical antihistamine effects as mentioned before.

I hope it is successful for people.

Headaches, weight gain, mood swings, loss interest in sex.

Dry mouth, excesive sweating, can't sleep, sometimes I'm irritable but could be from lack of sleep too. Take Sonata (4-hr sleeping pill) as needed.

I feel exhausted for the first hour or so after I take it, and sometimes I get dizzy. In the beginning it made me nauseous as well. HOWEVER, the drug has helped me tremendously. I still have anxious thoughts, but resolving them is so much easier now... All of the physical responses to my anxiety that I used to experience are muted. Also, I find myself feeling happy on a regular basis.

This drug ruined my quality of life for about 2 months due to the resulting skin hives. The only way I could remove them was by doing a Dr. Hulda Clark liver flush out of pure desperation! The hives disappeared over night. I assume that this drug is extremely toxic to the body - it is best avoided!

Dizzy, memory loss, nervousness and tiredness

I do experience some of these symptoms naturally, but it all got worse. Constant bad headaches and nauseau. My sex drive did not get any less. But I do have the inability to eat or care about food. Too nauseaus to eat anything but a few crackers or some bread. The nausea is pretty bad normally, so I may try something else. This one was my first SSRI. I had more anxiety attacks, acting out on loved ones. I'm calling the doctor first thing tomorrow morning.

it is a nice pill. i am 28 and i have a child; Loestrin fits me perfectly. No nausea or breast tenderness. Also, my skin is not clear (i have acne). First week acne became much much worse... However, now (second week) it improves every day and now my skin looks better and better. So, if you want to take it for acne (and you are about my age)- give it some time, it will work.