Nardil (phenelzine sulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nardil (phenelzine sulfate)

some sedation at the start, vertigo, BP spikes.

excellent medication, got rid of my depression and social anxiety/phobia. at the start there are side-effects but they go with time. SSRIs, TCAs pale in comparison to this medication.

Initially dry mouth and insomnia but now insomnia manageable..

A miracle drug for anxiety and agitation, social anxiety. So underutilised. It's been around since the 1950's so well and truly tried and tested. More young psychiatrists need to be educated on MAOIs.

Panic disorder, Major Depression

I'm no longer taking this medication.

Nardil was my last hope after struggling with chronic fatigue and depression for years. I had lost my passion for life and couldn't find the energy to engage in daily activities. Thankfully, Nardil provided a much-needed boost. It revitalized my energy levels, improved my mood, and allowed me to reclaim my life from the clutches of depression.

Burning mouth syndrome, itchiness, exhaustion, restless sleep, irritability

it has been helping my headaches a lot actually but im so itchy ive scratched myself until i bleed, im so tired all the time and im always irritated because of it and my mouth and nose burn all the time. i want to stay on so bad because i went from daily migraines to a few a week but these other effects are getting to me, had good results with selegiline patch but terrible rash, going to try parnate next and seeing a specialist for nerve blocks in my head

Severe social anxiety and treatment-resistant depression had become constant companions in my life, overshadowing any sense of joy or fulfillment. Despite years of trying different medications and therapies, I felt like I was stuck in a never-ending cycle of despair. That was until I discovered Nardil. From the moment I started taking it, I noticed a significant shift in my social anxiety. The racing thoughts and paralyzing fear began to subside, allowing me to engage in social situations with greater confidence and ease. Nardil gave me the ability to navigate social interactions without the constant worry of being judged or rejected. In addition to its impact on social anxiety, Nardil also proved to be a game-changer in my battle against treatment-resistant depression. It lifted the heavy fog of sadness and despair, replacing it with a renewed sense of hope and optimism. Nardil has truly been a lifeline for me, offering a path towards healing and a brighter future."

depression (TRD),social phobia, OCD

in the first 2 weeks a lot of sleepiness (which i liked), some dizziness, dry nose, and also waking up all of a sudden in the early morning. the side effects were not as bad as TCA's and SSRI's .after a few months not many side-effects, after years they all finished.

took Zoloft for a couple of years, did not help much...then tried more SSRIs, TCA's, the this great medication Nardil. it took a while to work (I think maybe 6 weeks, and i need 60mg)...anyhow it started working over a period of a couple if days and it was like this deep depression and anxiety just all floated away. i actually started enjoying activities, even like washing the dishes, enjoyed speaking to people, and felt confident to be around many people anywhere. To say Nardil works is an understatement, in my experience it is a God send. after all these many yrs it still works great. also, like some other people said, i never have had any problems with the diet, other meds, etc. it is very safe for me. so, in my experience Nardil is wonderful. i am so glad i did research and asked my doctor for it, who was happy to try it for me. best of luck to all.

when i started quite a few. sedation, constipation, sexual problems. BUT after around 4 months almost all side effects went away. weight gain stayed but gym and diet got all the weight off.

after 22 years this medication still works wonders. stops depression, stops social anxiety. best medication. do not know where i would be without it. Also, never had any bad food interactions or bad reactions. this medication is safe.

Panic Disorder w/Agoraphobia; GAD

Weight gain, insomnia, talkativeness

Depression, GAD, OCD, panic dis

sedation. once it kicked in my appetite went down.

so for 15 yrs on SSRIs, SNRIs, atypical anti-psychotics, combinations of these. even Parnate.8 weeks on Nardil did more than all together. depression totally stopped, anxiety gone. for yrs i have been often laying in bed depression with ocd anxiety, this medication changed all of that. it is amazing. i have had no problems with the diet, and the side effects have not been so bad (right before it kicked it i got very emotional and angry for 2 days). this medication is the best.

Not anything major. Upset tummy if taken on empty stomach, and occasional hypertension when standing quickly.

This drug saved my life. I was on 30mg per day 150mg trileptal as a mood stabiliser. Ot was magic. No weight gain or lethargy. Would still meed a few days downtime after prolonged periods of stress, but bounced back fast. No irritation/mania/anger depression. Literally felt the (I assume) normal ups and downs of well adjusted people.

insomnia, craving for carbs, decreased libido

Despite the side effects, Nardil is terrific! I started taking it at age 34. Within a few DAYS, I felt absolutely happy--almost high. I've tried a host of other meds with no success. Nardil is a life-saver!Exercise and a healthy diet help to increase libido, as I feel more sex drive when I look and feel my best. You absolutely must try it if other meds have failed you!

