Ethmozine (moricizine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ethmozine (moricizine hydrochloride)

only drug that effectively worked i am now having to look for something to replace it wish i could still get it

Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy

Experienced severe headaches for the first couple of months only.

Can no longer obtain this medication and had to switch to Tambocor. Not sure it is as effective, but have no noticeable side effects.

Severe headaches for first couple of months.

Could no longer obtain. Had to switch to Tambocor.

Side Effects forethmozine (moricizine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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dry mouth, anxiety, rapid heartbeat/pvcs, depression, sweats, disorientation, drowsiness, difficulty controlling sugar level

I would like to know if this medication can cause Severe Anxiety and Panic Attacks. I have suffered from depression and some anxiety for years but have always had it under somewhat control. I have never suffered from Panic Attacks until being on the Terbinafine (Lamisil). My first Panic Attack occured about 6 weeks after being on the medicine. I took it for approximately 3 months and stopped due to the Panic Attacks, as this is the only thing that I can imagine that make be causing them. I have been off for about 2 weeks and continue to suffer from the attacks.I would like to know if anyone else has suffered from Panic Attacks while taking this medication. If so, did the attacks stop after eventually stopping the medicine. Also would like to know how long this medication stays in your system after stopping it. I have heard that it can take months for your body to be rid of the medicine and the side effects. I appreciate any feedback on this. I am desperate to find out if this medication is the cause of my Panic Attacks.

Increased appetite and sudden weight gain

Almost killed me. It started with not feeling right, loosing weight due to loss of appetite, fatigued, tripping over, sore throat.eventually it put me in ICU for 10 days and 10 weeks in hospital. Rapid lost of weight, throat issues, loss of muscle, loss of energy, developed high blood pressure, afib,loss of motor function, brain swelling, end up with tube feed and drug induced Lupus. Still recovering and has been 6 mos.

Terrible pain in my right shoulder and bicep muscleswas getting hard to raise my right arm.

None, because I take my dose everyday at the same time in the morning and that I'm a responsible person.

disc bulge L4-L5, severe spasms

Prepare yourself for the worst and you probably won't be disappointed. :) I wasn't upset with the overall of the drug but I was fairly warned about the symptoms so.

i have to have sleep so i do not slip into a manic bi-polar episode and ambien was the drug that best got me to and kept me asleep. it works very well as long as it's taken and then you go straight to bed. make sure you have plenty of time to sleep and you'll get used to the bizarre dreams.

Works great for my breathing though. I'm going to try to get off of it. Problem is, I like breathing.