Mexitil (mexiletine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Mexitil (mexiletine hydrochloride)

I feel very depressed and down. This is very much a big change for me. I am usually very happy-go-lucky. I feel like a could cry at any given point. I also have this horrible headache and I normally never get headaches. I am not sure I want to be on this medication anymore.

The medication is working for the problem that I had, but I do not like the side effects that I am experiencing.

I felt terrible on this medication and I stopped taking it after 6 days due to its side effects: nervousness, sleep disturbances, tremors and brain fog. I also started gaining about a pound of weight per day.

Side Effects formexitil (mexiletine hydrochloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

I'm a woman, and I had priapism-it was AWFUL!!! It also didn't help me sleep. I'd be exhausted and feel so tired, but I still couldn't get to sleep.

I'd taken it a few years ago while also drinking alcohol. Then I would sleep walk, eat, fall down the stairs, have amnesia, etc. Now I'm taking it (because I quit drinking) and it works well. I think a lot of problems people have with this drug have to do with alcohol or other drugs. Alcohol in the blood turns to rocket fuel about 3:00 AM, which I'd say doesn't mix well with Ambien. Taken straight-up, Ambien seems okay.

I am satisfied with this product. It cleared all my acne. I had very irregular periods, but I am on a low dosage and now I don't even get periods at all. I gained a little weight at first, but it has gone away now. But, my breasts got bigger and stayed bigger! so thats a plus lol. I have forgotten to take the pill a few times but it still has been effective in preventing pregnancy as well.

For the first two weeks I had pretty severe akathisia (inner restlessness). However, then the feeling began to subside plus my doc put me on Cogentin, which solved the akathisia problem. I also had some anxiety attacks at first, but those went away.

Does anybody else have problems with urine and fecal frequency, urgency, looseness, and intermittent incontinence?

Side effects HORRIFIC......grinding teeth, dizziness, severe weight gain, crying all the time, severe low self esteem, non exsistent sexual feelings or other, zombie like state, lack of energy!

I have a really horrible taste in my mouth, and a headache that won't go away.

Take after dinner, allergic to most meds. I could not take gabapentin, but I do well on slow release. Helps somewhat must get minimum 8 hours in bed, foggy, confused,forgetful 1200 mg daily. I'm still in a lot of pain.

Yes, this drug does work but at what cost is the question. I am on a mission to ban this drug from the market. It is only supposed to be taken for two weeks, yet reps tell drs patients can take it forever...WRONG, this is a dangerous drug, I was on this drug for years, and am in the industry, so i understand everything about it. If you are on this drug, ask your partner, spouse, or someoe close to you if you have changed your behavior since being on this drug. I have met several people out in the feild who noticed there significant otherr habits and behaviors changing. Unmotivated, tired, lethargic, pukes up food after eating because there is not longer enough digestive enzymes to break down food in your stomach, thus starving your brain and body of the nutrients you need. I have filed suit with Takeda pharma and awaiting results, a long process, but if I can save people from this drug, I will do everything in my power, if you have any questions, please email me.

Please don't take this drug!!! I have been experiencing the worst anxiety of my love and it has given me daily panic attacks. This drug makes you crazy and I still feel the brain fog and the panic attacks after 2 weeks of not taking this, please tell me how long do I need to stay off this drug to finally feel relief. This drug has turned my life upside down and I fear I may not finish college now