None really, much better than SSRIs

It's the only Antidepressant that works for me. Tried the SSRIs, TCAs, Mirtazapine etc.

Post natal depression and anxiety

Nardil is the only anti depressant that actually worked for me. It gave me my life back and has continued to work extremely well over the years. I would highly recommend it.

Depression severe social anxiety

Light headed when first starting it, constipation

The most effective medication in the world for social anxiety, going from hiding in my house with the doors locked not been able to answer a phone call and dreading walking in to a shop, to transform into a confident happy chatty positive person, I've tried at least 60 other antidepressants noting worked in any shape or form, started on nardil, woke up 1 morning and a voice in my head said I feel so happy, it was me I WAS SO HAPPY, goodbye days n bed not taking to anyone to hello world I've so much I have to do today so let's get this amazing day started, now nardil is gone, I'm back n my bed, depressed, sad, lonely, at least I got to experience life at it's best even if it was just for a few years

This drug has allowed me to have a successful career as a senior engineering manager, maintain an active sporting and social life.

None really. Better tolerated than SSRIs

Great for anxiety and depression. Nothing comes close as to how effective it is, and I've tried a dozen drugs. Get on it if you've been on the SSRIs with no success!

Helped me to get my life back, a life saver

insomnia was the main side effect when first starting Nardil but after a short time was easy to deal with

you do have to watch your diet while taking Nardil however this is easy to do and I have never had a problem with it in the 30 years I have taken Nardil

NARDIL (PHENELZINE SULFATE): Phenelzine is an antidepressant (monoamine oxidase inhibitor). This medication treats depression by restoring the balance of certain natural substances (neurotransmitters) in the brain. Phenelzine can improve your mood and feelings of well-being. Usually, this medication is used in persons who have not responded to treatment with other drugs. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Horrible nausea, headache, prickly feeling in feet, shakiness, insomnia, ringing in ears, out-of-body feeling.

Was taking Yaz (per dr orders), skipping sugar pills @ end & go on to next pack. With adenomyosis & scar tissue from 2 c-sections, my periods r excruciating & make me ill. 2 summers ago I began bleeding so heavily, I ended up with a d&c. I was on the pill & hadn't miss any. She switched me to seasonale. I don't miss any & skip the "sugar" ones to avoid a period, move on to next pack. But I still bleed on/off randomly, clots, it's unpredictable, inconvenient... & the pain is still there. I feel like I am on my period for days sometimes- even when I'm not. I am also moody, which is what I hoped to avoid by preventing periods and cramps altogether. And to top it off, I still am visited with the bloating, gas, & diarhhea that accompanies periods, yet I'm not having periods. And yes, I have gained about 9 pounds. :(

No effect other than a rash over my arms and legs

Mild increase in heart rate for first 20 minutes.

This drug is an amazing drug for me. After almost 3 years of severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, multiple surgeries, lengthy hospital stays and ER visits and trying every kind of pain pill from Morphine and Diluadid to Advil I thought nothing could take away my pain. After one week on Nortriptyline my pain level went from a 10 to a 6. It gave me some quality of life other than anguish and pain. It's a miracle pill for me.

I have been looking for a muscle relaxer that does not leave me in a fog. I have a baby and lifting him causes spasms in my shoulder and neck. I have tried flexural and can hardly function. This seems to have similar effects, perhaps not as severe. I have tried taking 1/2 a pill and the side effects seem to be less. I am not sure this is the drug for me yet.

A stranger told me about this drug and it has changed my life. I've suffered with migraines that were at times up to 3-4 times per week. I was barely functioning. Now, I take 40mg a night and I can't remember the last migraine. Truly a miracle.

anxiety, overeating, depression, extreme weight gain

Severe Nausea, dizzy, and tremors. Dr. told me to take 1/2 pill (20mg) in morning and 1/2 at night. This helped.

I have been on requip for restless legs for years with full effect. After first nerve block couldn't sleep that night due to horrific leg pain. Lasted into day after.Went for second nerve block 4 days later. Anesthesiolist said there may be a relationship between the steroid and RLS. Again had pains but this time i took pain med at first sign of leg pain. Was achy next day.