Norpace cr (disopyramide phosphate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Norpace cr (disopyramide phosphate)

After years of taking this drug I experienced very rapid pulse episodes in excess of 120/BPM, somestimes for hours. My cardiologist stopped it cold turkey - rough but effective.

After a week, in which I had no less than three - hours long episodes of rapid pulse (120 /-) things have improved greatly.

dry mouth at times, urine decrease, urine smells

I don't think I could function without it. At 40 I had a pacemaker for hypervagatonia, but it doesn't do the job. I still get weak and nauseous. Norpace has helped a lot.

extreme anticholinergic side effects, repeated UTI's from urine retention, my pharmacist's nickname for the drug is "no pee"

I'd rather experience the tachycardia

NORPACE CR (DISOPYRAMIDE PHOSPHATE): This medication is used to treat certain types of serious (possibly fatal) irregular heartbeat, such as persistent ventricular tachycardia. It is used to restore normal heart rhythm and maintain a regular, steady heartbeat. Disopyramide is known as an anti-arrhythmic drug. It works by blocking certain electrical signals in the heart that can cause an irregular heartbeat. Treating an irregular heartbeat can decrease the risk for blood clots, and this effect can reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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severe pain in arms, hands, wrists, legs, buttocks, and bottoms of feet. Also developed rash over mid section and under arms. Took cipro for 6 days and stopped because i had no symthoms from the infection but was feeling worse due to medicine. 7TH day still having pain but seems to be better and rash / hives / red marks is slowly going away.

weakness,dizzeness, vomiting, loss of apeitite, nevorouseness.


Severe burning as soon as the cream hit the inside of my vagina. Couldn’t get comfortable to save my life. This is the second dose I’ve had and I’ve washed it out within 10 minutes of application. I do not recommend. I wish I would’ve read these comments before buying. (Post made on March 12th, 2020. 1:31AM after second dosage)

Don't heal as quickly. Reduced sinus swelling, allergies better. Happened to Get shot in hip w/bursa swelling (20 yrs)- better, pain in lower back - better, pain from Fibro - less & less flares, arth pain - better & better life because of less pain, better motion & emotion! I live the life - 40yrs Fibro & back/hip pain many of u describe as side effect. I'm sorry that maybe dosage wrong or whatever reason it was a bad experience for u. I am so grateful my Dr cared enough to find something that helped me. I have to wait 30 more days, he says not good to take more than 3x's a yr, & I am counting down the days!

I'm sure I've taken Amoxicillin in past and felt a bit off, some gastro issues, but not this intense e.g. the anxiety and slight dizziness. Also nausea. Interesting reading how many others experienced same. At least tooth is feeling better.

I have had none to speak of until tonight. I agree with the "burning in hell" comparison. My body is red all over and itches and feels like some is sticking needles in me.

I've only had a few minor headaches since I started Loestrin Fe about a month ago, but I can't exactly say it's from the pill just yet. I'm also taking Lamictal for bipolar disorder, and this pill has been working well with it. My friends and family say my mood swings have lessened dramatically. I've gained about five pounds as well, and my acne has gotten worse, but it's nothing unmanageable. I've always felt tired and fatigued, even before the pill, but for the past month, it seems to have gone up a little. I don't really have a problem with these things though. I've been on several medications in my life, and I know that every one comes with side effects. I'm just happy that these are only minor.I'm a little worried though. I started taking the pill to regulate my flow. Just before I started Loestrin Fe, I was getting heavy periods every 5 to 6 weeks. I haven't gotten my period since I started taking the placebos, and I'm afraid I'll get it before my next set of placebos, meaning the pill is doing nothing at all! But for now, I'm just enjoying the fact that I'm not spotting between periods like I was on every other birth control pill.

unable to sleep more than 4 hours, always thirsty, feel weak a lot.

It seems to have taken care of the infection I had at the top of my right lung very quickly, but given all the people here with their major side effects, I'm ready to quit taking it 4 days early. The doctor prescribed it for 7.