Quinidine gluconate (quinidine gluconate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Quinidine gluconate (quinidine gluconate)

QUINIDINE GLUCONATE (QUINIDINE GLUCONATE): This medication is used to treat or prevent many types of irregular heartbeats (heart arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation). Quinidine can greatly improve your ability to perform normal activities by decreasing the number of irregular heartbeats you have. However, it may not stop all your irregular heartbeats completely. It works by blocking abnormal heartbeat signals. Before and while you are using quinidine, your doctor may prescribe other medications (e.g., "blood thinners"/anticoagulants such as warfarin, beta blockers such as metoprolol) to shrink any blood clots in the heart and to slow your pulse. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Dizziness, lethargic, firgetfullness

After reading the posts, I want to tell people, "to stick it out" on the nausea, etc. It does go away. Lexapro helped me sooooo much! My doctor added it to my Wellbrutrin 300XL, as it wasn't pulling me out of the pit of depression. Adding lexapro did....Please give it at least 10 days. I so feel for anyone suffering from depression, it is difficult and sad, especially when you are around people that don't suffer. They can't seem to help saying, "You're life is great, just be happy"....Drove me nuts! Hang in there!!!

Got zero sleep last night due to awful pain. Felt properly ill. GP has marked my notes so that I'm never prescribed erythromycin again.

Every medication has a different effect on each individual, and they always take a bit of time to get used to. For me, this med has been a life saver, it's made things so much easier for me. If your doctor has mentioned this med, take the ratings you see here for face value. Not every drug will work for every person, and if its not for you, you can stop taking it.

Stuffy nose, extreme fatigue, mouth ulcers, blisters in roof of mouth, sore throat (thought I had tonsillitis but have no tonsils) skin infections,

I was dx w/ osteoporosis after a recent bone scan. My prior test was 2 years ago and said I was osteopenia. My PCP wanted to start me on meds then but I refused due to side effects. I exercise, my wt. is WNL, I'm 60 years young. I decided to take the medication. Four days later I developed sudden stiff neck and bil joint pain of my thumbs. I called my PCP and was instructed to d'c the med.(which I already did) I'm two weeks past the first dose and still have the neck pain. I saw my holistic provider and through muscle testing she said my body does not like the Fosamax. I've started supplements and will continue to monitor my systems. I will NOT take these medications.


forgetfulness,...sleepyness at first but that went away..... At too high a dosage: brain chattering and won't be quiet.

I think my doctor overprescribed because she also gave me Soolantra and Clindamycin topicals. Rosacea is better now but not sure that all three of these meds were necessary. I wish I had never taken this medication.

Claritin did not relieve any of the symptoms. Still have runny, itchy nose and watery eyes...total waste of money and very disa ppointing.